I've been using a 30-06 for about 18 years, and I've hunted big whitetail, & mule deer, hogs, and a warthog in Africa. I've always used 180 grs bullets with great success, and have never lost an animal. I've used Winchester Supreme (the old black box), and everything has died, and has left a good blood trail when they ran.
Hog not always bleed a lot, and I think it has to do with the fat in their body. So, the fact that you didn't find a blood trail on your hog, is not unusual.
Now that I've ran out of all the factory ammo I had, I'm using 180 grs Nosler Accubond with great success.
I think the 165 grs & 180 grs are a match made in heaven for the 30-06. Like others have suggested, see what your rifle likes and go from there.
Good luck!