Search results

  1. 1Birddog!

    Suppressors in Africa

    I feel like I’m beating a dead horse, but the conflicting information concerning bringing suppressors to Africa is unsettling. Yes, some guys and their buddies go every year and experience zero problems and think this is all a big joke. While others cannot get an ATF 5320.2 or their CBP 4357...
  2. 1Birddog!

    Travelling with a suppressor

    Does anyone reading this have “the juice” to contact the administration and address this grey area? Simply have a clear policy that we can legally take our legal suppressors on legal trips to Africa and legally bring them back. This is ridiculous that only “some” ATF 5320.2 are signed by ATF and...
  3. 1Birddog!

    Travelling with a suppressor

    What was your answer to # 10?
  4. 1Birddog!

    Travelling with a suppressor

    Mark, Was returning to the U.S. from your last trip problem-free?
  5. 1Birddog!

    American Hunter Killed in Uganda

    Excellent analysis.
  6. 1Birddog!

    Travelling with a suppressor

    Great! I really appreciate you letting us know how it goes. There is so much conflicting info concerning bringing suppressors back from RSA. I’m flying out of and back to Atlanta.
  7. 1Birddog!

    Travelling with a suppressor

    Great! I really appreciate you letting us know how it goes. There is so much conflicting info concerning bringing suppressors back from RSA. I’m flying out of and back to Atlanta.
  8. 1Birddog!

    Travelling with a suppressor

    What answer did you put on question #10 on the ATF f 5320.2?
  9. 1Birddog!

    Tattoos... advice from those so adorned

    Excellent work! Who is your tattoo artist in Alaska? I get up there frequently.
  10. 1Birddog!

    Tattoos... advice from those so adorned

    Do you have a picture of your buffalo tattoo?
  11. 1Birddog!

    Taxidermy in PNW

    Does anyone have recommendations for an excellent taxidermist in Washington State for both African and North American game?
  12. 1Birddog!

    Departing Atlanta to Africa with two rifles and two suppressors

    I’m planning my African flights. I will have two rifles and two suppressors. My flight has a two hour layover in Atlanta before flying to South Africa. What will I need to do in Atlanta regarding the firearms and is two hours long enough?
  13. 1Birddog!

    HS Precision stock on Ruger 375 Guide Gun

    Thanks! I appreciate the answer!
  14. 1Birddog!

    HS Precision stock on Ruger 375 Guide Gun

    I’m about ready to order a HS Precision stock. My .375 Ruger Guide Gun has a barrel band. Does anyone know if the stock fore end has enough clearance for the barrel band? How much clearance and does it look okay?
  15. 1Birddog!

    Winchester Model 70 Safari Express .416

    Just take it to any gunsmith. The threads may not be original, but to me it adds value. Love suppressors!
  16. 1Birddog!

    Winchester Model 70 Safari Express .416

    Do you know what thread size?
  17. 1Birddog!

    Anyone ever filmed their safari?

    Never had it done, but I love watching those videos on YouTube! Just type in African Hunting and you will have many, many hours of entertainment! Most seem to be African Sun productions and they are well done.
  18. 1Birddog!

    Ruger Hawkeye and Timney trigger

    Ernie’s Spring is very probably the direction I’m going. I appreciate the response! I think Timney has a fair return policy.
  19. 1Birddog!

    Ruger Hawkeye and Timney trigger

    I have Timney triggers in many of my firearms. Great triggers and never a problem. I took a new Timney to my gunsmith to install in a new Ruger .375 Guide Gun, LC6. My gunsmith swears it will not fit, even if he grinds it. Both he and I have been on the phone with Timney several times. Timney...
  20. 1Birddog!

    Timney trigger in Ruger .375 guide gun

    I have Timney triggers in many of my firearms. Great triggers and never a problem. I took a new Timney to my gunsmith to install in a new Ruger .375 Guide Gun, LC6. My gunsmith swears it will not fit, even if he grinds it. Both he and I have been on the phone with Timney several times. Timney...
  21. 1Birddog!

    H-S Precision Stock Colors/Patterns

    Hi Wildwilderness, Any chance you can post the picture of your SS Ruger with the “granite” stock? I’m close to putting in an order with HS Precision. Thanks!
  22. 1Birddog!

    Tactical lever actions - what's the appeal?

    And now, sadly, Washington State, too. At least the ones we owned were “grandfathered” in.
  23. 1Birddog!

    Wanted pre-‘64 Model 70 .243

    Got one! I think it was the first year ( maybe 1957) Winchester manufactured the .243. No BS, this gun is very close to perfect. Barrel is still excellent and it shoots within a half inch with cheap ammo. PM me if interested.
  24. 1Birddog!

    Suppressor wait times!

    Yes, I agree, it’s quite possible suppressors will be removed from NFA restrictions, as they should. Hopefully congress acts!
  25. 1Birddog!

    Suppressor wait times!

    We strongly disagree on that. I know wtf I’m speaking about.
  26. 1Birddog!

    Suppressor wait times!

    I think they finally got funded adequately.
  27. 1Birddog!

    Suppressor wait times!

    If you want your suppressor quick, e-file as an Individual. Silencer Shop submitted it to ATF on a Monday and I picked it up Friday morning.
  28. 1Birddog!

    Suppressor wait times!

    I heard that the Trusts are taking longer. My previous cans were Trusts, but I was the only one listed. They took months. This was an Individual.
  29. 1Birddog!

    Suppressor wait times!

    It took only 5 days after the e-file went to ATF to be approved. Picked up a .375 Bowers Group suppressor last week.
  30. 1Birddog!

    Which scope

    Totally agree with Wyfox. The optics should usually be about the same cost as the firearm.
  31. 1Birddog!

    H-S Precision Stock Colors/Patterns

    I’ve been thinking the very same combo!
  32. 1Birddog!

    H-S Precision Stock Colors/Patterns

    Yup, the Timney trigger arrived a few days ago. I’ll make it a nice 3 lbs pull.
  33. 1Birddog!

    H-S Precision Stock Colors/Patterns

    Like I said, I just wanted some advice from experts about a gun stock.
  34. 1Birddog!

    H-S Precision Stock Colors/Patterns

    I’m a retired 1811 and was there on scene. Not pleasant memories.——I just wanted some advice from experts about a gun stock. I don’t care about your politics.
  35. 1Birddog!

    H-S Precision Stock Colors/Patterns

    Looking forward to it!
  36. 1Birddog!

    H-S Precision Stock Colors/Patterns

    If anyone has any pictures to post of a Ruger with a H-S Precision stock, it would be appreciated very much. It’s difficult to decide on a color/pattern from their website chart alone.
  37. 1Birddog!

    H-S Precision Stock Colors/Patterns

    I’m replacing the stock on my .375 Ruger Guide Gun with a H-S precision stock. Does anyone have any suggestions of what pattern will look good with the Ruger’ stainless steel? This rifle will be used in both Africa and Alaska.
  38. 1Birddog!

    I'm finally retired - Another Chapter Closes

    Congratulations, I know exactly how bittersweet you feel and a trip is the best thing to do at this point. I also worked for the government as an 1811 and hit my mandatory retirement age of 57. At the time, I would have happily stayed, but by law, it was time to go. No regrets! Yes, it will be...
  39. 1Birddog!

    Suppressor on new Ruger .375

    Okay, I have been unsuccessful in all my attempts to purchase a Winchester Classic m70 .375 HH on Gunbroker. Today, (maybe out frustration) I bought a Ruger Guide Gun, 20 inch barrel, in .375 Ruger, at Cabela’s. The price with my member discount was only $1160.99. So, my question is does anyone...
  40. 1Birddog!

    SOUTH AFRICA: Has Anyone Hunted With Brian Suddaby Safaris?

    South Africa for 10 days for just plains animals. Then a 3 day trip to Victoria Falls. If things go well, I’ll be going back for a Buffalo the following year.
  41. 1Birddog!

    SOUTH AFRICA: Has Anyone Hunted With Brian Suddaby Safaris?

    This will be my first trip to Africa. My wife and I were researching PHs. Coincidentally, Brian gave a presentation at the Kenmore gun club right before we booked with someone else. He impressed us and we made reservations the next day.
  42. 1Birddog!

    SOUTH AFRICA: Has Anyone Hunted With Brian Suddaby Safaris?

    I met him at the Kenmore Range. Folks there there recommended him. I booked a hunt with him for 2025. Looking forward to it!
  43. 1Birddog!

    SOUTH AFRICA: Has Anyone Hunted With Brian Suddaby Safaris?

    Has anyone used Brian Suddaby Safaris?