Search results

  1. Rubberhead

    100 year old plus guns

    One of the few guns that I've sold that I didn't end up regretting selling it...I shot it well but I don't think I ever saw the front bead...1911 Parker had it's 100th birthday between these two photos.
  2. Rubberhead

    What scope do you trust? Most rugged, dependable rifle scope?

    They don't have the most crisp optics, but I'll stay with Leupold until one lets me down.
  3. Rubberhead

    Data & Double Rifles

    Objectively, double guns, and double rifles in particular, are simply one choice out of two or three other legitimate choices of action types. Staying objective, we should analyze our hunting tendencies, both actual and planned, and make an informed decision on which action type is clinically...
  4. Rubberhead

    Suggestions for zebra 'trophies' other than the hide

    I kind of regret not getting the skull mount of the zebra stallion I killed. They have really well developed fangs that would have made a neat conversation piece. I did turn the hide into a zebra tapestry. It's still the full hide with head and tail so I can do something different with it...
  5. Rubberhead

    I’m starting to be concerned! Should I be?

    Get the "extraction" insurance upgrade on your Global Rescue policy...
  6. Rubberhead

    Any Tips and tricks for first time South Africa hunt

    Make sure your PH has quadpods not just a tripod or traditional shooting sticks. It can make the difference of an animal or two over a 7 day safari.
  7. Rubberhead

    Preparing to order or buy a Double Rifle: help me choose the caliber

    The 500 is only half-an-inch...go for it...
  8. Rubberhead

    Black owned hunting safari businesses?

    I always say that if I have a wife and a job at the end of duck season, it's been a good duck season...haha. I've still got the same wife after almost 40 years... Job? Not so much...
  9. Rubberhead

    How do you guys handle ear protection whilst on safari?

    For rifle hunting I pretty much stick with the roll-up orange cheapies. They're easy to get used to and I forget I'm wearing them but they still allow me to hear well enough to function normally. I get a little more protective when shooting shotguns because I shoot 25-100 times for every rifle...
  10. Rubberhead

    Michael Sipple mauled by Cape buffalo prayer request

    I spent 3 days in camp with Michael. He's a great guy and will sing in German to you if you don't stop him... from the facebook page it seems like he'll recover but might have a tough healing process ahead of him.
  11. Rubberhead

    What TV hunting personality?

    Johan Calitz, without a doubt.
  12. Rubberhead

    SCI Record Book- The World Hunting Awards, Continental, & Milestones.

    I registered my wildebeest with RW because it made the book by 1/2". Why? Because I had the opportunity to my name written in the annals of Africa Hunting next to some of the greats and it was worth the little bit of money to me. I am not a great African hunter or adventurer but it's neat to...
  13. Rubberhead

    Financially ready for a Safari?

    I am not wealthy nor do I make a huge annual salary. But I am financially disciplined and waited very late in life to take my first safari. 1.) No credit card debt for 30 years, I buy new vehicles and drive them into the ground (usually 160-250k miles) but I finance them because the finance...
  14. Rubberhead

    CBL Debate Over, CBL Loses

    Wild lions cost money (a small pride of lions can eat $5 million US in Cape Buffalo every year). CBLs make money. I don't like the practice. I am unimpressed with anyone that does it to impress others. I would never do it myself. Let's face it though, we all dream of getting a plaintive...
  15. Rubberhead

    20,000 Elephants To Germany!

    The Same Principle - Liberal American cities, a long way from the border, designated themselves Sanctuary Cities and demanded that migrants be allowed to illegally crossing into the US. Governors of border states started bussing those migrants to Sanctuary Cities...all the sudden, these cities...
  16. Rubberhead

    trophy hunt or cull hunt

    Skins and skulls are fairly cheap, and leave little room for "taxidermist error". Take a lot of pictures - digital media is cheap...
  17. Rubberhead

    Trophy Hunting Undermines Conservation, Right? Wrong

    I have no intention of letting the duh mass liberals control the conversation and sully the term "trophy hunter". Trophy hunting has done too much good for wildlife to just let them take that that easily. Black wildebeest, scimitar-horned, roan, maybe sable, have all been saved by Trophy...
  18. Rubberhead

    Fell in love with a working girl

    No Little Blue Pill needed...
  19. Rubberhead

    One gun or two? On safari

    Okay - you win the internet argument...
  20. Rubberhead

    One gun or two? On safari

    Beware the man with only one rifle...
  21. Rubberhead

    Which is the “Best” African hunting TV shows

    I like everything Andy Buchanan does. I like African Sportsman Channel with Stefan Fouche because they spend time talking about the guns and ammo they're using. As much as I'm not a fan of Hornady, I like their "Dark and Dangerous" series too.
  22. Rubberhead

    Suppressed Double

    Yep...suppressors for a double...
  23. Rubberhead

    First Wolf Harvest after seven years and six failed attempts!!

    When I was 5, I dreamed that wolves had come into my room and "iced" my throat so I couldn't call for help from my parents...I owe them one... Yeah, a wolf, an nice big gray wolf, is pretty high on my list.
  24. Rubberhead

    Why all the 6.5 Creedmoor Hate?

    It's not the 6.5 Creedmoor than people hate, it's the 6.5 Creedmoor evangelists...
  25. Rubberhead

    Travel duffle bags

    I carry a Osprey as an on-board pack. They all have shoulder and waist straps that tuck away but allow it to be useful as a backpack once the destination is reached. The new ones like Farpoint 40 have laptop compartments that can easily be accessed without taking the bag out of the overhead.
  26. Rubberhead

    Any point in a 'small' double rifle?

  27. Rubberhead

    What’s your spookiest hunting experience?

    I know better, but I left the landing on the Folly River (real name not a made up name, although it is very apropos) with a heavy wind. The wind was blowing with the tide so no problem. I shot one duck hunting across high tide. On the way back the wind was blowing against the tide. I can...
  28. Rubberhead

    Favorite animal hunt

    Oh, I get it @bakerb. But, you hit the ball so far over the fence that you left nothing for the rest of us to play with.
  29. Rubberhead

    Favorite animal hunt

    @bakerb left little to add but I'll probably never fully understand his viewpoint. To me, hunting is a very personal and private thing. I've killed a lot of whitetail but no one has ever seen me kill a whitetail. It's emotion, personal and, in a way, primal. Those are the hunting experiences...
  30. Rubberhead

    Age of first African hunting trip

    58 in 2022...
  31. Rubberhead

    NRA wayne La pierre

    Humans are 100% corruptible. Every organization and every accounting process should be built around that basic premise.
  32. Rubberhead

    .270 for plains game? Should I be scrapping it?

    Here's a 180 grain Accubond pulled out from just under the skin on the opposite side of a zebra stallion. My biggest suggestion is to make sure your PH's shooting sticks have four legs instead of just three...if so, you'll be fine with Accubonds, in my opinion. The shot is at about...
  33. Rubberhead

    Convince me to look at South Africa

    Scroll down to see a picture I took of a topless woman.
  34. Rubberhead

    How inaccurate a double rifle when?

    So I went from being totally wrong to just forgetful? I didn't forget about that, I brought it up. Bwhahaha... Congratulations on the fine elephant. I'm jealous.
  35. Rubberhead

    Best practice vs good enough for hunting

    I'll go ahead and say something I try to not say but, here goes... If you aren't within an animal's "circle of concern", you're not hunting. For a lot of quadrupeds, their circle of concern is less than 200 yards. I know half the folks that read this are going to start throwing out ridiculous...
  36. Rubberhead

    How inaccurate a double rifle when?

    I agree especially for iron sight, double guns at 50 yards.. I will say what I already said, "there are a lot of variables" or noise. Some of the noise we try to compensate for and others that we ignore and hope they don't change the outcome of the shot. Noise like wind we try to compensate...
  37. Rubberhead

    How inaccurate a double rifle when?

    I can't argue with you. But, listen to the guy from Heym at about 2:30...
  38. Rubberhead

    Favourite quotes - Here's mine, Quite a long list. What's yours?

    "Killing's a hard thing to do well." That quote is from Waterworld. Nothing about that movie is interesting to me, but that quote always stuck with me. Even though it has to be taken out of context, a hunter should understand that quote better than anyone.
  39. Rubberhead

    Alternatives to wired transfers of money

    I was able to do a wire transfer myself using online backing.
  40. Rubberhead

    Trusting A Wild Animal - And Nearly Killed By Him

    No, thank goodness. Thanks for asking. I hit him a tad too far back and he turned to run almost like he wasn't hit. I got a quick second shot off just before he disappeared in a wall of brush. I hit him in the left ham, aiming across to his right front shoulder. We didn't know how much...
  41. Rubberhead

    Trusting A Wild Animal - And Nearly Killed By Him

    The only wounded animal I ever had to go after in thick brush was a warthog.
  42. Rubberhead

    How inaccurate a double rifle when?

    What I'm trying to get at is that a great, big strong man that leans into a gun will change the point of impact (even for a single barrelled gun) over a smaller person that purposefully lets the barrels jump to reduce their felt recoil. Like someone said, there are a lot of variables.
  43. Rubberhead

    How inaccurate a double rifle when?

    Recoil starts happening the instant the powder is ignited yet it takes about 2/2500 ÷ 2, or 0.0004 seconds before the bullet leaves the barrel. (Obviously that's for a 2,500fps load and a 24" barrel and the second ÷ 2 is to average the velocity from ignition to leaving the barrel). That recoil...
  44. Rubberhead

    Fill this Rifle Gap

    The only thing you're really missing is a pellet gun for the backyard...
  45. Rubberhead

    thats why I dont like doubles (have one)

    My comment really was intended as a humorous point. Avoiding horns, teeth and claws is just one more of the African Tracker's super human mystique that has a significant basis in reality.
  46. Rubberhead

    thats why I dont like doubles (have one)

    I am absolutely convinced that if we were honest with ourselves, the advantages of O/U rifles and shotguns are so overwhelming when compared to SxS guns that SxS guns would almost disappear in the field. As much as I love Gene Hill and Mark Sullivan, it's taken me a sporting lifetime to...
  47. Rubberhead

    thats why I dont like doubles (have one)

    Where'd the Tracker go? He flat disappeared...
  48. Rubberhead

    Belgium banning the import of hunting trophies

    I absolutely know that the duh masses of the world think trophy hunting is where you shoot an animal, cut its head off for your wall, and leave the rest in the field. We all know this isn't the case. If it were, Africa's vulture species wouldn't all be on the threatened list. Those that...
  49. Rubberhead

    Offhand vs. Sticks

    Short version: Nothing but a quad-pod for me. If my next PH doesn't have quad-pods, I'll insist he buy or borrow some before I get's why... The longer story: I practiced on "sticks" before I left for Africa. Since I didn't have any real sticks, I used a camera tripod with a...