100 pound & 90 pound bulls taken in Botswana!

I would not mind being on the front cover of a hunting magazine with a nice elephant but... I am retired and not a public figure, so, I could not care less :A Yell:

However, others might have serious social and professional problems if shown with any dead animal.

So let´s all be really discrete and do a favor to our fellow hunters.

Screen Shot 2022-04-23 at 08.35.42.png
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And this is why if I ever hunted elephant, or some other controversial animal in the eyes of the antis I would not post it online. Although I would love to, the Internet has made everyone have an opinion without education
To add, this is a fine animal and hunt. I couldn’t dream of being able go on a hunt like this.
Ses... :E Shrug: ;)

And this is why if I ever hunted elephant, or some other controversial animal in the eyes of the antis I would not post it online. Although I would love to, the Internet has made everyone have an opinion without education
Depends on your circumstances and freedom of choice. I posted my 2021 hunt and nobody can take away my job so I don't fear the critics. I'm not afraid, will not hide and will debate any of them, even the anti-hunting past President of Botswana. Perhaps it helped educate someone. Who knows.
View attachment 461433
Here is the possibly 90 pounder. Very long on right tusk! Left tusk fairly long as well.

They have a June 1-14 cancellation and another August 19-31.
I have received the okay to clarify and post the dimensions of this huge bull. Right tusk is 103.8 pounds and 80” long with 21” circumference. Left tusk is 86.6 pounds and 69” long with 21” circumference. A massive bull for sure!

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I have received the okay to clarify and post the dimensions of this huge bull. Right tusk is 103.8 pounds and 80” long with 21” circumference. Left tusk is 86.6 pounds and 69” long with 21” circumference. A massive bull for sure!View attachment 463064

Thanks for keeping us updated. Bulls like this deserve to be celebrated.
Bloody nice elephant and lucky hunter.

See the greenies are at it again they havent given the elephant a name yet.
No tourist venture in most of these hunting concessions it is just too far off the grid for them.
Not enough to see around each corner.
Bloody nice elephant and lucky hunter.

See the greenies are at it again they havent given the elephant a name yet.
No tourist venture in most of these hunting concessions it is just too far off the grid for them.
Not enough to see around each corner.
Yeah, I like how they say, “…the biggest elephant in Botswana was shot.” Like anyone could possibly know how big the biggest elephant is in all of Botswana out of at least 130,000 elephants! A bunch of city slicker idiot “journalists.”
Any trophy that I take are for me and me alone. I wouldn't ever post photos online for public viewing of them. To do so doesn't do anything positive for hunting. Its important to consider how it looks to the majority who don't hunt. Public perception matters.
Any trophy that I take are for me and me alone. I wouldn't ever post photos online for public viewing of them. To do so doesn't do anything positive for hunting. Its important to consider how it looks to the majority who don't hunt. Public perception matters.
Another view is to write a nice story here on AH in which you talk about the conservation benefits and educate someone in that way.

I do agree with you as far as Facebook and Twitter. I don’t even have accounts on them.
This was a very old elephant. They started tracking him when they saw his dung had unchewed grass and bark - it means old and possibly big bull - the animal's last teeth had worn down and he is not chewing properly. Like all old elephants, he was beginning to starve. His days of breeding were long over - he was in no condition to fight younger breeding bulls. His was to be a slow, solitary death, trying to avoid predators until the dry season rendered his food woody and totally impalatable for him. Death is not pleasant for old elephants - starvation isn't easy, and a huge old animal caught by predators suffers terribly, bit by bit. By contrast, he was stalked and taken with a single brain shot from forty yards. He knew nothing about it.

He was one of just four bulls on this years government quota for block NG13, an area with about 29,000 elephants. The licensed PH, Mr Kachelhoffer, is a Motswana (a Botswanan national).

The elephant was an impressive size because this was his first appearance (talk about luck!) - the area NG13 is almost impenetrable - no roads, no shops, no tourists, no nothing except remote villages. He was NOT a tourist attraction. Nobody was aware he was there, because hunting is only now opening up again after the previous Khama moratorium on hunting (see below). It is the locals who, after many kgotlas (village meetings or courts) and piddling about by lawyers, agreed to let the safari company hunt their land, NG13, for $110,000 per year, plus extra per animal and help with a community vehicle, plus 30 employed to start roads. Hunting is the only real income in this area of subsistence farming.. Many people in the area have given up trying to grow food because of the expanding elephant population. People like this are the folks who asked the present President, Masisi, to do something about the elephant problem. For them, an elephant is a nasty, dangerous five ton garden slug that won't take no for an answer if he fancies your family's sorghum or corn plot. His evening meal or two is your family's annual food supply.

The 350 happy people who received the meat probably fed three more people each. The tracker, a local man, thanked the elephant with sincere reverence for giving his life to the people he now fed and lived in turn.

In all, a humane and fitting end to a great old man - the perfect moral and practical trophy, and a demonstration of sustainable consumptive use of a local resource. Trophy hunters have nothing to apologise for where the hunting is RATS - responsible, accountable, transparent and sustainable.

The rubbish spouted about this "rare, tourist-attracting, genetically important, blah, blah, blah" elephant by ex-President Khama is because Khama hates President Masisi for democratically replacing him. Masisi, once elected, answered the call by his Batswana people living in the north to do something about the damn elephants and the fear and deaths from elephant attacks. President Masisi re-instated carefully controlled hunting to provide jobs, income and compensation and show something is being done. Without it something being done, local people turn a blind eye to poachers, who solve the problem for them. The problem is that poachers often use poisons and kill loads of other things, too, apart from rhinos.

At the same time, previous President Khama had (allegedly!!) stopped all hunting because he had a cosy private monopoly arrangement with an eco-safari operator, Joubert, to take over all the hunting grounds for their photo-tourism partnership. It was a disaster for people and wildlife, and one of the reasons they kicked Khama out. Now, Khama runs around the world making trouble for President Masisi by drumming up animal rights willing donkeys to his cause. Typical of these is the CBTH, a UK parasite private company that collects money from the public to save animals, but doesn't save a single one. It is run by crafty shyster Eduardo Goncalves, who lifts photos of legal hunts from hunting websites and uses them to denounce hunters for "murdering wildlife to extinction". That is his profitable con trick and he is welcome to challenge me in court for saying so. He is the main source of all the "evil hunter" articles around the world that cause concerned debates here on AH too. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, he trousers all the donations.

The story of this big elephant was released to the world press by Africa Geographic, a crafty play on the name of its illustrious National namesake. In reality, though, it is just a pretentious travel agency run by a pushbike riding, bunny-hugging accountant who trucks hundreds of photo-tourists into the bush, turning popular wild places into little better than busy theme parks ....spot an eco- touristy connection running thro' this story, anyone??? It takes 100 photo tourists to replace the income from one trophy hunter. Africa Geographic hates hunters, too. It has nothing to do with animal welfare and everything to do with milking kindly, animal loving but entirely gullible punters.

Anyway, folks, that's a bit of the background to this story. Have a lovely day and may all your brass end up warm......meanwhile, there is a hunter somewhere who is dong cartwheels round his gun room and a taxidermist with tears in his eyes.........
For them, an elephant is a nasty, dangerous five ton garden slug that won't take no for an answer

John Nash, that is a great line! I enjoyed reading your post.
This was a very old elephant. They started tracking him when they saw his dung had unchewed grass and bark - it means old and possibly big bull - the animal's last teeth had worn down and he is not chewing properly. Like all old elephants, he was beginning to starve. His days of breeding were long over - he was in no condition to fight younger breeding bulls. His was to be a slow, solitary death, trying to avoid predators until the dry season rendered his food woody and totally impalatable for him. Death is not pleasant for old elephants - starvation isn't easy, and a huge old animal caught by predators suffers terribly, bit by bit. By contrast, he was stalked and taken with a single brain shot from forty yards. He knew nothing about it.

He was one of just four bulls on this years government quota for block NG13, an area with about 29,000 elephants. The licensed PH, Mr Kachelhoffer, is a Motswana (a Botswanan national).

The elephant was an impressive size because this was his first appearance (talk about luck!) - the area NG13 is almost impenetrable - no roads, no shops, no tourists, no nothing except remote villages. He was NOT a tourist attraction. Nobody was aware he was there, because hunting is only now opening up again after the previous Khama moratorium on hunting (see below). It is the locals who, after many kgotlas (village meetings or courts) and piddling about by lawyers, agreed to let the safari company hunt their land, NG13, for $110,000 per year, plus extra per animal and help with a community vehicle, plus 30 employed to start roads. Hunting is the only real income in this area of subsistence farming.. Many people in the area have given up trying to grow food because of the expanding elephant population. People like this are the folks who asked the present President, Masisi, to do something about the elephant problem. For them, an elephant is a nasty, dangerous five ton garden slug that won't take no for an answer if he fancies your family's sorghum or corn plot. His evening meal or two is your family's annual food supply.

The 350 happy people who received the meat probably fed three more people each. The tracker, a local man, thanked the elephant with sincere reverence for giving his life to the people he now fed and lived in turn.

In all, a humane and fitting end to a great old man - the perfect moral and practical trophy, and a demonstration of sustainable consumptive use of a local resource. Trophy hunters have nothing to apologise for where the hunting is RATS - responsible, accountable, transparent and sustainable.

The rubbish spouted about this "rare, tourist-attracting, genetically important, blah, blah, blah" elephant by ex-President Khama is because Khama hates President Masisi for democratically replacing him. Masisi, once elected, answered the call by his Batswana people living in the north to do something about the damn elephants and the fear and deaths from elephant attacks. President Masisi re-instated carefully controlled hunting to provide jobs, income and compensation and show something is being done. Without it something being done, local people turn a blind eye to poachers, who solve the problem for them. The problem is that poachers often use poisons and kill loads of other things, too, apart from rhinos.

At the same time, previous President Khama had (allegedly!!) stopped all hunting because he had a cosy private monopoly arrangement with an eco-safari operator, Joubert, to take over all the hunting grounds for their photo-tourism partnership. It was a disaster for people and wildlife, and one of the reasons they kicked Khama out. Now, Khama runs around the world making trouble for President Masisi by drumming up animal rights willing donkeys to his cause. Typical of these is the CBTH, a UK parasite private company that collects money from the public to save animals, but doesn't save a single one. It is run by crafty shyster Eduardo Goncalves, who lifts photos of legal hunts from hunting websites and uses them to denounce hunters for "murdering wildlife to extinction". That is his profitable con trick and he is welcome to challenge me in court for saying so. He is the main source of all the "evil hunter" articles around the world that cause concerned debates here on AH too. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, he trousers all the donations.

The story of this big elephant was released to the world press by Africa Geographic, a crafty play on the name of its illustrious National namesake. In reality, though, it is just a pretentious travel agency run by a pushbike riding, bunny-hugging accountant who trucks hundreds of photo-tourists into the bush, turning popular wild places into little better than busy theme parks ....spot an eco- touristy connection running thro' this story, anyone??? It takes 100 photo tourists to replace the income from one trophy hunter. Africa Geographic hates hunters, too. It has nothing to do with animal welfare and everything to do with milking kindly, animal loving but entirely gullible punters.

Anyway, folks, that's a bit of the background to this story. Have a lovely day and may all your brass end up warm......meanwhile, there is a hunter somewhere who is dong cartwheels round his gun room and a taxidermist with tears in his eyes.........

:D Beers:
This was a very old elephant. They started tracking him when they saw his dung had unchewed grass and bark - it means old and possibly big bull - the animal's last teeth had worn down and he is not chewing properly. Like all old elephants, he was beginning to starve. His days of breeding were long over - he was in no condition to fight younger breeding bulls. His was to be a slow, solitary death, trying to avoid predators until the dry season rendered his food woody and totally impalatable for him. Death is not pleasant for old elephants - starvation isn't easy, and a huge old animal caught by predators suffers terribly, bit by bit. By contrast, he was stalked and taken with a single brain shot from forty yards. He knew nothing about it.

He was one of just four bulls on this years government quota for block NG13, an area with about 29,000 elephants. The licensed PH, Mr Kachelhoffer, is a Motswana (a Botswanan national).

The elephant was an impressive size because this was his first appearance (talk about luck!) - the area NG13 is almost impenetrable - no roads, no shops, no tourists, no nothing except remote villages. He was NOT a tourist attraction. Nobody was aware he was there, because hunting is only now opening up again after the previous Khama moratorium on hunting (see below). It is the locals who, after many kgotlas (village meetings or courts) and piddling about by lawyers, agreed to let the safari company hunt their land, NG13, for $110,000 per year, plus extra per animal and help with a community vehicle, plus 30 employed to start roads. Hunting is the only real income in this area of subsistence farming.. Many people in the area have given up trying to grow food because of the expanding elephant population. People like this are the folks who asked the present President, Masisi, to do something about the elephant problem. For them, an elephant is a nasty, dangerous five ton garden slug that won't take no for an answer if he fancies your family's sorghum or corn plot. His evening meal or two is your family's annual food supply.

The 350 happy people who received the meat probably fed three more people each. The tracker, a local man, thanked the elephant with sincere reverence for giving his life to the people he now fed and lived in turn.

In all, a humane and fitting end to a great old man - the perfect moral and practical trophy, and a demonstration of sustainable consumptive use of a local resource. Trophy hunters have nothing to apologise for where the hunting is RATS - responsible, accountable, transparent and sustainable.

The rubbish spouted about this "rare, tourist-attracting, genetically important, blah, blah, blah" elephant by ex-President Khama is because Khama hates President Masisi for democratically replacing him. Masisi, once elected, answered the call by his Batswana people living in the north to do something about the damn elephants and the fear and deaths from elephant attacks. President Masisi re-instated carefully controlled hunting to provide jobs, income and compensation and show something is being done. Without it something being done, local people turn a blind eye to poachers, who solve the problem for them. The problem is that poachers often use poisons and kill loads of other things, too, apart from rhinos.

At the same time, previous President Khama had (allegedly!!) stopped all hunting because he had a cosy private monopoly arrangement with an eco-safari operator, Joubert, to take over all the hunting grounds for their photo-tourism partnership. It was a disaster for people and wildlife, and one of the reasons they kicked Khama out. Now, Khama runs around the world making trouble for President Masisi by drumming up animal rights willing donkeys to his cause. Typical of these is the CBTH, a UK parasite private company that collects money from the public to save animals, but doesn't save a single one. It is run by crafty shyster Eduardo Goncalves, who lifts photos of legal hunts from hunting websites and uses them to denounce hunters for "murdering wildlife to extinction". That is his profitable con trick and he is welcome to challenge me in court for saying so. He is the main source of all the "evil hunter" articles around the world that cause concerned debates here on AH too. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, he trousers all the donations.

The story of this big elephant was released to the world press by Africa Geographic, a crafty play on the name of its illustrious National namesake. In reality, though, it is just a pretentious travel agency run by a pushbike riding, bunny-hugging accountant who trucks hundreds of photo-tourists into the bush, turning popular wild places into little better than busy theme parks ....spot an eco- touristy connection running thro' this story, anyone??? It takes 100 photo tourists to replace the income from one trophy hunter. Africa Geographic hates hunters, too. It has nothing to do with animal welfare and everything to do with milking kindly, animal loving but entirely gullible punters.

Anyway, folks, that's a bit of the background to this story. Have a lovely day and may all your brass end up warm......meanwhile, there is a hunter somewhere who is dong cartwheels round his gun room and a taxidermist with tears in his eyes.........
Now the truth is out there! Thank you, Sir!

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Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!
mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell