Strong man governments have always had to define an enemy that accounts for the failings of their state, thus avoiding personal accountability for failing policy. As they continue to fail, they up the rhetoric and go from slander, to ostracizing, to taxing, to seizure of property, to extermination.
Hitler - Jews and Gypsies
Lenin - the upper class and the monarchy
Spain - the Basques
Iran - the sufis, parsi, and zoastrian
Turkey - the orthodox Christians and the kurds
Egypt - the Copts and the Jews
Zimbabwe went from a European ancestry population of 500,000 in 1980 to 13,000 today.
It started with one party rule. Then it went to taxation. Then to land forfeiture. Next step will be “justified” extermination.
The world didn’t hear when the Shona government exterminated 40,000 Matabele, they certainly aren’t going to hear the cries of 5000-6000 Rhodesians. A couple more suppressive acts will reduce the population enough that 7000-8000 more depart leaving a remnant that will still be “the reason that Zimbabwe isn’t prosperous”, and if all of human history is a guide, the conclusion is certain.