Ole. I agree 100% with you wrt accuracy. My .375H&H and smaller rifles with the scopes are very accurate. If you look at my profile pics you'lle see a couple of animals taken at a fairly long range with the 375H&H and 7x57. However, my 458 Express has open sites and I am 51 years of age.The eyes are not that good anymore and a 2" group at 50m from shooting sticks is fine with me. I don't like shooting it from a bench! On paper targets, I hit the bull 8-9 out of 10 times from 5-50 metres at the BASA (Bigbore Association of Southern Africa)shoots. These shoots are all done with calibre, bullet weight, velocity, time and accuracy as the criteria. The targets are static, or moving towards you from 30m to 1m where it stops, or sideways at 25-40m, or going away. Gives you good practice, sorting out gun problems, flinch problems, good excersize with your big bore rifle an is great fun and a lot of laughter. Happy hunting