AH ambassador
Generally, I don't mind a right handed bolt for any other types of shooting. My .375 Ruger is the only left handed gun that I own, but for the purpose of the rifle (hunting) I wanted to be able to cycle the action without losing my sight picture like I do with the right handed guns.
you lads have made my mind up , the next firearm l buy will be a leftie.
since l was knee high to a duck , ive only used righties. and don't know any different .
Bluey now I know why I like you so much!!!!

A left hand bolt is definitely something that you don't know what you're missing until you have one. I'd never a lefty either until my .375. First time I tried to load it I had problems because it was all backwards. LOL
But now that I have one I will never purchase another right hand bolt. I can not only reload faster, but I stay on target as Rukus states. That sure was nice on the second shot on my buffalo while he was running off. I'm sure I will always hunt with my .30/06, but my plan is to semi retire it and get probably a .300 mag in left hand.
I need to get a couple pictures of my rifles and start a left hand rifle thread....