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  1. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    I think you mean the wood (not metal) goes down around the front of the trigger guard mostly for looks?
  2. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    Note that the stocks for both rifles have definitely been modified. They are not standard action stocks. It appears that more than the floorplate was modified. Looks like magazine walls were also lengthened? Here's the profile of magazine and stock on my 98 Mauser 404J. No drop in the stock...
  3. Ontario Hunter

    Browning Love?

    Looks like that 9 iron has chipped a few off the gravel in the parking lot. :D
  4. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    I could maybe live with the first but not the second. I mean, a 404 that's 3+1 is already heavy. Adding an extra cartridge is adding a fair amount weight. Adding two more cartridges? Yes, added weight = less felt recoil but there is a point of diminishing returns when one has to carry the...
  5. Ontario Hunter

    What’s the One Piece of Hunting Gear You Can’t Live Without?

    This is the second pair the US VA has sent me. App didn't work out with first set and replaced by company with upgraded aids and app. Working great although it takes quite a while for the app to warm up and find the hearing aids. They can be turned on manually, both generally and blue tooth...
  6. Ontario Hunter

    What’s the One Piece of Hunting Gear You Can’t Live Without?

    Happy, would these work for you? Rechargeable and the charging unit is rechargeable too. These hearing aids are good for all day and into the night on one charge. They can be adjusted with a phone app. Also comes with a blue tooth adapter for my TV so I can now understand what's going on...
  7. Ontario Hunter

    GRS Rifle Stocks - Closeout Sale

    Is that phaser set to "stun" or "kill"? :D
  8. Ontario Hunter

    Update from DSC annual meeting

    Thanks. Sound is out on my computer.
  9. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    Yeah, Hornady likes to load them hot for some reason. I understand their bonded bullets are good stuff and their brass from my experience is excellent. If I need more loading components, I'll probably buy a box of their 400 gr ammo, pound out the bullets, and reload to something less likely to...
  10. Ontario Hunter

    Update from DSC annual meeting

    I was curious about this guy who has only been CEO since December. Presumably he remains CEO at Walther where he's been since 2021? But what did he do before that during his 35 years in the "outdoors industry"? A diligent search indicates he was formerly VP of sales with ... Remington. No...
  11. Ontario Hunter

    on a lighter note...

    Damn! Where can I sign up!!! Better check my blood pressure. A long dormant appendage seems to have suddenly drained the reserves.
  12. Ontario Hunter

    What’s the One Piece of Hunting Gear You Can’t Live Without?

    I prefer to travel light when hunting. There's the usual stuff: boots, coat, cap, scope, knife, ammo, flashlight. What I don't wear typically goes into a cheap daypack I bought at the university book store here. It has a belly strap which I presume was for bicycling. Very handy for keeping...
  13. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    Just to be clear, it's only the floorplate you're modifying for 4+1? The stock is still standard? I had the option of ordering "extended" bottom metal for 4+1 but I assumed it would require a custom stock.
  14. Ontario Hunter

    on a lighter note...

    I think I saw those on the late night shopping channel. Supposed to be a quick fix for prostrate problems if I recall correctly.
  15. Ontario Hunter

    on a lighter note...

    Must be more Australian advertising? Ranks right up there with "Run ya Bastard!" starting fluid.
  16. Ontario Hunter

    DG calibers/energy laws versus rifle competency

    I have seen guys who have hunted more than forty years act like stupid eleven year-old kids in the field just shooting to fill the air with as much lead as possible. I've also seen guys who could shoot a hundred straight skeet but would have better chance throwing their shotgun at a flushed...
  17. Ontario Hunter

    FN Commercial Mauser problem

    Apologies for driving you crazy. It was never my intention to take you down that road. Guess I should have known it would be a short trip. :D
  18. Ontario Hunter

    Want To Buy Whitworth SightHood

    The NECG hood does appear to have a longer base than Williams. OP should measure the LENGTH of the slot in his sight ramp before considering to purchase. If the slot in the ramp doesn't match the length of hood base, they will look goofy attached together.
  19. Ontario Hunter

    Want To Buy Whitworth SightHood

    Check out their online catalog for that sight hood. How's your sight ramp looking? If it's screw on, it can be easily replaced with a new one from them identical to what was made fifty years ago. Sweat on is not as easily replaced. Be advised Williams screw on ramp has two screws; one...
  20. Ontario Hunter

    Want To Buy Whitworth SightHood

    The Williams hood does fit the slot in Williams ramp end to end perfectly. I'll try to take a better photo. Here ya go. You can see the tapered end of the hood matches the angle of the ramp. The second photo had the hood purposely pushed back far enough to show how the sight blade dovetail...
  21. Ontario Hunter

    Browning Love?

    For any who are contemplating getting rid of that thick glossy finish on their stocks, I'll offer this advice: Start by chipping/scraping off most of the finish. I'm almost 100% certain Browning uses an acrylic lacquer finish. Quick to apply (sprayed on) and dries very quickly which minimizes...
  22. Ontario Hunter

    Browning Love?

    It is a large bore rifle so bound to have a heavier looking barrel (bigger hole inside). Anyway, a heavier contour in a heavy recoiling rifle is not a bad thing. A little extra weight can mean a lot less felt recoil. Looking forward to photos.
  23. Ontario Hunter

    Want To Buy Whitworth SightHood

    If the front sight blade slides in from the front, it's probably NECG. Pushes in from the side, it's probably Williams. Seems Williams or Marble made the sights for most production rifles back then. Williams hood is very unlikely to simply fall off. If you order one, drop me a line and I'll...
  24. Ontario Hunter

    I met someone from the internet (and didn't get murdered!!)

    I am not very gregarious. These days travel has an outdoors objective ... only. As a ranger my profession was socializing and I was good at it. Enjoyed it in fact. But I have grown tired of dealing with people in person. Always seems to be a disappointment in the end. My dogs aren't much...
  25. Ontario Hunter

    Want To Buy Whitworth SightHood

    An old gun like that I'm betting had Williams sights on it. Is the front sight blade pushed in from the side? You can order a hood directly from Williams Gunsight Co in Michigan. They are great people to deal with.
  26. Ontario Hunter

    Indulge me...Ruger no 1 thoughts.

    No competition from me. I'm old enough to remember when Ruger brought them out. Was always a head scratcher for me. Didn't figure the No. 1 would last five years. But here we are more than fifty years later. Novelty sells. Best summarizes presidential elections these days. :D
  27. Ontario Hunter

    Water Buffalo from Down Under pedestal mount

    You need to look for another housekeeper! :D I'm sure you could find a couple hundred Venzuelan gals who would fight for the job right about now. :D
  28. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    Standard box should be deep enough for three rounds? Are you using military follower?
  29. Ontario Hunter

    Bringing 2 guns on a dangerous game hunt?

    I've had a couple of "catastrophies" over the years that led to me borrowing a rifle. It's always worked out well. I do take an extra backup A5 shotgun when I am bird hunting in Montana every fall. For shooting moving targets its critical to have a gun that fits perfectly. Using a scoped...
  30. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    OAL is only 0.03" longer than standard 404J at 3.53". You appear to have 375 H&H bottom metal. That seems like quite a bit of extra headroom in the box. Are you getting any movement of bullets in cases due to recoil? Are you unable to get three down in the box? If your gun has the correct...
  31. Ontario Hunter

    FN Commercial Mauser problem

    Glad to be wrong ... in this case anyway. :D An aluminum shim might not be the best long term solution. Steel in contact with aluminum can produce corrosion. I would suggest removing the action (not bottom metal) and counting the turns on screws as you do. Then use some JB Weld to bed the...
  32. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    What's the overall length of your cartridges?
  33. Ontario Hunter

    Browning Love?

    I don't own one but have certainly froze my trigger finger enough times to see some merit in a nylon trigger. And no I can't shoot for shit with a glove on. Best I can manage is glomitts and slip my trigger finger out of the flap when the dogs get birdy. Still frostbit it countless times...
  34. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    No need to trim the locking ring for standard COL 404 cartridges. If Duane Wiebe can build scores (hundreds?) of top shelf bespoke 375 rifles on standard Mauser and if PH Harry Selby shot a 416 Rigby standard action for almost 40 years, obviously the action is not "weakened" by trimming the...
  35. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    Standard action has shorter bolt throw. Depending on who you talk to, the longer bolt throw presents greater risk of jamming the rifle due to "short stroking" (i.e. trying to close the bolt before empty case is ejected). At least in theory shorter bolt stroke should cycle faster. Faster...
  36. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    If a standard 98 Mauser action works with longer 375 or 416 Rigby, it can be made to work with longer than normal 404J cartridges. The same tricks apply (trim the locking ring). I shoot 400 gr Berger bullets just fine seated at standard COL. But I'm not interested in gassing them up to 2350...
  37. Ontario Hunter

    Custom Cape Buffalo left-hand bolt action rifle - For Sale

    Better show them what you've got. All kinds of shooting sticks out there.
  38. Ontario Hunter

    Custom Cape Buffalo left-hand bolt action rifle - For Sale

    The finger grooves on fore end is an interesting feature. Not a bad idea for hanging onto 458 recoil.
  39. Ontario Hunter

    Browning Love?

    I have borrowed my brother's BAR in 300 WM a couple of times and killed deer with it. The BOSS gizmo was awful noisy. So I bought him an aftermarket non-braked sleeve. It is I think the poorest balanced rifle I've ever handled. Carrying it in ready position is not fun! He loves it but not...
  40. Ontario Hunter

    Browning Love?

    Polychoke was crap. Dad had one on his Model 11. Whatever I dialed it to made almost no difference in pattern. Cutts Compensator was the next best thing to choke tubes but an awful monstrosity to look at or stand next to in a duck blind or next trap station. Browning could stick those...
  41. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    404 has indeed seen a dramatic resurgence in popularity. Consequently, loaded ammo and component availability is growing (albeit cautiously) to meet demand. ANY of the thumper calibers are expensive to shoot. No news there. But I anticipate this African "darling" will only increase in...
  42. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    Okay. Time to once again dispel the myth that 404 Jeffery requires magnum action. Check Wikipedia for the history of this caliber. Jeffery built the original rifles on standard action 98 Mauser because he couldn't get his hands on magnum actions. Rigby had production of those locked up. At...
  43. Ontario Hunter

    Browning Love?

    I don't know about rifles but the Miroku Browning shotguns were as good if not better than Belgian counterparts. The Miroku A5s had more metal and choke tubes. FN made the barrels thinner to cut weight and only fixed chokes. Miroku barrels, even if they didn't have chokes and most do, are...
  44. Ontario Hunter

    Custom Cape Buffalo left-hand bolt action rifle - For Sale

    Appears we share a few things in common. I am also a widower and dog lover. But I only own one "black gun." :D
  45. Ontario Hunter

    Custom Cape Buffalo left-hand bolt action rifle - For Sale

    Paul, they are looking for something that proves the gun photo wasn't ripped off the web. Throw a calender next to the rifle or note with today's date and take a photo. That is a different looking African rifle for sure. Leftie African rifles seem to move well. I note you haven't hunted...
  46. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    420 gr bullets at 2300 fps will have some jump! 400 gr out of my 404 is about all I want to handle and my gun weighs +10 lbs. Sure your daughter will be able to handle it? I'm looking at stepping down to 350 gr. With modern technology I really don't see the need for the old standard 400 gr...
  47. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    What load were you using? 300 yards would be a stretch for 400 gr bullets.
  48. Ontario Hunter

    American Standards For Commercially Manufactured Sporting Ammunition

    You were told that box of ammo was unopened but do you know for sure that someone didn't mix things up? Here's an example: I go to the range to test two different loads with two different bullets. If they look the same, is it not possible to get the cartridges mixed up when putting them back...
  49. Ontario Hunter

    on a lighter note...

    Back in the day we called them "fly-by-night salesmen." Amway. Remember that scam? "Entrepreneurs in cars" was them.
  50. Ontario Hunter

    Let’s be honest….accuracy off the sticks

    In North America I never hunt with sticks. I prefer to have my hands free when stalking. In Africa someone is always with me to carry them so why not? If I was hunting alone, like here, I would not be shooting on sticks.