AH elite
My vote is 416 or bigger. The owner of the LGS in my neck of the woods showed me a video of his buffalo encounter. He shot his with the “camp rifle” a 9.3x62, this was in S.A, he made a great frontal chest shot and actually knocked the buffalo down, it got up and he put it down again. The second buffalo then attacked the downed buffalo so they drove the vehicle in to help scare away buffalo number two which they did. He now approached his downed buffalo and squatted down to put a finishing/insurance shot in the chest. Upon receipt of this 3rd shot the buffalo got up, now the 2 ph’s joined in with their 375’s. Luckily they had driven the truck in and they managed to run around the truck and the buff turned his anger on the tire and front quarter panel of the vehicle while they were banging away with 2 375’s and a 9.3. I would not shoot less than a 416 myself. 375 works fine when everything goes fine, It is not a stopper when things go sideways.