Search results

  1. Jason Miller

    Which E bike if your life depended on it?

    Nothing with the word E in it would be part of my tools if my "life" depended on it LOL.....
  2. Jason Miller

    Airlink vs. CemAir Pty Ltd for in-country air travel in RSA?

    Airlink ROCKS, my favorite '' in Continent '' airlines, and hey Krispy Kream for breakfast !
  3. Jason Miller

    Pig/hog damage to crops

    Agreed, I have a home in Central Texas, all I hear is complaining about Hog Damage, I have a super flexible schedule and mentioned to some ranchers that I would come kill as many as I can, yet they all want to charge for right to hunt on their land. oh well..
  4. Jason Miller

    Visas in Namibia

    what a pain! But I kind of see their point
  5. Jason Miller

    Good African Safari Shirt?

    I wear long sleeve cotton t's from Bass Pro Shop, I buy 10 or more at a time, all drab colors, comfortable, protects me from the sun (melanoma survivor) I can use them as a rag if needed, as they are cheap. They aren't too hot despite being cotton. I have probably 30 of them in my drawer...
  6. Jason Miller

    Murder of Americans in Haiti

    Same situation in Africa every day sadly
  7. Jason Miller

    An Altitude Reality Check On Kilimanjaro: The Mountain Of Greatness

    First time I climbed Kili was 1996 at 27 years old. I have climbed it many times since. The last time I was 51 years old and felt better than I did at 27. Of course I live at 7400 feet ASL. that might help
  8. Jason Miller

    SOUTH AFRICA: Has Anyone Hunted With Boss Safaris?

    Boss Safaris is a sponsor here FYI
  9. Jason Miller

    Client killed Kafue National Park, Zambia this video is working
  10. Jason Miller

    Free Flights to Africa

    A government contractor works for the government right? Anyway, it wasn't meant as an attack, hence the winking face... Good for you!
  11. Jason Miller

    Free Flights to Africa

    So essentially we are paying for your free flight ;-)
  12. Jason Miller

    Age of first African hunting trip

    Some of the greatest memories of our life, Young, Adventurous, no kiddos yet. Go to hunt a lot.
  13. Jason Miller

    Age of first African hunting trip

    I was 27, me and my new wife (Just married) sold everything, I quit my job and we moved to South Africa, took my 30-06. Was a great time.
  14. Jason Miller

    MIT Study Reveals Why Africa Is Still Poor

    They want our money,,, oh do the want our money! So if they are happy the way they are lets cut off all "charity". Of course I am biting the hand that feeds me in a way by just saying that
  15. Jason Miller

    MIT Study Reveals Why Africa Is Still Poor

    I could write a book on this subject, I have worked with NGO's since 1996 in many African countries, and if I did, I could never return to work there so will wait until retirement :-) Two countries that stand above the rest, Rwanda and Namibia. Kenya is so brainwashed into the "Charity...
  16. Jason Miller

    Peter Hathaway Capstick

    The famous Polish hunter??
  17. Jason Miller

    Old firearms ad

    Anyone have a 303 Jungle Carbine for sale?
  18. Jason Miller

    Imagine Importing Your Own Truck to Africa

    Right! , instead of trucks you can actually get in Africa such as toyota...
  19. Jason Miller

    Travel to Namibia

    Im here now (Namibia) and fly US to Frankfurt, grab lunch in town, then Frankfurt to WIndhoek. Of course our drive is another 8 hours from Windhoek which kind of sucks :-)
  20. Jason Miller

    Travel duffle bags

    correct, the reason airlines dont like duffels is the straps. wrap them in plastic or but one without straps as I did and its no problem
  21. Jason Miller

    Here is why everyone should have AirTags in all their baggage…

    Great story and airtags are the greatest, have them in all my cars and luggage
  22. Jason Miller

    Elephant Hunt

    Ive seen 50s in Namibia
  23. Jason Miller

    Elephant Howdah

    Where are you located, I am interested for a coffee table.
  24. Jason Miller

    Becoming a PH

    If you would consider adding another to the group please let me know... If not, no worries.
  25. Jason Miller

    Extreme Airport Africa

    I must find this show, sounds interesting
  26. Jason Miller


    Its such a thrill to be out on the bike in nature, I had some interesting interactions with elephants and other wildlife, some tense moments at gas stations where the bike and myself would be surrounded instantly by hundreds of people. Stuck in deep sand, that literally took hours for me to...
  27. Jason Miller


    Very sound advice as like yourself, I have cheated the system in the past a bit. However on this Africa trip I had to promise the world to my wife that I would be extra safe and careful, I wear a helmet, boots, gloves and my WW2 Panzer leather jacket which is like a piece of plywood in...
  28. Jason Miller


    On another note, here is my adventure bike I am currently riding solo across the great continent of Africa starting in Capetown and heading north wherever the track may lead. I am currently storing the bike in Tsumkwe Namibia. Will be heading back this March to ride some more. If you...
  29. Jason Miller


    I can relate, my leathers have been in the top of the closet for a few years, anyway as spring comes around it will be much warmer in my garage, its located close to pueblo, cheers! J
  30. Jason Miller


    You are most welcome, if you are ever in Colorado Springs look me up...
  31. Jason Miller

    Chinese interest regarding hunting in Africa

    I work all over Africa and starting March every year spend as much time in Africa as home. I have met and befriended many Chinese in Namibia, Kenya and Malawi working on large projects (highways, buildings etc) and agree with Phillip, they are not hunters for the sport or the conservation...
  32. Jason Miller

    Africa TV - MyOutdoorTV

    Africana TV? Not familiar however I have been working closely with "The Africa Channel" hoping and wishing they would air some more interesting stuff other than the African soap operas targeting ex- Africans living in the states. Is there a link to Africana TV? Or are you meaning a bunch of...
  33. Jason Miller

    Searcy Double Rifle 470 NE Left Hand

    Could this be modified by a gunsmith for a right hand shooter?
  34. Jason Miller

    A Christmas Pilgrimage To The Gravesite Of Colonel Edward James "Jim" Corbett

    Excellent ! I also visited his grave last year. If you find yourself in Nairobi and bored, go visit the local cemeteries like Langata. I have been able to fin JA Hunter, and after two days searching John Boyes. Also a fun day trip to see Finch Hattons grave.
  35. Jason Miller

    NAMIBIA: Has Anyone Hunted With Dzombo Hunting Safaris Or Kantanta Hunting Safaris?

    Yes, Close friends with Dzombo and have been twice to Namibia with them, feel free to ask any questions
  36. Jason Miller

    The Ghost and The Darkness - two questions

    Wow, I would travel across the globe to shake your hands and hear some first hand stories....
  37. Jason Miller

    Driving Yourself in Africa

    I would think a bunch of Big Game Hunters wouldn't fear driving in challenging circumstances :-) Im just teasing you all, yes you have to have your wits about you and pay close attention to your surroundings and pick the less populated routes and bad things do happen, but to me, thats the fun...
  38. Jason Miller

    Travel Thru Middle East and South Africa Question

    Take the direct from Atlanta to CT, rent a car and run around. Then continue to Zambia. If you wanting to visit SA I would skip coming in through Europe and ME> Thanks for your service to Zambians. I work with medical teams serving in Africa and they bring such a blessing to the locals.
  39. Jason Miller

    New guy from Colorado

    welcome from a fellow Coloradian , well , at least part time :-)
  40. Jason Miller

    450/400 Nitro 3-inch Sabatti Double Rifle Plus Dies, Bullets For Sale

    AHHHHHH timing is everything! what a deal!
  41. Jason Miller

    William Evans 470 NE

    Sure this wasn't stolen from Capstick? just kddn beautiful rifle
  42. Jason Miller

    Searcy Double Rifle 470 NE Left Hand

    Please excuse this absolutely ignorant question, but what would make a double rifle left or right handed? The stock?
  43. Jason Miller

    Books “Collection” For Sale

    I take it shipping would be 40 per book? I cant imagine all those heavy books being 40 to ship to the USA., if so that would be $1400.00 plus $640 shipping, $2040 is a bit much honestly. Not trying to be mean. Shame nobody local would like to have them in their collection.
  44. Jason Miller

    Am I an Africa snob? 1923 (Yellowstone) series

    Overall they did a great job, even referencing the Tsavo Maneaters. The tents, safari vehicles, clothing everything was spot on.. and at 35 million an episode they should have asked someone how to represent the tribal people of the time correctly. JMHO
  45. Jason Miller

    Am I an Africa snob? 1923 (Yellowstone) series

    I have been reading African History, Hunting, Exploration, Missionary tales for 30 years, I just returned from my 31st trip to Africa and have traveled and worked there for 25 years. I am not bragging but find myself being critical of just about anything regarding the portrayal of Africa...