@wildfowler.250 that is a nice Chinese water deer in your photo!
My kids and I have used a .270 Win in Africa on two trips. It worked well on PG including eland, neck shooting a giraffe, and multiple zebra. We used 130 gr barnes.
I agree with the above posts, save money, use the .270 and spend the savings on the hunt.
Have you hunted red deer in the UK? A .270 will work for them just like most PG.
1) is the .270 big enough. I’m not into long shots
2) will I have to go 150 grain? Probably?
Gee wiz...thats one large leap out of the closetI love the .270 (I currently own three).With a bonded core 140 or 150 gr it will easily take everything on your list. As everyone has noted, shot placement with anything is key.
It is easy to take your own rifle. Just follow recommendations like you'll get in my videos And in the Safari planning section here. No the .270 is not ideal IMO for Africa. You will be much happier with the results from a 7mm Mag and up.Here’s a question folks. Planning a SA hunt for plains game next year or 2026. I’ve posted similarly on a uk stalking thread so apologies if folks see this twice but trying to get as much feedback as possible.
Really only going for plains game. Kudu, nyala, springbok , impala. With or without wildebeest / zebra depending on how the trip goes.
I will add, if it’s been a difficult week and an old eland walks out at 150 yards on the last day, I’d be open to it if you get me.
Now the guide/PH says shots are 100m - 200m average.
Is the .270 enough? I don’t massively want to change it for a .30-06. A new barrel on the sako 75 would set me back £1200 which is doable but it’s money I’d rather put into flights, taxidermy etc,(plus the small matter of getting hitched as well).
1) is the .270 big enough. I’m not into long shots
2) will I have to go 150 grain? Probably?
3) how much hassle is it to import a rifle for the week? I’m not massive on borrowing rifles from a familiarity point of view.
WILDFOWLER: IF you can shoot that .270 “Accurately” it should be more then enough….AND if you can’t shoot accurately then Nothing will be enough. A well constructed 150 grain bullet might help give better penetration vs. the lighter 130 gr.Here’s a question folks. Planning a SA hunt for plains game next year or 2026. I’ve posted similarly on a uk stalking thread so apologies if folks see this twice but trying to get as much feedback as possible.
Really only going for plains game. Kudu, nyala, springbok , impala. With or without wildebeest / zebra depending on how the trip goes.
I will add, if it’s been a difficult week and an old eland walks out at 150 yards on the last day, I’d be open to it if you get me.
Now the guide/PH says shots are 100m - 200m average.
Is the .270 enough? I don’t massively want to change it for a .30-06. A new barrel on the sako 75 would set me back £1200 which is doable but it’s money I’d rather put into flights, taxidermy etc,(plus the small matter of getting hitched as well).
1) is the .270 big enough. I’m not into long shots
2) will I have to go 150 grain? Probably?
3) how much hassle is it to import a rifle for the week? I’m not massive on borrowing rifles from a familiarity point of view.
GEMSBOK45: What “feels better” about the .300 Win Mag - the 30% more recoil for only 10% more power ? Ot that if the scope taps your eyebrow you get 10 stitches vs. 3 w/a .270? Now, I’m only kidding because by any actual “measurement” the .300 Win Mag is Superior and has a wide following - I’m just not one of them so “poking fun”.30-06 or 270 is just fine but I still use a 300 Win. Mag.It just feel better to me.
Berettaco: You nailed it !A few years back I compared the energy of med size hunting calibers - for my purposes I chose to look at what cartridges would be sufficient for hunting given the minimum numbers I was looking for. I want a 150 grain bullet or larger at 1,500 fps for proper penetration and expansion on medium size game. Within the normal hunting ranges in South Africa (yes, I also realize there are many different scenarios and some areas may lend them selves to longer shots) I would argue most shots taken are under 200 yards, with the occasional 300+ possibility. So, what cartridges push a 150 grain bullet 1,500fps? Too many to list as most cartridges are well over 1,500 at 200 yards.
My point is most all cartridges will work just fine with a good bullet and proper shot placement. We like to overthink cartridge selection, argue the virtues of a 7x57, 270, 7-08, 7mm mag, 6.5, 300……
Grab some good bonded or mono bullets, practice off sticks and jump on the plane
I’m going to go a different route than other suggestions. Absolutely, bring the .270, but go with the factory Federal Terminal Ascent 136gr bullet. IMO, this is by far a superior bullet to the Accubond, TSX, etc. Kudu are not as big or as tough as North American Elk, and the 136 is pure death to elk at normal ranges. In the last few years I’ve taken a mature kudu and elk with 200gr Accubonds and Terminal Ascents from my 300wsm. The TA’s performance was much, much better than the Accubond, even though the Accubond killed all 4 animals I aimed at in Zambia with 1 shot. My dad passed away in Dec. When I go back, I’ll either bring the .270, 7mm, or 300wby that I got from him. I won’t feel undergunned with any of those.