A little off subject perhaps but I saw something happen at JO this trip that I was told CAN NOT HAPPEN. That is once the bus pulls away with passengers for a plane on the tarmac, that it cannot be called back, even if you are right there. When the door is closed and the bus pulls away, its over, done. This happened to me back in 2007 when we missed most of our flights starting at home and then it just went domino effect. A very nice lady literally ran us all the way thru Tambo to the gate in hopes of catching our connection to WDK. Just as we ran to the door, the bus just pulled away. Sorry, says the nice lady. It cannot come back. Off to another hotel! This trip the same exact scenario happened to another unfortunate late flyer, but with a different ending. He ran up, the bus had just pulled away, the door was closed.. but the gal at the desk threw the door open, ran outside, smacked the side of the bus, it stopped and the weary traveler boarded and made his flight. Wish they had done that for us in '07! By time we got to WDK we had lost a full days hunting and half our luggage was late as well.