8 x 57 Mauser

John, I am shooting my .375 H&H Magnum with it`s new barrel today for the first time..I build it in 2014 with the assistance and guidance of my mentor Johan Greyling..he gave me a barreled action in a Coggswell& Harrison make..this was my first rifle build ..

when completed the build I found the barrel to be shot out ..so I had to remove all the sights /quarter rib /flip up indicators to fit a new barrel..this was a few years later ,
now I am the point of shooting it today for the first time with the new barrel..then I will be able to fit the last piece of the puzzle , the quarter rib...and blue it to take it for it`s first hunt in the Kalahari in July..
You will love the 375H&H!
Yes, I really love my .375 H&H Magnum, it is build to fit myself when shooting it, the straight swept back butt stock design with the pistol grip really dissipates any recoil ..it has the same recoil as my 8x58JS Mauser and my Mauser do not have any felt recoil..al the rifle stocks on my rifles are build as a straight lined swept back pistol grip rifle stock that dissipates felt recoil and makes for a fast follow up shot with open sights ..I design all my rifle stocks according to the Johan Greyling rifle stock design for open sights ..then later I fit a scope to it ...
Tom, then we , us members on this forum has to get together with our 8x57JS Mauser rifles here in South Africa..I like organizing special dedicated hunts , my good friend Georg Poppel from Germany participates in our 1885 Era Black Powder hunt as well..one of the hunts I organized already from 2015 .. I would really like it to organize a Mauser hunt in South Africa or in Namibia if there are members who want to participate in a Original German Mauser rifle hunt from the 1871 to 1945 I would surely organize such a hunt..(y)

That sounds awesome. I'm going to the Karoo this year, but I'm open for any other adventure, especially if it's rifle-centric!
Flatwater Bill, it is known that the German hunters load the 8x57JS and the 8x68S to very hot loads , something the USA and British rifle owners don`t do. Due to the history of the .318 or .323 bore changes made tot he rifles in the past...

This is why I can re-load my 8x57JS to much hotter loads than the 30-06 owner who hunts with me and my 8x57JS Mauer and get a better performance from it ..
Are you saying that the 30-06 cannot be handloaded to the same or better ballistics as the 8x57? That would sort of discount the larger case capacity of the '06 wouldnt it?
How different folks choose to load their favorite cartridges aside, case capacity is case capacity. And while the larger diameter does have some influence, I dont think its enough to over come the larger case of the '06 if both are loaded to the same pressures, with equally strong actions and barrels of the same length.
I just did a little powder charge test with an 8mm and an '06 case both same brand. I could get 60.3 grs of ball powder in the 8mm case filled to the brim and tapped down. I got 69.3 grs in the '06 case. That is not huge, but I think its enough to say that its at least the equal to if not potentially superior to the 8mm case as regards maximum potential.
We have some fairly adventurous reloading types on this side of the pond as well and I have seen some pretty wild velocities stated by others for the '06, that go beyond where I ever have.
If you are comparing hot handloads to any factory load, that is an apples and oranges comparison.
As Jack O'Connor once said, "trying to make a big case for one over the other is beating a pretty dead horse".
Are you saying that the 30-06 cannot be handloaded to the same or better ballistics as the 8x57? That would sort of discount the larger case capacity of the '06 wouldnt it?
How different folks choose to load their favorite cartridges aside, case capacity is case capacity. And while the larger diameter does have some influence, I dont think its enough to over come the larger case of the '06 if both are loaded to the same pressures, with equally strong actions and barrels of the same length.
I just did a little powder charge test with an 8mm and an '06 case both same brand. I could get 60.3 grs of ball powder in the 8mm case filled to the brim and tapped down. I got 69.3 grs in the '06 case. That is not huge, but I think its enough to say that its at least the equal to if not potentially superior to the 8mm case as regards maximum potential.
We have some fairly adventurous reloading types on this side of the pond as well and I have seen some pretty wild velocities stated by others for the '06, that go beyond where I ever have.
If you are comparing hot handloads to any factory load, that is an apples and oranges comparison.
As Jack O'Connor once said, "trying to make a big case for one over the other is beating a pretty dead horse".
I think it is merely a case of each one thinks his goose can lay a golden egg...I know you love your 30-06 a lot, it is just that I love my Mauer 8x57JS more :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: (y) (y) Enjoy your 30-06 it is a great caliber ..each one to his own..
No, I dont think so, rather its about facts. I am not in love with the '06 or really any cartridge, though one of my current favs is the 8x64.
But we all fall into this trap of trying to elevate our favorite rounds into things that dont quite meet reality.
Neither the 8mm or the '06 will lay golden eggs, they are both stalwart rounds with much history and in the game fields I dont believe there is any real difference in killing power. To say that one or the other kills better or quicker than the other would depend soley on myriad factors too lengthy to discuss, other wise two peas in a pod.
Such anecdotal evidence is fine, but lacking in information on the loads. Factory loads, handloads, bullet make, starting velocity etc?
As I said above, loaded in similar fashion, one is a good as the other. Nothing magic about either one, both are solid performers with lifetimes of experience.
Mentioned above was the 8x60 another good round. I have been playing with one a little longer, the 8x64 and finding it to be a very accurate round as well, and seems to prefer heavier bullets too.
I would not be afraid to tackle any large PG with it.
I would´nt bore everyone with a-lot of details. If the test was done with random loads and ballistic gel or something I would`nt pay it any attention. Same bullet type for all cals of course and good speeds typical for caliber. Test was conducted with Rhino bullets which is a top premium bullet and one of my favourites. Then it got my attention. They also used 165 grain bullets in 308Win which I think is a good call.
Whats nice with the 8x57JS is the whole package. The SAAMI specs. Slight freeboore. Lands&grooves. 8x57JS is referred to as a large 308WIN. I totally agree. Both very compact efficient well designed cartridges. Only difference is that the 8x57 truly shines with heavy bullets.
A couple of friends of mine fiddled around with 8mm06 in the early 90`s. Achieving 2600-2700 fps with 200 grains bullets if memory serves me right. sure, thats great. Anyways, so does my custom 26" barrelled 8x57JS. 49,something Norma 203-B behind Rhino 200 grain. A large moose in the woods, give or take 50 yds, open sights..I could think of none better.
Great story, it must be one of your great memories about your Father for sure...It would be spectacular if you still have his 8x57Mauser he used when killing the elephant.
There has never /will never be a more competent caliber designer than the German designers. The Mauser round be it for the 8x57/9.3 x 62 or 9.3 x70 DWM was the perfect rifle caliber for African plains game as well as dangerous game hunting.

The 9.3 x 62 Mauser was specifically designed for the German farmers in the old German South West Africa colony. It killed the most game in Africa for sure.Since even the farmers in South Africa has the 9.3 x 62 Mauser in the early years of South Africa .
The only reason why the German designed rifles/calibers did not became world leaders sellers is that the German Race has been demonized after the Adolf Hitler Natzi history ...people still think every German is a Natzi even today... :ROFLMAO:

So after the second world war the only hunting calibers that was available to the world was the British and American calibers that became the norm for hunting rifles ...
I absolutely share your view :
Nobody does it like Germans,,:) So when some Germans did a thorough scientifically good test in regards of penetration on huge monster boars I read it with interest. Shooting at those things, you definitely want to punch an exit hole. Only 9,3x62 and 8x57JS managed full penetration. None of the 30 cals went thru. Even 9,3x57 failed a little to my surprise

To me there is just not a better designed caliber or rifle than that of a German company. The only critique I can voice that really lacks in the 1930 era and later years in Africa hunting is the poor quality of bullets made by the German companies..this is where the great 10.75 x 68 Mauser got it`s bad name from for poor penetration and bouncing off a buffalo boss as described in the Africa`s Dangerous Game rifles book..and in two or three similar incidents in other hunting stories...
This is my personal perspective and believe in German designed rifles ..I only shoot German designed rifles .Since I have an uncommon knack for knowing when a rifle is the best designed caliber in my hands..:ROFLMAO:
Very good. I think we agree on a lot of things Gert.
When I a couple of years ago commissioned a custom sporter my intention was to use the action from my fathers old M24 rifle. Its was my brothers by then, but when inspecting it I found that some moron had used an angle grinder or something to fit a crap rail on top of it. I felt that I could`nt present that action to the great gun maker so I instead found a civilian undrilled Oberndorf M98.
Have btw a lot of other great memories. My father dragged me thru a lot in Kenya. From a number of ele hunts, Lamu (Muslim fundamentalist stronghold), going to the cinema at night in the weekends seeing Clint Eastwood movies in black rural areas,,, off shore diving,,many potentially lethal dramas etc etc.. My mother went ballistic often, when thinking about it,,more than on weekly basis :D
Have luckily my fathers old 375H&H, btw the same that knocked the ele unconscious twice.
Very good. I think we agree on a lot of things Gert.
When I a couple of years ago commissioned a custom sporter my intention was to use the action from my fathers old M24 rifle. Its was my brothers by then, but when inspecting it I found that some moron had used an angle grinder or something to fit a crap rail on top of it. I felt that I could`nt present that action to the great gun maker so I instead found a civilian undrilled Oberndorf M98.
Have btw a lot of other great memories. My father dragged me thru a lot in Kenya. From a number of ele hunts, Lamu (Muslim fundamentalist stronghold), going to the cinema at night in the weekends seeing Clint Eastwood movies in black rural areas,,, off shore diving,,many potentially lethal dramas etc etc.. My mother went ballistic often, when thinking about it,,more than on weekly basis :D
Have luckily my fathers old 375H&H, btw the same that knocked the ele unconscious twice.
Accidental Villain, that is what makes great memories, stuff that your Father did while hunting , you going with him on all these great hunts and expeditions..man, that is what dreams are made of...

yes, for sure, I can see you have a great love for the 8x57JS Mauser, it was a caliber I always wanted , after the Army days I did not care much for rifles ..so I bought a compound bow, 70 pounds Bowtech Allegiance , still shooting it , after coming back from several bow hunts I did not manage to shoot what I waited for to come into the blind area..

.I complained to a friend of mine and told him I need to buy a rifle when going Bowhunting again..he stood up, walked into the house and return with a Mauser 8x57JS in prestine condition, it has been standing for thirty years in his rifle safe..he only shot his .303 Enfield ..so he gave me my first Mauser... (y) (y)

I have been shooting my Mauser from the prototype hunting sticks I build in strong blowing winds last week and still managed to get three rounds in the center of the target..although it was only 50 meters it still was difficult to keep the rifle still on the target.. I will be shooting groups at 100 meters coming next week and then zero out to 200meters for my hunt in the Kalahari in July...
Gert.........I share your love for German rifles. Even the cheap ones, from 100+ years ago, often had clever designs and attention to detail that was impressive. My father, used to using German rifles, laughed when he saw the first American rifle that I bought. He looked at the investment castings, pot metal floor plate, and especially the sling swivels. He had never seen a sling swivel without a stop built in to prevent it from rattling on the wood stock and scarring it. I don't know why that detail bothered him so. Similarly, I never had or saw, as a boy, an English car or motorcycle that didn't leak oil and require constant maintenance. I was not sure the Brits could make anything right......and then I saw a British DR in 375 Short by H&H and I could scarcely believe it....It was awesome. In every respect. Continuing, I used some German bullets......on elk, and they were trash..........and I switched to the American Nosler Partition....and it was the best in the world (back then)....But times have changed. Now.....if I had my choice .......I would use a bolt rifle by Ferlach, Hartmann and Weiss or Heym, A shotgun by Boss, and a bullet by Barnes. Then I would use a Toyota Landcruiser to get me into the field. I hope your Mauser Only hunt comes to pass......(can I use the Spandau?)...................best of luck...........................Bill
Hi All. My first post. I was raised on the 270 which i love. Only rifle I shot with from age 12-35. Then moved to Pretoria from the Cape and started hunting with my inherited (dankie oupa) Winchester pre 64 375 in the bushveld. Which i now also adore. Was looking for a unique rifle as I have 3 boys and bought a 8x57 Heym.
I am have only hunted with it this year but a super accurate low recoil rifle. My 9 year old is shooting it. I tried to load it as slow as possible to limit recoil for him. Shooting 200gr Nosler accubonds ar 2310fps. At 100m they “cut” every time on the shooting range. Would guess 10cm grouping. Max an inch. (I dont measure but not satisfied until the shots cut each other on the target). I would love to know if there is any success with the 160 or 170 gr bullets. The 200gr is super accurate but with the slow speed comes a big drop at 300-350m. Problem now is I really enjoy all 3 rifles and struggle to have a favourite… good problems. All the best.
Hi All. My first post. I was raised on the 270 which i love. Only rifle I shot with from age 12-35. Then moved to Pretoria from the Cape and started hunting with my inherited (dankie oupa) Winchester pre 64 375 in the bushveld. Which i now also adore. Was looking for a unique rifle as I have 3 boys and bought a 8x57 Heym.
I am have only hunted with it this year but a super accurate low recoil rifle. My 9 year old is shooting it. I tried to load it as slow as possible to limit recoil for him. Shooting 200gr Nosler accubonds ar 2310fps. At 100m they “cut” every time on the shooting range. Would guess 10cm grouping. Max an inch. (I dont measure but not satisfied until the shots cut each other on the target). I would love to know if there is any success with the 160 or 170 gr bullets. The 200gr is super accurate but with the slow speed comes a big drop at 300-350m. Problem now is I really enjoy all 3 rifles and struggle to have a favourite… good problems. All the best.
What alternatives are there to the Nosler Accubond. I think its a great bullet but very expensive these days. I enjoy shooting a lot so looking for a similar performance bullet thats better priced. Was thinking Barnes ttsx but cant find stock and dint know new pricing. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thoughts on the Hornady interlock and interbonds?
What alternatives are there to the Nosler Accubond. I think its a great bullet but very expensive these days. I enjoy shooting a lot so looking for a similar performance bullet thats better priced. Was thinking Barnes ttsx but cant find stock and dint know new pricing. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thoughts on the Hornady interlock and interbonds?

Try the 200 gr Speer SP. they have them in stock on the Speer website.
What alternatives are there to the Nosler Accubond. I think its a great bullet but very expensive these days. I enjoy shooting a lot so looking for a similar performance bullet thats better priced. Was thinking Barnes ttsx but cant find stock and dint know new pricing. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thoughts on the Hornady interlock and interbonds?
The 160gn TTSX is superb in the 8X57. My youngest son has slain all kinds of PG with it.

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85lc wrote on wvfred's profile.
If youhave not sold your 11.2x72 Schuler, I will take it.
Just PM me.
Roy Beeson
HI all, here is a Short update on our America trip, I currently in Houston and have 2 more meetings here before movings North toward Oklahoma, Missouri and Iowa, and from there I will head to Colorado and Idaho,I have been met with great hospitality and friendship, and have met several new and old clients and we are going to book the rest of 2025 season quick and have several dates booked for 2026!
That's a wrap, on our first hunt of this years season.

Hunting conditions are a bit tougher in South Africa during the month of February, but can be just as rewarding if done right.
James Friedrichs wrote on Dangerous Dave's profile.
can you send some pics of the 2.5-10 zeiss. I can't click on the pics to see the details. You noted some scratches. thx.