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  1. lwaters

    Do German's just do it best?

    None of that fancy stuff will like very good after being dragged through the brush for a few years. Never cared for forendtips and monte Carlo stocks.
  2. lwaters


    Well quite a few gop representatives from Florida voted against the bill that would of funded fema. Now they want to call congress back to fund it. Politicians really are screwed up bunch.
  3. lwaters


    And we used to complain about Japanese products. I wish they were back .
  4. lwaters


    Bob I can do my taxes with a Big Chief tablet and a crayon.
  5. lwaters


    Hey this is all playing out just as Jack Van Impe predicted.
  6. lwaters


    If anyone is short of money because of the food inflation you can have these. I couldn't even give them away. People must not be to hungry.
  7. lwaters


    Yes chicken is pretty close to lab produced meat. Pigs and chickens are not the same animals that we ate 50 years ago.
  8. lwaters


    Sounds great to have everything made here but be prepared for more inflation. Isolationism was part of the reason four two world wars.
  9. lwaters


    When they finally figure out how to raise cattle like chickens and hogs. The price will come down. Why are people complaining there are plenty of deer to eat. Over population of wild geese to eat. Lakes are full of fish. I really don't know how they can sell any of that mushy expensive beef. I...
  10. lwaters


    Ah must be a difference between Maine and Kansas. We have a lot of hogs here.
  11. lwaters


    Personally to do that would show that we have little regard for human life. It would be a lot of lives lost for nothing. It would drastically lower the world's opinion of the United States.
  12. lwaters


    When I got out of the Navy I worked at a Goodyear Tire plant. You would see the Japanese touring the plant with cameras. Then a couple years later we had meetings about how the Japanese were building better tires and taking market share. Duh!
  13. lwaters


    Whats the deal with these politicians blabbing about China stealing our technology. If these tech companies are using Chinese labor to make things why wouldn't they steal the technology? Are these companies run by morons or is it just another scare tactic by the government. You know one like the...
  14. lwaters


    Grain prices are down the lowest I've seen for awhile. Don't worry they will lower inflation on the back of the farmer. If your paying 8 dollars for bacon you better find a new grocery store.
  15. lwaters


    Where is all this inflation at? I have soybeans and milo planted and it should be a good crop. I checked grain prices and it sure looks like deflation to me. Of course our politicians have always stuck it to the farmer with their cheap food policy. That will all end when the big money owns most...
  16. lwaters


    That sucks how will I sell my drugs ? How can I work for unreported income. That would be terrible
  17. lwaters

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

  18. lwaters


    I just don't know who to vote for. From what I hear them saying they're going to do great things for me. Everything will be great no matter who wins. We all be rich.
  19. lwaters


    I shoot a dog at least 3 times a year
  20. lwaters


    No he had bone spurs and couldn't serve. Patton would have slapped the kiss out of him
  21. lwaters

    Collapse Coming?

    I may start buying more when the s&p drops 30%. Otherwise staying the course. We're not even in a correction yet.
  22. lwaters


    She good and didn't give them grandstanding politicians one answer. Totally unemotional. Personally I felt the hearing considering the work of the secret service should have been private but the politicians wanted the tv time for their election.
  23. lwaters


    Clinton's have come out in the support of Harris. Obama Pelosi and Schumer have not.
  24. lwaters


    I agree. Isolationist and protectional trade policies of the 1920s got us a stock market crash a depression and world War 2. I hear a lot of people today say they don't care about Europe. History may be repeating itself.
  25. lwaters


    Biden may be unfit to stay in office but bad can of worms to open up. If Trump wins they could declare him insane and make JD Vance president.
  26. lwaters


    What the big deal about project 25? From what I can see it will benefit me. Only thing I can see is that it would lower my taxes.
  27. lwaters


    They're already talking about Trump being to old to serve four years. Maybe have a family intervention pit him in a nursing home and let Eric Trump run.
  28. lwaters

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

    The pope should excommunicate the old fool.
  29. lwaters


    Not true. I do think there was a lag time to give him the order to shoot. Mostly because things were so messed up they probably were not certain if the assassin was possibly law enforcement. Look pretty bad that a sniper shot another law enforcement officer
  30. lwaters


    Good question?
  31. lwaters


    Is it a coincidence that everything the countries population moves toward isolationistism we end up in a World War.
  32. lwaters


    I think this pretty much seals the election for Trump
  33. lwaters

    Winchester Model 70 Classic In 7mm STW, CRF, Excellent Condition, Seriously Accurate!

    I wonder if that could be rebarreled to a 404 Jeffery
  34. lwaters

    Lets see some Kudu!

    Namibia 2912
  35. lwaters


    I think they should put Trump and Biden in rocking chair on the front porch They could let their great grandchildren give them a peppermint candy once in awhile. They would have to make sure they toke their teeth out as them old men may bite the child giving them any candy.
  36. lwaters

    Nosler Data?

    They seem to us 26in. Barrels a lot. I wish these manuals would use 22in. for standard calibers a d 24in. for magnum. Also brand of cases make a difference.
  37. lwaters


    I would question if those civil war battles were aired on TV. Half the soldiers would have just gone home.
  38. lwaters


    What did the church do during the middle ages? Burned people at the stack. Spain in the name of Christianity murders millions of people in the western hemisphere. Actually St. Peter had a disagreement with Paul over converting any gentiles to Christianity. I bet it is in recent times that the...
  39. lwaters


    Isn't that the same goal of Christianity. Seem the Jewish faith didn't seek many converts.
  40. lwaters


    I wonder if Isreal gets hit really hard in this war they may resort to nuclear weapons? I think they would do that before they get defeated. They will get everything they need from us. There's no other chose for the US.
  41. lwaters


    I black people are given reparations than how can they not give the country back to the Native Americans? I don't think reparations will ever happen.
  42. lwaters


    On the news that drones were shot down that were targeting US bases in Iraq. Maybe Iran.
  43. lwaters


    Can anybody come up with a shorter boot camp than I had. I was in the Naval Reserve. When I joined I drilled for one year. In that year I went to two weeks boot camp did a two week cruise. After the year I went active duty for two years than finished my time drilling. I think at that time the...
  44. lwaters


    I figure the coming recession will help the recruiting shortfalls.
  45. lwaters

    on a lighter note...

    No let's have both so we can sell more tools
  46. lwaters

    Aside from Africa, what are some memorable guided hunts around the world that rival the experience of an African Safari?

    Greenland was an incredible experience hunting muskox and caribou near the ice pack. Beautiful nights with the northern lights dancing above. Landlocked lakes with artic char above the artic circle. I must say pretty deserted country.
  47. lwaters

    Building a 404 J

    Not in my price range
  48. lwaters

    A tick in the usa thats bite can basically turn you vegan...

    I was fishing on the river one night years ago. I was sitting in some dead logs catching a few catfish. The next morning picked over thirty ticks off me. I developed a fever and felt somewhat achy. I went to my Doc and never had spotted fever or Lyme disease. He gave me a round of antibiotics...
  49. lwaters

    My Covid vaccination experience

    Why is there something for asbestos and lead paint. I slept in both when I was in the Navy. Most likely worst than the easy Civil shots. Doesn't lead make you insane.