Check out Montana Rifle Company-- new offering in 404 Jeff this yearFrom my quick searches I've found few options for workhorse factory class rifles in 404 Jeffrey. If I'm interested in one, is the best option to build it?
With the 404 Jeffery being such a wonderful old cartridge that has transitioned into a thoroughly modern offering I think it behoves us to give it the respect it derserves (and is owed) by using its correct name.Check out Montana Rifle Company-- new offering in 404 Jeff this year
I'm not aware of any 404 Jeffery Nitro Express rifles being built using actions that are not Mauser 98 derivatives.
Did you have any specific manufacturers in mind?
Think I may do this. What are the chances of y’all doing barrel bands? Rifle looks nice for sure, just a certain look of a barrel band that I like.
I would echo this - I would love to pick up one of these in 2020, but the barrel band is a must for me.
Anyone have much experience with Montana Rifles? I've never had my hands on one. What rifles would they be similar to?