416 Weatherby/Rigby Rifles

I must be losing it. The only real decision I see here is the stock; i.e., synthetic or wood, period. The rest seems rather academic. In reality either rifle is capable of killing anything on the planet and in all likelihood the average hunter would only favor the rifle for field use a selective few times.

Sorry to seem so critical, but in my humble opinion I agree with poster ‘monish’. . . it’s not so much the rifle as it is the man behind the rifle.

I don't think you are too critical. But, for context, in the past, I have bought many firearms I absolutely love, but also have bought some that made me wish I had gotten something else. I realize that either of the two will do what's needed (that's why I narrowed it down to them first), but I didn't just want to flip a coin to make the decision--especially given it is a rifle I have not seen or held, the kind of money involved, and the amount of work I later will do practicing with the rifle. So, I wanted to think it through and ask some questions. I provided my reasoning above because I thought someone might correct me on something I missed; I felt I owed a response to the helpful advice on both sides; and I thought possibly someone else might find the information useful. I apologize if that was not appropriate.
I think Big 5 has summed this topic up quite nicely.

As for the stock dilemma. It is true that a synthetic stock would be the best choice for a coastal brown bear hunt in Alaska, however many generations of men have gone before us with rifles that had wooden handles on them.

Take the stock off and seal all the inside surfaces of the stock down the barrel channel, in the action/trigger area and the inlaid surfaces for the floor plate with several coats of any number of quality wood sealers available at your local hardware store. Then stick a couple of coats of wax on the outside of the stock, scrubbing a bit into the checkering with a soft toothbrush, let dry and buff it with a soft cloth and away you go.

One brown bear hunt is probably not going to do any irreparable damage to a nice wood stock unless you are also using it as a walking stick, for paddling a dingy or butt stroking any bruins that get too close.
MarineHawk. . . an apology on your part is in no way necessary. Also please understand that my intention was not to be offensive to you or anyone else. My point was simply meant to point out that the thread seemed to be turning into an effort to pick fleas off a dog and then to further examine the tiny flea for parasites of its own.

. . . I also do understand that the choice of a new rifle and caliber can be confusing, and at times result in disappointment. I just feel the matter can be less confusing if when we simplify things by cutting out the minutia rather than searching for it.
Hi ! Marine Hawk , could you decide on a rifle???? waiting for a good news that you bought a WEATHERBY .

HAPPY RIFLE HUNTING, but it seems you still are indecisive on it

Hi ! Marine Hawk , could you decide on a rifle???? waiting for a good news that you bought a WEATHERBY .

HAPPY RIFLE HUNTING, but it seems you still are indecisive on it


I'm in the final stages of ordering. Should order on Monday.

I talked to one of the few local Wby retailers a couple of weeks ago about the pricing. Very helpful guy ("J") told me in 15 seconds what the price would be. $2.9K. I asked him his name. He told me but said he doesn't work off commissions (probably a owner/mgr)--so anyone could help. Called back late yesterday and J was on the other line. Other guy ("S") was sort of helpful (but knew nothing about the rifle or even of Cerakoting) and said he would "take over" from here, "push this through," and suggested that he would call me back next Wednesday (his next work day) to confirm the price. I was hoping to order yesterday over the phone, and gently told him I would be disappointed if I did not hear back by Monday. I think I will call J back today to discuss. It's fairly obvious that S is a part-timer working off commission. I like J better--more knowleadgable and seems to put my own interests over his own.


Cerakote or not? Why?

Monish, did you ever shoot your cousin's rifle with the Accubrake? If so, what were your impressions?
Marine Hawk

So Finally "WEATHERBY" you decided upon ?? YES its a rifle to die for--

No I dont believe in muzzlebrakes nor have I used it ever, we love to shoot the original rifles although it does reduces recoil by great percentage ,attached is a little write up on .416 muzzle brakes

"Weatherby compares the effectiveness of the Accubrake to several other makes of muzzle brake. According to Weatherby, who used a .416 Weatherby Magnum rifle for testing, the Recoil Reducer reduced recoil by 39%, the KDF Slimline reduced recoil by 40.6%, and the KDF Regular reduced recoil by 49%. These devices reduced recoil by an average of 42.86%. Weatherby, who claims that their Accubrake is the most effective on the market, claims recoil reduction of up to 53%."

Yes cerakote is good and saves a firearm from moisture and abbrassion but generally used for Autos & semi auto Handguns & rifles , but would suggest its good , although I have none of my rifles with cerakote:
It provides excellent corrosion protection, outstanding abrasion resistance, extreme hardness, & unmatched durability. CeraKote surpasses Teflon based coatings for wear resistance by well over 60%. CeraKote has self lubricating elements incorporated through out the coatings matrix, this allow firearms to function with little or no fluid lubricants that typically attract abrasive dust particles. CeraKote performs extremely well in automatics with high cyclic rates

Hope the write up helps !!


Why do you wish to use MBs ????

... Hope the write up helps !!
Why do you wish to use MBs ????

Thanks Monish.

As I indicated in my flea-picking analysis above, the brake would just be a fall-back in case I hate the recoil of the 416 Wby. I don't expect that to be true, but it helped me to choose the Wby knowing that, if I want, I can practice with it regularly with 2xhearing protection, and have it kick less than my unbraked 340 Wby.
Marine Hawk,

The recoil is not too hard if you are use to big bores just 20 rounds in one afternoon tar get seista your shoulder would become use to the massive thump of a .416 Weatherby or any caliber , I just blasted off 30 rounds thru my .460 Weatherby Mag. at a target shoot an hour ago pretty ok the shoulder is , need to practice to stand static and fire without a shooting bench , this is how I got use to firing big bores off my shoulder.

Try it out , it would help !!

Hi Marine Hawk ! have you procured the beauty ????????? the WEATHERBY .

WOW WOW WOW !!!! Marine Hawk you decided very well on for the rifle you will have for the life time , can you post a snap of the same ? A very fine decision:
Let me know which animal you take with it , the first kill shot

Happy Hunting !!

WOW WOW WOW !!!! Marine Hawk you decided very well on for the rifle you will have for the life time , can you post a snap of the same ? A very fine decision:
Let me know which animal you take with it , the first kill shot

Happy Hunting !!


Thanks Monish. Will do. To avoid this thread desending into complete irrelevance relative to the title, I started a new thread, click here to check it out.

The pics are from the seller. I will have it shipped tomorrow. And start shooting it soon.
Marine Hawk,


Marine Hawk,



Thanks Monish. Perhaps I will join the 416 club someday too as I seem to gradually creep up in bullet diameters over time.
Marine Hawk

Need not worry the diameters dont scare its the passion for hunting that keeps you taking the wallop on ones shpulder .416 should be the next in your gunrack.

Congrats again for a owning a fine Weatherby again.


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+1 Great to deal with. I purchased custom rifle. No issues.
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