Finding one, especially here in Australia, is a slight problem ...Azdave scores again!
Or for those of us that want an "off the shelf" solution, just buy a Winchester 1895 .405 WCF and go shoot any game and DG you like. Just pick the bullets appropriate for the game (solids for ele) and blast away. The 1895 leaning on the buff in the pic uses a receiver sight and remains handy (fast handling) and DEADLY with the 400 grain Woodies at 2100 fps.
You can even shoot prairie dogs with it if you like. Hint, use 210 grain 41 mag pistol bullets. plenty strong enough for deer too.
@RellSo … I think I have a terrible terrible idea that I kind of want to actually do?
I love the 400 Whelen and have had two rifles that where suboptimal in feeding and reliability.
What if I used 240 Weatherby brass and slowly necked it up to ,410 and shot 400gr bullets out of it? Belt fixes any headspace issues?
Is this a new(ish) idea? Any thoughts on if it’s doable? I could even get a run of 1000 custom brass possibly?
@geoff rathFinding one, especially here in Australia, is a slight problem ...