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  1. C

    Three European calibers for a do-it-all R8

    375 hh is european
  2. C

    Do German's just do it best?

    Norma Woodleigh Soft Nose .458 Lott 550gr. 2100 f/s.
  3. C

    Tell me about your Shadow

    DAGO. Braco GErmany
  4. C

    Concealed Carry

    Ruger Speed Six 357 mag.
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    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    It is improving, these days I find out what the process is like for temporary entry of weapons for foreigners.
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    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    ha ha ha . They are always welcome in Argentina. There are good guides and PH here. If anyone comes to Córdoba and needs help, count on me.
  7. C

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    here in Cordoba (Argentina) it is winter. 2 degrees Celsius
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    Prayers for Mike

    your strength inspires. God bless you.
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    Prayers for Mike

  10. C

    Mountain Lion Hunt-without dogs

    What device do they use to call him?
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    .416 Rigby & .458 Lott - Equal Recoil?

    In my 458 batch I shot with factory 458 win mag ammo and I didn't feel any difference.
  12. C

    404 Jeffrey - Oh Boy, another project!

    416/404 is a 400 tembo?
  13. C

    Rifle SR20 308 win

    good day. This is my new rifle. HEYM SR 20 cal 308 wins, it is impeccable. Nowhere does it say it is model 20, I thought at some point it was 21. The charger is not removable. Does anyone know where I can find out the year of manufacture and the exact model? Its serial number is 39095. Thank...
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    Rifle SR20 308 win

  15. C

    What Line Of Work Are You In

    For 20 years I was a police officer. Now I am the CEO of a security company
  16. C

    Effect of world war 3 on Hunting

    sometimes it's nice to live in the back of the world
  17. C

    Hello from Argentina

    welcome countryman! I had a laminated ruger No. 1, semi bull barrel. stainless too heavy to hunt, I didn't even shoot it and I sold it. I hope I can have an N1 in 375hh. Greetings from Córdoba!
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    TANZANIA: Tz Safari Disagreement

    I read an article about the weapons of the Spanish Felix Barrado in a Spanish magazine. Santiago Escobedo claims to be Spanish...mmm something smells strange in Denmark
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    One rifle, two scopes

    And two scopes? to use lead bullets in one scope? for small game
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    my new 375HH Remington 798

    with his new scope, meopta artemis 4x32, ret4.
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    my new 375HH Remington 798

    the original stock.
  22. C

    my new 375HH Remington 798

    tks! greetings to all from Argentina!!!
  23. C

    my new 375HH Remington 798

    this is my new rifle. a remington 798 at 375h&h. the action and barrel are from Serbia (zastava). the original stock is laminated. ugly. the new stock (used) is that of a TAGLE gunsmith. is very pretty. my treasure. I used manual ammo loading. 270gr speer bullet and w760 gunpowder. The scope...
  24. C

    Argentina Football World Champion Qatar 2022.....!!!!

    Much celebration in the cities. yes my friend clodo You know that part of my heart is in Croatia.
  25. C

    Hello from Croatia

    Dobrodošli. my dad was born in Zagreb. I am from Argentina.
  26. C

    Dealing with wounded Cape buffalo

    orgive my ignorance. but I always understood that to go through the boss of a buffalo you had to use solid.
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    Dealing with wounded Cape buffalo

    but those bullets go through the boss in one charge?
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    Dealing with wounded Cape buffalo

    what expandable bullets?
  29. C

    Dealing with wounded Cape buffalo

    my only DG has been the three water buffaloes that I have already made a post in this forum. In theory, I would use something that gives me the security of being able to pass through his boss. 458 lott, 500grs solid. in my mauser 1909. i would like to have a double in 500 ne. but I would have to...
  30. C

    Thank you Jerome!!

    I came back after a virus took over my account. thanks Marcos45 and Jerome!!
  31. C

    Thank you Jerome!!

    Regresé después de que un virus se apoderó de mi cuenta. gracias Marcos45 y Jerome!!
  32. C

    Traditionally inaccurate cartridges

    my inaccurate 30-06... vz action, sako barrel. stock black walnut. and scope leica 2.5-10x42 ret 1
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    Overserved, but happy as hell to escape tyranny

    from Argentina! SALUD! pozdrav!
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    ARGENTINA......Mexican hunter killed by a Asian Buffalo during a hunt

    in mi post. These are like the water buffalo that killed the Mexican hunter.
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    Female PH You can!!!
  36. C

    What Is Your Dream Rifle?

    double Rigby 500 NE.
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    Comment by 'chino_cba' in media 'Asian Buffalo Hunt Argentina'

    sorry mi friend jajajaj. mi inglish is very bad,
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    Comment by 'chino_cba' in media 'Asian Buffalo Hunt Argentina'

    si!!! por los mejores lugares jajaja
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    DragomMije! dobar dan
  40. C

    Show off your 98 mausers

    Mi VZ24. cal 30-06, original burrel SAKO, stock black walnut, gunsmit : MANTINEO BROTHERS. Mendoza, Argentina.
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    hello, i from Cordoba (Argentina)

    one day I will go hunting in Africa. and you will be the first to know. I have been reading the posts for years. and I dream ... I dream of Africa.
  42. C

    Me and my .458 Lott

    Thank you all very much for the advice. When I can, I'll write about another hunt.
  43. Water Buffalo Hunt Argentia

    Water Buffalo Hunt Argentia

  44. Water Buffalo Hunt Argentia

    Water Buffalo Hunt Argentia
