333 Jeffery Flanged


AH senior member
Dec 18, 2022
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Redwood Coast California
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NRA Patron Life, NAHC Life, SCI, RMEF
South Africa, Argentina, Norway, Korea, England, 4 Canada Provinces, 2 Mexico States, 12 US States
I just acquired some 333 Jeffery Flanged brass for my display boards. They have been fired and there's not enough neck tension to hold the bullets in place. I hate gluing the bullets in-it's just un-professional.

Does anyone have a set of dies they might sell or borrow? I'll only need to size and seat 50 pieces then You can have them back.

I appreciate any help you could give me;.
I wonder if you couldn't use 333 rimless dies and adjust the seating down enough so that press didn't have to be completely cammed over? Hard part may be finding a shell holder. Good luck.

That cartridge fascinates me. Seems it could be quite versatile.

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expoB wrote on BushPig1963's profile.
Btw .. he has physically beat, abused verbally, mentally, financially abused women and in every way imaginable. Fact check, background check. He is HORRIBLE!!!
I am tired of him blowing up lives and walking off into the sunset leaving destruction in his wake. Over here in the US... Not in Africa...just so you know. I was not his victim but know some of them.
expoB wrote on BushPig1963's profile.
Senga Senga MZ . US rep Brad Joseph Clemens is involved! Con artist, owes people money. Pathological liar. Lies w/out remorse and convincingly.Doesn't reside in Oregon, he is FROM Oregon. Was living in Great falls MT til mid march... Disappeared recently.Believe a word he says & be played a fool! 1st hand knowledge. He is convicted felon. This is why he bow hunts. can't own a gun! background chk! MONSTER
expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Btw.... Brad Clemens took deposit money from Dy
. Brad was living in Great Falls as of a few months ago. He keeps running and hiding. Sound familiar. None of you posting have any idea what is really going on. Brad is a pathological liar. Don't believe any quote or anything that comes out of his mouth. He is a horrible person...1st hand knowledge and his name is toxic to many in the hunting world.
We have been very busy hunting! Lots of pictures and videos in process!
