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  1. Bighorn Sheep

    Bighorn Sheep

  2. C

    Wyoming Elk Clothing Suggestions

    Every time I kill an elk I think, "What was I thinking doing this without a horse?!" Someday... My dad is getting too old to help pack, but my boys are hitting their teen years so they're up a and coming packers. Between them, me, and my wife we packed out a cow about 2 miles in a single trip...
  3. C

    Wyoming Elk Clothing Suggestions

    No. A few miles south of Palmer Canyon.
  4. C

    Wyoming Elk Clothing Suggestions

    I second the attack pants!
  5. C

    Wyoming Elk Clothing Suggestions

    Keep your eyes peeled for bighorn sheep too. This is a pic from our property in Area 7 from a spring hike this April. You can see some of the terrain I'm talking about in the background, although its not as steep as a lot of places.
  6. C

    Wyoming Elk Clothing Suggestions

    Most guys in Area 7 are not horseback hunting, so I would suggest a good supportive hiking boot. I prefer Crispi Hunters or Crispi Altitudes, depending on whether I have to cross streams. Not much water in Area 7, so comfort and ankle protection is probably the highest concern. I hunted Alaska...
  7. C

    Wyoming Elk Clothing Suggestions

    Of course I always pack gloves and a stocking hat. And you will have to wear blaze orange. Are you going with an outfitter or DIY?
  8. C

    Wyoming Elk Clothing Suggestions

    The weather is highly variable that time of year. It's not too high elevation-wise (maybe only 6000-8000 ft), so it will be usually be warmer than other locales throughout the state. I typically hunt that area every year and I live in Laramie. My typical hunting clothes are a merino wool...
  9. C

    Wyoming Winter Kill

    The drawing system did not change. The legislature quashed it.
  10. C

    Hunting Outfitter in WYOMING

    The preference to bonus point bill failed in the House. But the bill to raise NR license fees passed both chambers:
  11. C

    New Member From Wyoming

    Welcome! I'm in Laramie.
  12. C

    Hunting Outfitter in WYOMING

    No doubt! I'm looking forward to my first Africa trip in 2024. The only other place I've hunted (outside my home state of Wyoming and my grad school home in upstate NY) was an unguided Caribou trip to AK. I own acreage in area 7 for elk, but haven't drawn a tag for nearly 10 years... but I see...
  13. C

    Hunting Outfitter in WYOMING

    Yes. 90/10 was already passed. Conversion of moose and sheep to once-in-a-lifetime has already passed. The preference/bonus point change is on the docket for the current legislative session. I'm not sure where the 7250 change is in the process. I'm also not clear on what changes have to be...
  14. C

    Hunting Outfitter in WYOMING

    The consensus is that it's unclear how opportunity might change for NR. There's already more NR elk tags than given out than the 7250. If you're willing to pay high fees for a tag and an outfitter, then you may benefit, as that was the driver for the change. If you're a DIY hunter, the change...
  15. C

    Hunting Outfitter in WYOMING

    I agree with you about Sy, but in truth most residents will never be able to draw a sheep or moose tag. That's why the changes occurred. In the current system, there's no point in my sons buying points because they'll never draw. With the system they're transitioning to (bonus point system), at...
  16. C

    Hunting Outfitter in WYOMING

    The moose/sheep points changes have already gone into effect. There's a lot more on the table that may change soon too. Price increases, at least for the NR special license, and potentially changing the NR general tag to a regional tag like the current NR deer. In my view, point creep is going...
  17. C

    Hunting Outfitter in WYOMING

    I think you will need more points first. 3 elk points won't even get you a general bull tag. Are you asking l willing to burn points on a cow hunt? In many areas, the elk season won't overlap with deer, and usually terrain of antelope won't overlap much with elk. I would recommend just focusing...
  18. C

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    A bit brisk over in Laramie, WY today. Wind chill hit -50F and it's -24F without windchill.
  19. C

    Zeiss bino refurbishing question...

    I've had good experiences sending my binos into Zeiss for refurbishing/repair.
  20. C

    Draw results 2022

    In general, not good. They've cut back tags significantly as a result.
  21. C

    Draw results 2022

    For moose, sheep, and goat the legislature already passed the 90/10 split. It will go into effect next year along with a once-in-a-lifetime limitation on bull, ram, and billy tags. The Task Force is currently considering 90/10 for high demand areas for elk, deer, and antelope, but the...
  22. C

    Greetings from Laramie, WY

    Thanks for the invite, but I'm hoping to be out in the woods that week!
  23. C

    Best 17HMR

    Another vote for the Tikka 1X!
  24. C

    Greetings from Laramie, WY

    The boys really want zebra, I haven't thought much about bushbuck
  25. C

    Greetings from Laramie, WY

    I have three sons, so he'll likely have at least one of them hunting with him the entire time. Two of them were actually with him for his last elk and they did the lion's share of the skinning work for him!!
  26. C

    Greetings from Laramie, WY

    Thanks! We're all really looking forward to it!!
  27. C

    Greetings from Laramie, WY

    I booked with KMG Hunting Safaris. We'll be hunting plains game -- I'm hoping for kudu, nyala, impala, and hopefully some opportunity animals. Were hunting 2 father/son hunts with my dad and I doing the "father" parts of the hunts and my three boys hunting the two "son" parts of the hunt...
  28. C

    Greetings from Laramie, WY

    My wife is worried about this! :)
  29. C

    Greetings from Laramie, WY

    They are beautiful...but the blow down beetlekill over the last few years has really altered their feel and the ability to navigate the timber.
  30. C

    Greetings from Laramie, WY

    Hopefully the wind stops blowing or you'll only be able to shoot 15 yards without losing your arrow...weeks on end of 40+ mph winds are getting really old! This has been the worst year for wind in the last 20, and as you know Laramie is a windy place already!!
  31. C

    Greetings from Laramie, WY

    I will definitely look into this carefully -- others have said very similar things as well, so I think it must be a real challenge.
  32. C

    Greetings from Laramie, WY

    I think they'll be opening the pass soon, so we'll make our yearly pilgrimage to Saratoga to hit the hot springs and the ice cream shop!
  33. C

    Greetings from Laramie, WY

    East Cape, South Africa with KMG Hunting Safaris for plains game with my dad and mom, and my wife and three sons.
  34. C

    Greetings from Laramie, WY

    Hello from Laramie, WY. I've checked in on this forum off and on over the years. Just booked my first hunt in Africa for summer 2024, so I'm on here more often now in hopes of picking up some good tips. I mostly hunt elk, deer, and antelope in my home state of Wyoming. But I've killed some...