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  1. Lead

    Plains Game Hunt With TSALA HUNTING SAFARIS 2022

    My dad and I are interested in this offer. Are you going to be at DSC this year?
  2. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

  3. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

    Thank you! The dad of the year joke made me laugh
  4. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

    A 6.5 PRC.
  5. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

    Thanks, I have stepped up to a 6.5 with a silencer, but have not practiced with it a lot.
  6. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

  7. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

    Thank you, I don’t think my father has a Sable yet, so that will be something for him to do on the hunt!
  8. Lead

    Gemsbok Pictures

  9. Lead

    Gemsbok Pictures

    Awesome! What rifle are you using?
  10. Lead

    Zebra Species Question

    Hm, thanks for telling me.
  11. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

    My dad has that book. I will read it!
  12. Lead

    Zebra Species Question

    Hm, I thought they had a white coat because their bellies are white. Thanks for correcting me.
  13. Lead

    Gemsbok Pictures

    Beautiful animal. Gemsbok are one of my favorite African animals
  14. Lead

    Kudu Pictures

    Amazing Kudu! looks like an awesome hunt
  15. Lead

    Zebra Species Question

    This may not help at all, but did you know Zebras are actually white with black stripes.
  16. Lead

    Cell phone calls and texting is ruining the hunting experience in Africa

    Hunting is a one time experience. You may not see that big buck tomorrow, so I never crack out my phone mid hunt. You have the rest of the day to be on your phone, give that hunt your full attention.
  17. Lead

    Hunting bushbuck

    Beautiful bushbuck! What rifle were you using?
  18. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

    Thank you everyone for all the amazing help and support! I was thinking 243 would be my hunting round for a trip to Africa, but I will most likely be using something like 6.5 or 308.
  19. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

    Thank you!
  20. Lead

    AH Get Together In Dallas During Dallas Safari Club (DSC) Convention 2022

    Hopefully my dad and I can be there. I am very excited for the show!
  21. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

  22. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

    Yes, he loves Tanzania and South Africa the most I would say.
  23. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

    South Africa was also a choice we were thinking of. Thanks
  24. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

    Thanks, I am thinking about moving up to 308.
  25. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

    That was the second safari my dad went on. He did not get a springbok there, but he did get others. He also just got back from a Leopard hunt there. Our second choice would be Namibia. That was the first place he went. But I think he enjoys the hunts and experiences in Tanzania more.
  26. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

    Y Yeah, Tanzania is the country we are most likely going to.
  27. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

    Thanks, I should have said 308 or 30-06. I am already starting to move ahead.
  28. Lead

    Planning my first safari to Africa

    My father and I are trying to plan a trip to Africa for 2023-2024, and we are trying to decide where to go and what to get. I was thinking of a springbok or blue, but I am wondering how a lesser kudu or zebra will go down. I will be using Wetherby Mark V in 243. Any recommendations help...
  29. Lead

    New member from Missouri

    Welcome to AH!
  30. Lead

    Faking size is for fishing not hunting

    I do see what you are saying, but it does make for a good laugh and draws attention when your buck’s antlers look 2 times bigger.
  31. Lead

    USA: Rockin G Ranch Hog Hunt 4/21

    Man that pie looks good! Sorry about the lousy hunt.
  32. Lead

    Black Bear hunt turns to predator removal

    I bet that packed some punch for the both of you!
  33. Lead

    What do y’all think about the new polymer cased ammo? Good for hunting? Military?

    I agree with you 100%. It would not surprise me if in the near future, the military start using polymer cases ammo to save money.
  34. Lead

    What do y’all think about the new polymer cased ammo? Good for hunting? Military?

    Maybe not the most basic ammo, but ammo that you can recognize. Sorry
  35. Lead

    What do y’all think about the new polymer cased ammo? Good for hunting? Military?

    Here is a picture of all the basic ammo in their polymer cases. (Pictures cited from TrueVelocity,
  36. Lead

    I had my air conditioner serviced today and might have changed a mind

    Wow, awesome man. Thanks for helping purify the world!
  37. Lead

    Having fun with anti-hunters

    Hilarious! It’s so strange how people these days are not proud of themselves and want to be the opposite gender.
  38. Lead

    Having fun with anti-hunters

    I would trust that you know that burgers and hotdogs come from a cow or a pig, and that the cow or pig has to be killed in order to make the burger or hotdog. I was also talking about how ridiculous it is because these people saying such stuff are talking about the people eating these animals...
  39. Lead

    Having fun with anti-hunters

    I respect you for this. Wherever you go online and in person these days, it is not hard to find anti-hunting protestors ranting about animal rights. I especially find it funny when these people are ranting about how eating animals is wrong. You can ask any of them. “Have you ever ate a hotdog or...
  40. Lead

    Elephant Madness

    Holy lord man! That elephant totaled that car! Best wishes to the driver and any passengers, John
  41. Lead

    Texas—Safe to travel there?

    Are you serious man, why would Texas not be safe? It is nothing like the outback or savana, where there are lions roaming the tall grass or wild dogs waiting for someone to feast on. The worst I would say is an angry bobcat, or a coyote that gets a little to nosey in the campsite. I don’t think...
  42. Lead


    My father recently took a trip to Africa for a leopard hunt, and in the beginning they needed meat for the bait. He ended up shooting a Buffalo, and when they were through they split it open and ate the heart over an open fire. It did seem pretty weird, but when you kill something big or just...
  43. Lead


    I respect that a lot! You were taught well.
  44. Lead

    How Do Y'all Pay for these Safaris?

    This is not my place of expertise, but I get what you are saying. First thing I would always say is make sure you family is happy first. I’ve seen my mother get frustrated with my dad because he is going off on a leopard hunt in the middle of the summer. And I get that thrill too! I am always...
  45. Lead

    Recoil limit

    My recoil limit is 308, but I am most comfortable with 243 at the moment
  46. Lead

    Hunting In Texas

    Thank You. I used Weatherby Mark V in 243.
  47. Black Buck Hunting Breckinridge Texas

    Black Buck Hunting Breckinridge Texas

  48. Lead

    Hunting In Texas

    About a year ago I went hunting for black buck in Breckinridge Texas with my dad. We had a great hunt and both of us got good sized black buck. On the third day we woke up at 5:00 am and drove an atv to the top of the biggest hill on the property. The stand we used was located on the top of...