This cartridge still shines in either of its original platforms, the true 18.5” 6.5lb carbine M600 or the 20” M660 on the same short-action but without the “space age” look of the vented rib running down the barrel.
Despite what esthetic traditionalists and some flinch-prone Fuddleys say, the 350RM’s felt-recoil out of these short light platforms isn’t that bad from typical field-shooting positions. Even off the bench for sighting-in or vetting handloads for less than 20-rds, the recoil isn’t anymore horrible than doing the same thing with a 300 or .375 Mag. …. On my M600, changing out the hard factory recoil pad for a custom-fitted Kick-Ezzz pad of the same dimensions made a world of difference.
It also bears mentioning that folks today forget the rather niche role envisioned for these short light carbines and the 350RM chambering when first introduced in the mid-1960s: and that was to be the bolt-gun equivalent of the various hard-hitting, Big Bore carbine-sized lever guns, the ones with 18” or 20” tubes that Elmer Keith wrote about so long ago. These were, and still are, the original Old School “woods guns,” designed for short-range use in thick brush and bushy terrain, but especially in the dark, tall-timbered areas with hills and ravines, where typical shots on deer, elk, moose, or bear rarely exceed 100-yds and most are taken at 50-yds or less. Think stand or stump hunting in a dense forested part of the country.
Short and light gets it done in those environs and a longer and heavier platform is unnecessary. If you’re looking for the same punch past 100-yds, you need a different platform.
A M600 in 350RM isn’t supposed to be an “all-around” hunting rifle nor a varmint gun. Up in Alaska for short-range uses, or for Grizz protection while casting off a brushy river bank for salmon or grayling, it shines about better than anything else that’s not a handgun.