140 Yard Bow Kill on Warthog!


AH member
Apr 25, 2016
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South Africa Eastern Cape
While culling animals in a drought stricken region of SA, Tim drops an amazing long bomb on a toothy wart hog from way out. Then he slocks him again after a fast run down. This is Tim's longest recorded hog kill to date.
What a great shot!

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Disgusting. Hunting is as much about respect as anything else. That was stupid, things could have gone so wrong. not to mention the pig needed a second shot, which was easily the best-case scenario. Can't believe hunters would condone something like this.
It is an amazing shot, I know I have enough trouble hitting something 140 yards away with a rifle. I do feel that this is unethical, the purposes of the bow is to get up close and personal and to make a clean shot taking out both lungs or the heart to provide a quick death. When bow hunting for deer I usually limit myself to 20 yard shots and will occasionally go out to 30 if I have great conditions and a perfect broadside shot. Given the position of the warthog and distance, crippling was the best case scenario. No one ever says let's break the hip and run it down.

Again, I do not have the ability to hit a barn at 140 yards with a bow, but just because someone can hit a target does not mean as hunters we should take a shot and consider it ethical.

I sure I'll get some criticism for this comment but as we have all said hunters need to do a better job of policing themselves and making sure we are acting in accordance to our own ethics and standards.
:S Censored:

That is a WOUNDING not a KILL. Lobbed into the pelvic arch.

Focusing his video chat on the chest wound is misleading and disingenuous. Show me the hole where that blood is trickling down over his sides is coming from. Funny how he is not so proud of the factual evidence of his amazing shot. :A Vomit:
I don't think it was an amazing shot I think it was luck. You hear the camera man and bowman say they think he is every bit of 125 (yards)
Then he shoots this arrow up In The air he actually hits him...... Then they say it was 140 yards.....didn't look that far to me. Not a shot that should have been taken in the first place.
Also I've never heard of culling animals with a bow, maybe it's done but I should think a rifle and quick end would be more desirable !
I agree. How come we never see the animals wounded and never found from both bow and rifle. Funny on all the long range hunting shows all the animals fall down right away.
This is the show where they hunt animals from trees with spears. When the animal comes in for alfalfa they throw the spear straight down into the vitals.
They also hunt with blowguns and steel darts.
Nothing there to be proud of. Well, unless you're proud of having a lack of judgment around what is ethical.
I'm all for long pokes with archery gear and I know that I get ridicule from some for that opinion. With the world's most powerful and accurate crossbow, with $90 arrows, with a $700 optic, with a laser range finder, with an HHA speed dial adjustable sight for that range, with tuned veins, with matched ramcat broadheads, from a rest, with no wind, I'd have gladly taken the shot on that warthog at 80 yards max on a very calm animal on a perfectly calm day.

A.) This guy isn't using a 500fps crossbow, he's using a vertical bow at 300fps.
B.) He didn't have a rest
C.) He didn't have the right arrows to kill at half that distance
D.) He missed the kill zone
E.) You don't CULL animals using a bow. You can poison them, snare them or shoot a rifle at them, but you don't lower your archery ethics because its a "cull". The animal suffering knows no difference between a cull and a hunt, it hurts the same if you botch the shot.
F.) It wasn't at 80 yards, it was at 140 yards.
G.) It wasn't a calm day, the wind is really howling as you can hear.
H.) His arrow is moving with the same force at 10 yards as my crossbow is moving at 80 yards...something not right about that.
I.) You don't put cull footage on the Internet period.
J.) He didn't have a crossing double lung shot, he had a quartering towards shot inappropriate for archery at almost any distance.

He gets my trophy for jackass of the week. Please let me know where to mail his prize package.
I don't think it was an amazing shot I think it was luck. You hear the camera man and bowman say they think he is every bit of 125 (yards)
Then he shoots this arrow up In The air he actually hits him...... Then they say it was 140 yards.....didn't look that far to me. Not a shot that should have been taken in the first place.
Also I've never heard of culling animals with a bow, maybe it's done but I should think a rifle and quick end would be more desirable !
I agree it was a luck shot. He may be able to hit targets at that range, but you have no idea what an animal will do in the time it takes the arrow to get there. When using a bow there is no good reason to take shots on unwounded animals at these ranges. However I have to say that culling with a bow is no different than using a gun if you are targeting one animal at a time- i.e. taking a cull animal on a hunt vs. thinning a herd as quickly as possible. When taken at a reasonable range with a well placed shot and a truly sharp broadhead they will die just as quick as with a gun. The only difference is the odd times you get when they drop immediately to a rifle, which we all want but have to agree doesn't happen as often as we like. If you have a very sharp broadhead, a quiet bow and are lucky enough to go clean through the vitals without hitting bone an animal will often stand right there or only jump and take a few steps before dying within a few seconds
I've taken cull or management animals with a bow, but at reasonable and ethical yardages. The shot should not have been taken even though the arrow has a enough energy to kill cleanly the ability to place it correctly is luck!
That is a great long distance shot! Not the shot i will chance but a very lucky/great shot indeed
It is a great shot only problem is that is if it was on a foam target. A live animal even a warthog deserves better then this bs. Sometimes it is not if you can do the shot it needs to be if you should take the shot.
That is a great long distance shot! Not the shot i will chance but a very lucky/great shot indeed

:E Hmmm:...petrus there is a total difference between a very lucky shot and a great shot......the animal could have wandered off had a piss and come back again from arrow release to its arrival it took that long.....i dont bow hunt but the first thing i noticed was how windy it was and thought what a fkd up idea to even think of having a go with the bow in those conditions. to me thats all it was , having a go to see if maybe he could hit the animal, as there is no way he could predict where the arrow was going to end up in those windy conditions..........
:E Lol::E Rofl:
I don't know why you'all got so worked up! It's maybe his speciality to shoot at long range.. lol :P Robin Hood:
:E Lol::E Rofl:
I don't know why you'all got so worked up! It's maybe his speciality to shoot at long range.. lol :P Robin Hood:

I'm inclined to think maybe his speciality is wounding animals.
That is a great long distance shot! Not the shot i will chance but a very lucky/great shot indeed

Why would you think a lucky hit that wounds and animal is great?

We all have different skill levels but that was just silly. Way too much left to chance at that range for a bow like that.

If a client shot offhand in a high wind with a rifle at 750 yards and wounded the animal would you call it a great shot?
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I agree with you, 100%, Just shared the video.:whistle: Also that is not my words, it's his own words Only shared the post there! I do agree with you guys bow hunt is about giving the animal also a chance, and have patience for the animal to come close! I am a bowhunter myself! I also thought it was a stupid moveo_O.

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