Finally time to update. I sent the rifle off the day before Thanksgiving and received it back from Ruger on December 20th. Ruger in their own words: Reworked Scope Cuts, Refinished, Mount Scope Rings, Polished Chamber, Torqued Stock to Specs. So after getting through the holidays and year end I was finally able to find some time to go out and zero the rifle. The first shoot was 3" left and around 4" high, so with a few small adjustments this rifle was hitting right on target with the original scope and the factory ring that Ruger sent back with the rifle. So I proceed to go into the house and take off that scope and switch to a vx5 2-10 Leupold and Warne QD rings and go back out to the range. Same results with this setup. Rifle was hitting extremely close to point of aim and I was able to shoot a 1" group at a 100 yards no problem.
I am extremely happy with Ruger's wiliness to take the rifle back in and work on it and for the quick turn around. I also am very appreciative that they took the time to polish the chamber the rifle functions flawlessly now.