3800USD!!! Mid-Asia Ibex Hunt Kyrgyzstan


Yes you are correct on the fee's. But not on what was a greed too with your outfitter in Bishkek. No hunter out there would send you the balance due for a hunt that went the way it did, unless they know for sure that their hunting trophies are in good shape. The day of our arrest and detainment in Karacal Kyrgyzstan, we had a sat phone with us. We contacted Adilet numerous times asking to come to straighten this out with the police as we were detained. He kept saying his father was on his way, 4 times he said he was going to come or his father to straighten the mess they put us into and correct it. Well I can say the neither Adilet or his father ever showed up to bail us out or to help us in anyway. I believe they felt that they too would have been arrested. That day the temps in town were in the 70'd F. The skins were held for a week without being properly salted or cared for before Adilet said they were picked up. Something I'm not completely sure was ever done... So I have a concern for the shape the hide/cape is in at this point. I have said from day one that I would gladly pay for the costs associated for the hunt in full. I had the money along in cash for the entire payment for the hunt as well as further cost to be associated for the Roe Deer hunt that never happened either. I had made arrangements with the US Fish and Game Department in advance of our hunt to gain entry into the US for the horns and skins. I had every intention on taking my trophies back with me on my return flight. I was the one who at all time was going to keep my end of the hunt , the booking and the costs at all times. It was Adilet who knew they made a mistake on the hunt who did not accept our money at the end of the hunt as sign of good faith and offered to make things right by stating he would send the trophies to us in 2 weeks time at his cost and that payment once we received the trophies could be made to you , Igor, once we have had shipment in hand. I'm sure the court of public opinion would agree that yourself as well as the outfitter should have gone out of your way to insure that our trophies were well taken care of , shipped to us and would expect that hunters who have profound ethics would be honorable and keep to their work and pay you in full as all three of us hunters have stated from the beginning. It is you Igor and your outfitter in Bishkek that are greedy and unprofessional that you are changing the game after the start of the hunt. You are a booking agent, you are representing your clients to the outfitter, your morals should be set to a high standard. I believe this is not the case. Us three hunters have been wronged, by you, your outfitter as well as numerous government officials of the country of Kyrgyzstan. You can threaten me to not ship my trophies all you want, as all who read this will know that you are the one who is wrong. If you do not ship them everyone will eventually know that you are not to be trusted and in the end you will have to live with your choices.

Do you undestand, that you make a show hier?
You are waiting only two month for you trophy!!!
And you did not paid the trophy fees and you didn paid the hunting fee full ( +300USD!!!).
The hunters for exaple who hunted Africa waiting more for the trophy shipmet and dont think, to send e-mail every week to outfitter with e-mais: i will destroy you bussiniss!

Steve,you have written me the first letter and I have answered at once you that the trophy will come not earlier than December. Do you remember?
The first letter and your threats - I will destroy you bussiness!!!
Last week Adioel has started to prepare sending of your trophies and asked you send the money - and you have started to write at africa forum.
How me to trust you?

I very much regret that you had to pass because of our competitors 200км by the car more to Karakol. You hunted in Naryn. And officials from Karakol had no right to specify driver to carry you to Karakol. Anybody didn't arrest you and didn't hold in prison
Please,only don't write that you were in prison and you there tortured. People can think that you were in Guantanamo.
You spend only 4 hours for 200kilometers more driving by car.
You perfectly know that this handwork of competitors to which don't like our successful hunting.

Your roe deer hunting has been planned as the second trophy.
The first trophy was an ibex.
We are planned the hunting in Chujsky area to do and to combine it with ibex.
However last hunting for ibex there has appeared not so successful and my friend Stefan couldn't take an ibex there. The ibex has left highly. he took only the roe.
We have made decision to change your hunting area with Ad and to send you to Naryn where we thought more chances at to take a trophy
If you have told, that for you the roedeer is more important as ibex hunt, we would go to Chuy area with roe deer.

This is your trophies:











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I thank you for showing the pictures of the Horns. It would also be nice to see that the capes are in good condition too. SO if you can get or have pictures of them please post . I will go this far in reconciling this issue. Us three hunters will place in escrow all the money we owe for the hunt with our import broker in Chicago Coppersmith. You can verify that they are holding this money and then ship our trophies (Capes and Horns ) to Coppersmith, once we receive the shipment and can confirm that the skins and horns our in good shape the import broker, Coppersmith will release the money to you for payment in full.

I have been contacted by several Forum Members here by PM and they all agree that this would be a fair way for both of us to each get what we want from this deal. SO I am willing to do this if you will agree to this as well.

Please post a reply .

Fair jesture Steve. Hopefully, this can be worked out. I know you guys want your trophies!
Buff Buster, Yes I think so too. I am doing more here to come to a resolution and be fair about this.

I once again am offer to settle this fairly as us three hunters will place in escrow all the money we owe for the hunt with our import broker in Chicago Coppersmith. You can verify that they are holding this money and then ship our trophies (Capes and Horns ) to Coppersmith, once we receive the shipment and can confirm that the skins and horns our in good shape the import broker, Coppersmith will release the money to you for payment in full.

I have posted this last week and am waiting to hear your reply to this!!!

I have been contacted by several Forum Members here by PM and they all agree that this would be a fair way for both of us to each get what we want from this deal. SO I am willing to do this if you will agree to this as well.

Please post a reply .

As an update to the goings on with us trying to get this resolved. We have agree, just yesterday with the outfitter Adilet Ulukmanov and with Ibexhunter to pay in full the amount owed to them for the hunt, if they would cover the cost of what we would have to pay the US Import Broker for their fees for us to import the trophies into the US. The outfitter Adilet Ulukmanov, stated in an email that " We are not being serious" in our attempt to get this resolved.

In addition I have asked the outfitter to provide some pictures of the capes and hides of the Ibex so we have knowledge that they were well taken care of and that the hair in intact and not slipping. The outfitter Adilet Ulukmanov stated that " We will just have to take his word that they are in good shape" He also made comments of "That shit happens on hunts and that nothing always goes as planned". This was made in reference to my inquiry of the mistakes that were made on our hunt and the fact the the police had confiscated out Ibex in relation to what the outfitter had not done with the proper paperwork or documentation.

We had everything arranged with US Fish & Wildlife in advance to clear our trophies with them in Chicago on our return flight. They actually met with us in Customs asking were our trophies were. We arranged this in advance so we wouldn't have had to use a import broker here in the US.

We have now came to the conclusion that we will never see out horns or capes from this hunt, we also realize that all along this was never going to happen and that they the outfitter, Adilet Ulukmanov or the booking agent Ibexhunter had any plans on insuring that we would get our trophies complete and in quality shape. I can even imagine if we had sent the funds and then still not received the trophies as promised. We have done the hunt, have the memories of the hunt and even have some fantastic pictures of the Ibex we all took. I will just have to place a picture of my Ibex in my trophy room, rather than the mount of the animal.

If there is a respectable, honest outfitter who offers Ibex hunts I would like for you to contact me as I am most interested in returning to get the mount I so desire. I will take the money I have from this last trip and apply it towards a new memorable hunt in the future.

I am posting this here in order to help fellow future hunters, help them know the ins and outs of a hunt overseas and what to expect. If anyone needs any follow up info on this hunt or details on the outfitter or booking agent. I can be reached at PHprez@gmail.com

Fraud in Kyrgyzstan? Beware of Igor and Adilet
I made a wonderful trip to Kyrgyzstan in 2009; I shot two nice Ibexes, had nothing but praise for the team of locals and encountered no problem whatsoever.
Then I went back in 2012 with another company, for Marco Polo; I shot a ram on November 26, 2012 and in spite of the fact that I have paid everything, including the shipping, I still don’t know what happened to my trophy.
Here are some details:
I contacted Igor Kantsev of Extrem-Tours, also known as Hunting Club Taiga in the past, on July 2012 for what seemed a bargain Marco Polo hunt in Kyrgyzstan. Igor, aka Ibexhunter or Profyhunter, transferred my request to his Kyrgyz partner Adilet Ulukmanov of Aska-tur . The two of them choose the dates for the hunt. Adilet wanted the money sent to his personal bank account in Bishkek, not to his company account.
Another hunter would share the camp with me, looking for Marco Polo and Ibex. Upon arrival at the main camp on November 21st, 2012, this hunter was transferred to another camp, 3 hours away, for a maximum of 2 days only. From what he told me, he missed a nice ram the first day and then shot a small immature ram (he mentioned 36 inches) on November 23rd, 2012, his second and last day at that camp.
Because of problems with my baggage I arrived at the main camp on November 23rd and hunted there fruitlessly for two days on horseback. I was then sent by car to the other camp, again for a maximum of 2 days only, in spite of the fact that the contract states 14 days of which 10 hunting days, where I shot an ordinary adult ram on November 26, 2012. I immediately called my wife by sat phone and had my bank transfer 8000 US$ to Adilet, as requested, for the Marco Polo license. My bank transfer was guaranteed within 48 hours and November 27th 2012 is shown on the document as the value date (the date at which the money would be at the Kyrgyz bank). In the meanwhile the other hunter, after huntingIbex fruitlessly a couple of days with the Lada around the main camp gave up hunting Ibex as he could see none.
Before departing,Kyrgyzvisitors arrived at the camp in two pick-ups. In a hurry our trophies were hidden and we were told NOT to tell we had shot our rams. Why? Who were these visitors?
We were back in Bishkek November 30, 2012, and when we met Adilet, he refused to let me take my trophy with me, pretending he had not yet received my money! (Later he wrote he received the money Dec. 4th, 2012, one day after my departure!). He told me he would ship my trophy in 3 weeks, before Christmas 2012 (two thousand twelve); more thanONE YEAR later, July 2014 (two thousand fourteen), I am still waiting for my trophy! In the meanwhile Adilet wrote other hunters that he usually ships the trophies in a month time!
Adilet has refused to give me a reason for the delay andIgor says he does not know; they also refuse to give me a shipping date and lately they don’t answer neither my e-mails nor my phone calls, in spite of the fact that last June 2013, I also sent 700 US$ by Western Union, as instructed by Adilet, for the shipping.
As for the other hunter who was at the camp with me, he received his (I hope it is his) Marco Polo trophy on April 18th, 2013, AND, surprise! There was also an Ibex trophy in the box which he definitively did NOT shoot! Later this hunter told me that the Ibex trophy is a gift from Adilet. Judging from the e-mails and blown positive reports (great hunt, shot a nice sheep, shot an Ibex, etc.) this hunter has sent to others as a reference, he is probably trying to pay back Adilet for the Ibex trophy he received as a gift. This hunter also told me he wrote Adilet twice in my behalf, telling him to send me my trophy; I thank him for his help but so far his efforts have been fruitless.
Since Igor Kantsev, aka Ibexhunter and Profyhunter, advertised his hunts in Kyrgyzstan in the Hunting Report in August 2013, I have brought my case to the attention of the editor, Mrs. Barbara Crown, and I am grateful to her for contacting Igor and Adilet about my trophy. Adilet never answered Barbara e-mails and Igor wrote her once; he did not give any information on my trophy but he wrote several false allegations against me, namely that I did not leave any tip to the staff, that I wanted to hunt from a vehicle and that it was impossible that I was moved to another camp three hours away. I can easily prove that Igor allegations are false; it is evident he is trying to discredit me and of course his lies would have nothing to do with my trophy not being shipped.
Unfortunately Barbara efforts, which I appreciate very much, have been fruitless, as you can read in the January 2014 issue of the Hunting Report. In March 2014, The Hunting Report mentioned another negative report by another hunter who hunted in Kyrgyzstan with Adilet company; a warning is given by this other hunter to steer clear of Adilet Ulukmanov.
I have also contacted Harv Hollek, another Adilet partner, responsible of putting Adilet and his father Ulan in business 13 years ago. Harv brought hunters to Adilet and Ulan as late as November 2013 and he wrote that even his hunters are still waiting for their trophies; furthermore Adilet does not respond to his e-mails and phone calls. I appreciate Harv collaboration and I thank him for trying to boost my hopes, but even his efforts have so far been fruitless.
As a last bit of information to you, Igor is publishing on the Web, without my permission, a picture of myself with my Marco Polo, to accompany his advertising.
One more late news: according to a well known US agent, Adilet is holding back four more Marco Polo trophies shot by his clients.
One more news: two other hunters are awaiting for their trophies or license money from Adilet.
For months I have not heard neither from Adilet nor from Igor and I doubt that I will ever get my trophy, which as stated above is fully paid, including the shipping. Barbara Crown of the Hunting Report calls Adilet behavior a hold up.
Kyrgyzstan is a beautiful country and can offer a wonderful hunt, but be careful with whom you deal. I am told that Adilet dealt with several agents; as for Igor, he organised hunts to other destinations beside Kyrgyzstan. Both of them seem to have vanished, with their hunters’ money and trophies.
I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS MAN and HIS company and crew in Kyrgyzstan . No surprises, No problems. It's a family run operation, from start to finish, felt 110% safe and taken care of from landing to leaving, and I had a great time !

Hello Dennis, Artistry of Wildlife
I imagine that by «This man» you mean Adilet Ulukmanov? If yes, when was the last time you dealt with him? In spite of my e-mails and phone calls I have not been able to contact Adilet since last August 2013. Harv Hollek, Adilet former partner and benefactor who put that family in business, has also been unable to communicate with them and we have been told by other people that Adilet and his family moved away from their Bishkek adress. If you know how and where to reach Adilet Ulukmanov, please post it here, after you have cheked your infotmation. Several people, including a few Kyrgyz résidents to whom Adilet seems to owe money, would be happy to know where Adilet is hiding.
NO follow the LINK ..... Mr Kay with Arpo-Marco Polo Hunting
The LINK to HIS ( Mr Kay's ) posting for IBEX Hunts and Sheep hunt is posted below my comment
I call him Mr Kay so I don't have to remember how to type his name or pronounce it.
No one in Kyrgyztsan in the hunting business should be hard to find. It's a small group of people that sets up the hunting.
Maybe Mr Kay can be of help. Go to the Link I posted of HIS HUNT Offer and ask in a very nice way for any leads for you.
I talk to Mr Kay often by email and by phone

If I was able physically to hunt those 12,000 to 16,000 high mountains again I would, I won't be doing Kyrgyzstan again for Marco Polo.
I will get my sheep for my bucket list but will opt for Tajikistan and an easier hunt with jeeps , less climbing and less walking. I'm to old to do it again with Mr Kay but I recommend him highly.
OK Dennis, you are talking about Kayrat of Arpa M-P, not Adilet Ulukmanov of Aska-Tur who ripped me off 8700 US$ for the license and shipping, and probably sold my trophy on the black market.
I have not had the pleasure yet to meet Kayrat , but he is one of the persons who is trying to help me and I will consider him for my next Kyrgyzstan hunt, even though I might be older than you are.
As for Adilet Ulukmanov, Igor Kantsev partner, I would not be surprised if he moved to another country, like Kazakstan, and operating in a different business. As I wrote, even Harv Hollek, his former partner, is looking for him.
Give Kayrat my regards,
Hello Dennis, Artistry of Wildlife
I imagine that by «This man» you mean Adilet Ulukmanov? If yes, when was the last time you dealt with him? In spite of my e-mails and phone calls I have not been able to contact Adilet since last August 2013. Harv Hollek, Adilet former partner and benefactor who put that family in business, has also been unable to communicate with them and we have been told by other people that Adilet and his family moved away from their Bishkek adress. If you know how and where to reach Adilet Ulukmanov, please post it here, after you have cheked your infotmation. Several people, including a few Kyrgyz résidents to whom Adilet seems to owe money, would be happy to know where Adilet is hiding.
Hello Lechasseur, I know how to find Adilet Ulukmanov and his father Uluk. They are in Bishkek. How can I contact you? PLS give me your email to send you details. Regards. Omur
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LIMPOPO NORTH SAFARIS wrote on RStien321's profile.
Dear RStien321

I noticed your thread this morning.

We would be thrilled to assit you as mentioned in my comment on your thread.

We as Limpopo North Safaris has numerous areas in limpopo that vary between 10 000 to 24 000 acres that we hunt that has all of the animals on your wish list furthermore we have great deal on cull buffalo cows and bulls.

Please let me know if you might be intrested.

John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia