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  1. S

    We are taking my Dad on his FIRST African Safari!!!

    Thats awesome!! Im taking my dad July 2025. He took me when I was 14 and my young, stupid self told him Id take him some day, and that time has finally come.
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    Free State Province

    Blesbok and wildebeest are on the list for sure!! Hadn’t even considered a serval but I will now!
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    Free State Province

    Awesome animals! I do have black wildebeest on top of my list! Along with waterbuck
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    Free State Province

    Thats awesome and beautiful animals!! What part of the free state were you hunting?
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    Free State Province

    Good to know!! Black wildebeest is a definite on my list with oryx and red hartebeest being likely as well!
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    Free State Province

    grootvallei. it is east of kimberly by boshof
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    New guy here

    Nice! Im down in the RGV. I have gone once about 20 years ago and that was in the eastern cape. Ill be going with Grootvallei Safaris. As far as targets, Im not 100% sure yet. Definitely black wildebeest, blesbok and waterbuck. Possibly gemsbok, blue wildebeest, red hartebeest.
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    New guy here

    New to the page and loving it so far. Lot's of great info. Booked to head to the Free State in July 2025. Hoping to get some tips and pointers!
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    Free State Province

    I have booked a hunt for 2025 in the Free State Province, outside of Kimberley. Obviously very different terrain from when I hunted eatern cape, so does anyone have any feedback on that area? Also trying to decide on what to pursue. Definitely going after black wildebeest, but what other animals...