Ygg welcome aboard. I too live in Michigan. Just for giggles why do you think a 30-06 is necessary for our whitetails? They fall just as quickly to my 6.5 x 55 Swedish Mauser. About 40 years ago I started dreaming of a possible Elk hunt and began acquiring suitable rifles. To date that possible Elk hunt has yet to materialize but the acquisition of suitable rifles continues. In short, there is no end of answers to the old question of "what if …."
What I can tell you is that hunting Africa is cheaper than hunting Elk. Especially once you factor in the probability of success. You are aiming your sights too low son. Think Africa, Africa, Africa.
Welcome To AH Ygg. Get the .375. You just have to have the mindset to get to Africa. As far as it’s use; I bought my .375 Sako because of a good deal back in the 1980’s when I was in my 20’s. Tangent to that, ever since I was 15, I dreamed of going to Africa for a Cape buffalo. In the late ‘80’s I took the . 375 on an elk hunt, just because I had one and wanted to use it. A 270gr Hornady at 175 yds did the job.
Although not needed for anything other than brown bear in NorthAmerica, it still is a reasonable choice for anything bigger than deer.
As Shootist43 stated, Africa is affordable and you WILL take animals. Last year, the guy I deer hunt with, went to Alaska on a grizzly hunt. $17,000 and didn’t see a bear in nine days. Slept in a tent with sleeping bags and ate what the guide cooked.
While he was in Alaska, I went to Namibia. My brother went along as an observer. Cost of the ten day hunt, including my brother: $7000. I shot nine animals for $9000 (trophy fees) and took three cull animals at no cost. I slept in a permanent tent with a concrete floor, flush toilet, tiled walk-in shower, an actual bed with an electric blanket, ate food cooked by a gourmet chef, had my trophies skinned and salted. All of this with the backdrop of Africa! In fact the last evening, we drove out to the sand dunes and had dinner cooked there. They set up a table, we had wine with stemware, eland steaks, fresh baked bread and salad. All while watching the African sun setting.
You NEED to go to Africa. It is truly a special place.