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  1. S

    Farther/Daughter Bowhunt in Limpopo

    The picture will not upload here in the airport. I will continue the story when we get home and have better service.
  2. S

    Farther/Daughter Bowhunt in Limpopo

    Oh where to start? I’m sitting in the Johannesburg airport thinking about the last 10 days. I guess I will start with the fact that I’m not a very good writer and my grammar and punctuation is probably worst. Please bear with me and ask any questions that have not been covered. I’ll try to get...
  3. S

    Traveling with Minors to South Africa

    I’ve came through Johannesburg with my 16 year old daughter on the 5th. I had the paperwork notorized and her birthday certificate. No one were asked for anything. But we had used Gracy travel and had Michael walking us through everything. I can say how easy Gracy made everything. We will fly...
  4. S

    July Bowhunting Safari

    Day 3 is finished and we are half way done with our hunt already. But after dinner tonight we made plans for our next trip. So as the sun set we now have 9 animals in the salt with todays kills adding another warthog, impala, and gemsbok to the pile. I’ll save the pictures for our final hunt...
  5. S

    July Bowhunting Safari

    Day 2 is over. Sara blesbok was dead not far from where they stopped the track last night. More arrows were shot today and we ended up with a kudu, female eland, and a warthog in the salt. We are all having a great time.
  6. S

    July Bowhunting Safari

    Our second full day is about to start. Sara shot a blesbok about an hour before dark last night. The shot in the video looked almost perfect. Maybe a hair low but should have been dead in about 50 yards. Thet bumped it as it was getting dark but had to leave it overnight due to the amount of...
  7. S

    July Bowhunting Safari

    We have made it to City Lodge. It is our anniversary so I had emailed Hannah at Gracy travel and the had us a bucket of beer and some flowers in the room. Sara is in the room next door with interconnected rooms. I’ll save all the travel details for the whole write up, but it’s been almost...
  8. S

    July Bowhunting Safari

    Our bags are packed and we will head to the airport soon. I’ll try and update during the trip and a full write up when we get back.
  9. S

    SOUTH AFRICA: First Trip: The Ins & Outs Getting To & Enjoying Nick BOWKER HUNTING SOUTH AFRICA

    Awesome first hunt. We have a little over a week before we leave on our first trip. Hannah from Gracy is awesome and has been helping us with our trip. Hopefully we will have a great report to share when we get back
  10. S

    July Bowhunting Safari

    Thanks for your input!! We are going to be carrying a couple of Sony 4k video cameras with us and I also have a A6400 Sony for pictures. We have taken turns videoing each other on deer hunts and have some cool memories on film. We are nowhere close to professionals but hopefully we can put...
  11. S

    July Bowhunting Safari

    All our arrows are built and bows are shooting awesome. I think we have everything we need for the trip. We are just a little over 3 weeks out before we are there. We went to the Whitetail Unlimited banquet again last week and it looks like we are going to be going back to South Africa again...
  12. S

    What broadheads is everyone bringing to Africa this year?

    Me, my wife and daughter leave on July 4th. My daughter and I will be hunting and plan on taking Iron Wills standard solids and wides, Grim Reaper Hades Pro 4 blades, QAD exodus, Slick Trick Mags, Magnus Black Hornets and Stingers, and maybe some more. We have used all of these on deer and pigs...
  13. S

    July Bowhunting Safari

    She is a killer with her bow. She killed her first deer and pig at 11. This last year she has killed an alligator, deer and pigs.
  14. S

    July Bowhunting Safari

    Working on Sara’s arrows. Easton Axis 500’s, 24” long with 50 grain brass inserts and waiting on Iron Will 10 grain collars. Total arrow weight will be right at 400 grains. We have upped her draw weight from 52 to 60lbs and added 35 grains to her arrows. She has had pass throughs on pigs and...
  15. S

    July Bowhunting Safari

    The bowhunting area doesn’t get a lot of post so I’m going to start one that will be a blog/idea/gear of or upcoming trip. I’ll start it where I started. I’ve always wanted to hunt in Africa since since the days of VHS tapes and seeing people hunt the dark continent. I’m 44 years old and...
  16. S

    Age of first African hunting trip

    I will be 44 this July when we go to South Africa for the first time, my wife and our youngest daughter 16 will be with us. My wife and I will be celebrating our anniversary in Johannesburg on the day we land. We have our first grand baby due 12 days after we return. Going to be a great summer.
  17. S

    Hello from NW Georgia

    I’m in west Georgia. My wife daughter and I are leaving for South Africa on the 4th of July and returning on the 16th. We will be in Limpopo.
  18. S

    Hello from Georgia

    I’m in Temple
  19. Alligator Bow Hunt Brunswick

    Alligator Bow Hunt Brunswick

  20. Alligator Bow Hunt Brunswick

    Alligator Bow Hunt Brunswick

  21. S

    Hello from Florida

    Hello I’m new here too. I’m just north of you in Georgia.
  22. S

    Hello from Georgia

    We both killed our gators with in a mile or two of Mudcat Charlie’s.
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    Hello from Georgia

    I’m also a native Georgian and grew up in Cobb county. I’m an electrician and still work in Cobb and Fulton county a good bit.
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    Hello from Georgia

    I’ve hunted many of times on Sapelo and Ossabaw island. My daughter and I both killed alligators just outside of Darrien this year.
  25. S

    Hello from Georgia

    I’ve been reading the forums for a few weeks and decided it was time to join. I live about 45 minutes west of Atlanta. I’ve been a lifelong hunter and planning my first trip to South Africa this summer. My wife and 16 year old daughter will be going with me. I primarily bow hunt and that’s what...