I have a significant character flaw in that I tend to pursue temptations in an unbridled and spontaneous fashion. Sometimes, this lack of self-control results in unintended but very pleasant consequences such as children. In this case, I have been tempted with the idea that I wanted something with a bit more power than my 06 for distance. I also wanted something unique. My rational side always came back to the absolute suitability of the 06 for me. Fortunately, my rational side has not prevailed and I am building a 308 Norma Mag.
The donor rifle will be a BRNO ZKK-600 in 30-06. The rifle has a failed recoil pad job but is otherwise sound and with a good bore. cool pop up peep site btw. The work will be done by Lemieux Armurier in Quebec. I have sourced 50 pieces of Norma brass and Reddy FL dies from Prophet River Outfitters in BC.
And, get this, I found a Swarovski Z5 3.5-18 scope on sale for a couple hundred more than a vortex razor I was considering
Oh lordy what have I done....

Stay tuned sports fans and we shall see what I have wrought.