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  1. Wishfulthinker580


    Pardon my economic ignorance but would it not be more impressive for the market to reach record highs with low inflation instead of high?
  2. Wishfulthinker580

    ZIMBABWE: July 2024 Charlton McCallum Safaris

    That is interesting about the Raptors. I know we’ve seen a lot of info on them from hunters but it’s good to see it come from a PH as well
  3. Wishfulthinker580

    ZIMBABWE: July 2024 Charlton McCallum Safaris

    Congratulations on a great hunt! Do you think the conventional FMJ penetrated straight on your elephant? Or maybe it deviated? Just curious. Again, congratulations! I assume that’s Alan’s K-gun. Was it a 470?
  4. Wishfulthinker580


    I sincerely hope you’re right. That’s just my anecdotal opinion. Everything I see on a daily basis points towards serious societal and cultural breakdown. I think what’s going on here mirrors the changes that have happened in our country since the 60s. This isn’t Mayberry anymore. I really do...
  5. Wishfulthinker580


    Yep. My grandpa was one of those. He always said Obama had people above him that would keep him in line and be the power behind the scenes. That was the cope and the mental gymnastics of the day.
  6. Wishfulthinker580


    I’m going to make the unpleasant prediction that Oklahoma will be purple in 5-10 years. Emigration of blue state refugees that are fiscally conservative but liberal on social issues, along with all the marijuana related emigration since it’s legalization for “medicinal” purposes a while back...
  7. Wishfulthinker580

    Peter Capstick...who knows the truth? Pretty cool!
  8. Wishfulthinker580


    Don’t worry it’s doing fine and getting better apparently :cautious:
  9. Wishfulthinker580


    Yep. Saw this one a couple years ago. Second time I’ve seen one of that species in a tree. Kinda weird/neat
  10. Wishfulthinker580


    Also, I can’t help but notice that every time you talk about Harris being the best choice you always talk about your own finances and the fact that you believe you have that covered. As long as you’re in good shape then everything is OK? What if these people get both houses of Congress and end...
  11. Wishfulthinker580


    I seriously think you’re underestimating the damage these people can do. Have you not been paying attention the last four years?
  12. Wishfulthinker580


    What is your opinion of Trump’s foreign policy during his first term?
  13. Wishfulthinker580


    Looks like one of these: Apparently rarely seen
  14. Wishfulthinker580

    Good Gun Deals This Week

    Sorry I forgot about your comment. Listen to @rookhawk. Personally I would look at something else. There are better options. I think anyone who buys that rifle will be overpaying and the resale would be nearly impossible and if you did you would definitely lose money on it
  15. Wishfulthinker580


    Thank you for your insight.
  16. Wishfulthinker580


    Ukraine was not going to drive Russia out without the support from the international community. I agree with supporting them. Do you see this ending in a full Russian withdrawal? Are they going to enter negotiations and walk out having completely given up the territory they have gained? What...
  17. Wishfulthinker580


    It will be a huge bargaining chip if they do
  18. Wishfulthinker580


    I think most people have foreseen this from the beginning. Do you actually believe Crimea was going to be returned to Ukraine? Also, those areas in the south and east have been a problem for quite some time. I think it’s naive to believe that things were going to return to normal after this is...
  19. Wishfulthinker580


  20. Wishfulthinker580

    Presidential Debate Tonight

    Also, Harris’ husband cheated on his last(?) wife with their nanny, supposedly impregnated her and allegedly encouraged or at least consented to the abortion (murder) of said baby. So, she’s married to a cheater and abortionist. What a great “First Gentleman” he would be. What a laughable title..
  21. Wishfulthinker580


    Always interesting and informative. I’ll show my ignorance here: I wasn’t aware Russia and Turkey were unfriendly towards each other. Also, those drone vs. personnel videos are terrifying. Looks like a shotgun would have some utility in that situation.
  22. Wishfulthinker580

    Good Gun Deals This Week

    It looks like it does say London on the barrel but it’s definitely from a bad era
  23. Wishfulthinker580

    Show Us Your Hunting Knife

    This guy is really popular on the knife forum Also look up Mashed Cat Kydex. They’re really popular too Also very popular:
  24. Wishfulthinker580


  25. Wishfulthinker580


  26. Wishfulthinker580

    Exhibition Rising block single shot

    I seriously love that idea!
  27. Wishfulthinker580


    A few points made. People have been arguing against the heartbeat bills for a little while now, saying that they will elicit a strong response from the pro-choice crowd via the ballot box and advocating for the chipping away at the issue. Playing the long game like the Democrats have and have...
  28. Wishfulthinker580


    It doesn’t have so much to do with people’s medical choices as it does with the murdering of children in the womb. Over 60 million and counting. Politics are downstream of culture. It’s not hard to see that.
  29. Wishfulthinker580

    Hello from Oklahoma

    Welcome to AH
  30. Wishfulthinker580

    Panama Recommendations?

    IIRC @adzhoo lives in Panama. He may be able to help
  31. Wishfulthinker580


    You’re right. It was petty and I apologize to @BRICKBURN and AH. If it warrants a time out or something more permanent I understand.
  32. Wishfulthinker580


    Hey @BRICKBURN! You really are quite the Ice Cuban!
  33. Wishfulthinker580

    Good Gun Deals This Week

    What do y’all think of these? Not screaming deals but well priced?
  34. Wishfulthinker580

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

    I personally know two doctors. One is a surgeon and one has a doctorate in philosophy. Guess which one goes by Dr….
  35. Wishfulthinker580


    They’re mentioned here
  36. Wishfulthinker580


    I want to say Colorado is as well
  37. Wishfulthinker580

    Good Gun Deals This Week

    Yea pictures left a lot to be desired
  38. Wishfulthinker580

    Good Gun Deals This Week

  39. Wishfulthinker580


    Ukraine info in it too
  40. Wishfulthinker580


    Yes our current interest rate is under 4% as well- really don’t want to sign onto 7%+. I’m going to give a little detail and say that the payment on the loan they approved for us would’ve been more than my wife brings home and around 80% of my bring home. Like you said that’s before the taxes...
  41. Wishfulthinker580


    0% interest is quite the offer IMO. Smart decision
  42. Wishfulthinker580


    That’s a beautiful vehicle. Absolute insanity on the loan stuff. People do it every single day and it’s mind boggling. Loans and interest give me heartburn.
  43. Wishfulthinker580

    Back country carry gun

    Father and son survive bear attack in Alaska. Killed it with their pistols
  44. Wishfulthinker580


    My wife and I have been hesitantly looking for a home for a while now but have decided to hold off for a bit given the current climate. I just wanted to add something on the topic of home loans. When we discussed it with our bank they approved us for a loan that was over double the budget we had...
  45. Wishfulthinker580


  46. Wishfulthinker580


    Exactly. I don’t know why so many people are all of a sudden suffering from short term memory loss and acting as if Trump didn’t already serve a term and we have nothing to judge him off of. Did I support or agree with everything he did? No but he is obviously the far superior choice for...
  47. Wishfulthinker580


    You can’t be serious..
  48. Wishfulthinker580


    The girl has lost her mind..
  49. Wishfulthinker580

    Large Botswana Bull

    Saxx are life changing