
  1. Jamy Traut Hunting Safaris

    Namibia Leopard Hunt With Jamy Traut Hunting Safaris 2019

    Hi all, Please find information about leopard hunt available for this year below: Kaokoland Leopard 2019 with Jamy Traut Hunting Safaris We have a leopard hunt package available for 2019. This hunt will take place in Kaokoland, which is in the North West of Namibia. This hunt will have to...
  2. Jamy Traut Hunting Safaris

    Greetings from Namibia - Jamy Traut Hunting Safaris

    Hi all, My name is Louw Lotter. I would like to tell you more about our operation in Namibia. Jamy Traut Hunting Safaris is a family-run operation dedicated to providing a small number of clients with an unequaled opportunity to hunt Africa's great game. With a variety of areas available in...
  3. Kmiller

    NAMIBIA: Has Anyone Hunted With Dammag Hunting Safaris?

    Has anyone hunted with ErrensVanMer with Dammag hunting safaris? This is out of Namibia. Thanks in advance-

    Leopard Hunt No Discount Just A Great Hunt 2018 Price If Booked Before The End Of The Year

    BULLET SAFARIS Tanzania Selous Game Reserve You will have the opportunity to hunt leopard, Croc, Hippo and buffalo as well as many plains game species. This is a great hunt in a wilderness area. We specialize in Leopard hunting and you will have a chance at a big Tom leopard with us, be ready...
  5. Bullet Safaris Leopard hunt Tanzania 2017

    Bullet Safaris Leopard hunt Tanzania 2017

    Another great leopard hunt by Bullet Safaris in 2017 - hunts like these save habitat and protect animals by funding and supporting the protection of large areas of wilderness that the governments struggle to control and that photo tourists don't want to go vacation in. Hunts like these fund...
  6. Buckdog

    Oh where oh where can I find MR. SPOTS????

    Hey guys I want a leopard!! So I need the help and advice of all of you good folks out there that have hunted leopards or know someone who has. I just want a mature tom, don't need a huge one. The number one important thing to me will be which country, area and PH has the highest success rate...
  7. H

    ZAMBIA: Leopard - 3rd Time A Charm?

    Well, made a late season dash to Zambia to try for leopard one more time for 2017. Earlier this year, I had two trips to Zimbabwe in order to try to catch up with Mr. Spots and was unsuccessful. Luckily my wife and children obliged and set off for Zambia to hunt with Alister Norton, Makasa...
  8. Philip Glass

    ZIMBABWE: Leopard Charge My Nightmare In Zimbabwe

    Earlier this year as I was planning a third try for leopard I figured it was time to change tactics. I got in contact with Martin Pieters and told him I wanted a hound hunt in Zim. We debated the pros and cons and decided to hire PH Scott Bailey from Bulawayo to guide me in the Matopos area for...
  9. Philip Glass

    I Can't Wait.......

    I can't wait, its one week to go. I can't wait to pack it up and get gone! I can't wait to shoot my .375 a final time, I can't wait to count and weigh my ammo, again... I can't wait to make that final decision on what I really NEED to take, I can't wait to pack my bags checking my list at least...
  10. A

    WANTED: Big 5 Hunting Trip

    I recently just got back from a plains hunting trip from Africa, and I want to go back next year and hunt one of the big 5. I don't have much money as I am a student right now and therefore I am looking for something like a lioness, a Buffalo Cow, or a Smaller non-exportable elephant.

    POLL: Would you hunt Leopard with Dogs?

    IF YOU SUPPORT HUNTING LEOPARD WITH HOUNDS AS A METHOD ANSWER YES. It's my failure in question design, when I made the question personal and not about the method of hunting. Given the fact that the Anti's are pressuring consultants and government game departments on the subject of Hounds and...

    Hunt Until You Get Your Leopard... Tanzania

    ok team - we had another exceptional year with all of our hunts...but the cat hunts we continue to led the industry in. So if you want a cat here is the special for you, it's not the cheapest but I can assure you it is the best. hunt until you get your leopard (up to 21 days). hunt: buffalo...
  13. Philip Glass

    NAMIBIA: Leopard Hunt At Westfalen

    I hunted in northern Namibia with Westfalen Safaris in October and November 2016. I was hunting leopard, damara dik dik, and klipspringer primarily. On the first day we spotted elephants, mountain zebras, giraffe, gemsbok and other game. The drought has raged on for two years in this part of the...

    NAMIBIA: Ndumo Hunting Safaris Highlights 2016

    Hi all I have a few days off, sitting in a nice air-conditioned room, and sorting out my brochures for the 2017 show season. In the process I had to sort through this year's photos, to pick which ones makes it to the brochure, banner and upgraded website (should launch 1 December 2016). This...
  15. Philip Glass

    Best Trail Cam For Leopard?

    Maybe some of the PH's on here can give us their recommendations. I was wondering what brand or model of trail camera is preferred for Leopard? There are all these new models with new no glow IR lights that I would assume would be a major improvement in the dark. I use trail cameras intensively...
  16. Lrntolive

    Colorado House Bill 1341 to Ban Sale, Purchase or Trade...

    Just got this from SCI: On April 14, the House Health, Insurance & Environment Committee is holding a hearing on House Bill 1341, which prohibits the sale, purchase, trade, or distribution of any covered animal species part or product, including ivory. Contact your State Rep and Committee...

    Leopard Hunt Special Do Not Wait To Hunt Your Cat

    LEOPARD HUNT SPECIAL in SELOUS GAME RESERVE 14 day hunt in Tanzania Daily Rate = 15,450 Licenses = 4,900 Extras and gun lic = 1,650 Leopard Trophy Fee = 5,500 Total Hunt and Leopard Trophy Fee = 27,500 Round Trip Camp Transfer = 1,750 (private air in / road out) Dates: August 14 - Arrive in...

    Tanzania Hunt Specials

    NOT cancelation hunts...just what we have left Featured Hunt Specials: - these hunts are limited (1 x of each package exists, the buffalo hunt could be two hunters at the same time). - the dates and price are set for these cost effective hunts (changes to dates or area will change the costs) -...
  19. Diamondhitch

    Leopard Taxidermy Pictures

    This mount was done by a taxidermist who I highly revere, not just for his talent as a true wildlife artist but for the natural talent and commitment to excellence that has propelled him to his first world taxidermy championship win at the tender age of 21!!! Here is the mount that earned Daniel...

    Leopard hunt- we got another one!

    Hi everyone - here is another of our 2015 leopard kills. Broad daylight - Tanzania - Huge Cat. We also had a nice lion on this same bait. This hunt cost $24,750 for leopard sable roan and buffalo (no trophy fees or travel included).
  21. Kumele Safaris

    Kumele Safaris

    Kumele safaris is for hunters by hunters.We offer you a large variety af game species that can be hunted on 3 privately owned farms by Mr Rodney Enslin. From the bushveld to the plains and also do off-shore fishing charters of the cost of our private game reserve 40 km from Cape Town. No matter...
  22. Tootabi Hunting Safaris - Images

    Tootabi Hunting Safaris - Images

    Leopard on a trail cam picture. All native and not fenced in.
  23. Leopard Namibia

    Leopard Namibia

  24. Leopard Hunting with Theunis Botha

    Leopard Hunting with Theunis Botha

  25. Zimbabwe's Leopard

    Zimbabwe's Leopard

    Zimbabwe's Leopard
  26. Arrow entering the leopard's liver

    Arrow entering the leopard's liver

    Pic from a video (Zambezi extreme) when my arrow is entering the treed leopard. Look at the withish rod slightly askew on the low middle ribcage. The tom would struggle 2 minutes, before falling down.
  27. leopard with Tristan Peacock

    leopard with Tristan Peacock

    . 2007 Nyamuswa Zimbabwe with Buzz Charlton and Tristan Peacock. 5th day of hard running after this elusive tom, the hounds were finished. Thanks to Tristan Peacock's great team. One shot kill at 15 m to a treed pissed tom.
  28. Motsomi Safaris - Leopard

    Motsomi Safaris - Leopard








    NAMIBIA: SOUTH AFRICA: Otavi & Leeukop Safaris KZN (The Whole Tale)

    Here are a couple of pictures to whet the appetite while I get prepared to give "the big picture." This Buffalo I affectionately called "Helmet Head". I did not even see them hiding the the brush. I was so focused on the Kudu we were chasing. I was "just walking behind the PH" and looking up...
  33. Leopard


  34. Leopard Hunting in Zimbabwe

    Leopard Hunting in Zimbabwe

  35. Bait for Hunting Leopard

    Bait for Hunting Leopard

  36. Bait for Hunting Leopard

    Bait for Hunting Leopard

  37. "Tessa" - Portfolio Photo

    "Tessa" - Portfolio Photo

    This is the mount of "Tessa", the pen-raised female Black Leopard, with her "newborn" cub hidden away in the base of an old tree. This is her "Portfolio Shot" ... the dark blue background, and low level blue and amber lights, represent the onset of evening. John...
  38. Leopard in Tree

    Leopard in Tree

  39. Bowhunting Leopard Shot Placement

    Bowhunting Leopard Shot Placement

    For more bowhunting shot placement photos visit the Bowhunting Shot Placement Guide and for discussion about the Perfect Bow Shot visit the bowhunting forum.
  40. Bowhunting Leopard Shot Placement

    Bowhunting Leopard Shot Placement

    For more bowhunting shot placement photos visit the Bowhunting Shot Placement Guide and for discussion about the Perfect Bow Shot visit the bowhunting forum.
  41. "Tessa's" Cub

    "Tessa's" Cub

    Finally, here is a close-up of "Tessa's" newborn cub. Her eyes are still closed, and Momma -- Mlindi Mzazi -- in the tree above, is keeping a sharp eye out for trouble! Mounted by John Bellucci, Master Taxidermist.
  42. "Tessa"


    This is my "Porfolio Shot" of the mount of "Tessa" and her baby. I lit the mount as if the day was coming to an end, and night was beginning to fall. Mount by John Bellucci.
  43. "Tessa"


    This is the whole mount of "Tessa", showing her in her tree. I hand built the tree, so I could create the opening in the base. "Hidden" in the base is Tessa's cub. In real life the cub was stillborn, but in the mount, it is a healthy newborn! Mounted by John Bellucci...
  44. "Tessa"


    Here is a close-up of the base of Tessa's tree, and "hidden" away is her newborn cub. Mounted by John Bellucci, Master Taxidermist.
  45. Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia

    Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia

    Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia www.AfricanHuntingSafaris.com
  46. Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia

    Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia

    Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia www.AfricanHuntingSafaris.com
  47. Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia

    Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia

    Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia www.AfricanHuntingSafaris.com
  48. Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia

    Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia

    Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia www.AfricanHuntingSafaris.com
  49. Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia

    Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia

    Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia www.AfricanHuntingSafaris.com
  50. Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia

    Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia

    Hunting Leopard on Bait at Ozondjahe Safaris Namibia www.AfricanHuntingSafaris.com