Search results

  1. Arctic97

    Since I was a kid...

    Welcome to AH, I hope you make it over for a hunt of your own. This forum will definitely add fuel to your desires' fire.
  2. Arctic97

    Books For Sale - Wife Says It's Time To Thin The Herd

    Well, it looks like the books are all spoken for. Just awaiting a couple of payments. If something changes with those, I will repost those lots. Thanks again to you all!
  3. Arctic97

    Books For Sale - Wife Says It's Time To Thin The Herd

    Well Lot #3 is all that is left pending a couple of payments. If it doesn't go soon I will set it aside and try to put some more lots together another time. I appreciate everyone having an interest in them. They went so fast I could hardly keep up! Thank you all.
  4. Arctic97

    Books For Sale - Wife Says It's Time To Thin The Herd

    Hi, I didn't see that you wanted Lot 2. It is yours if you want it. I sent you a PM.
  5. Arctic97

    Books For Sale - Wife Says It's Time To Thin The Herd

    Yes, I think I had that in there...but may have forgotten...
  6. Arctic97

    Books For Sale - Wife Says It's Time To Thin The Herd

    Wow, you guys are fast....I was not even gonna look at this till tomorrow. So far it looks like Lot 1, 4, 5, & 6 are sold. Still leaves 2 and 3 for sale. I will also post if someone backs out. I will get to the PM's here shortly guys and go by time stamps as to who was first for calling a lot...
  7. Arctic97

    Books For Sale - Wife Says It's Time To Thin The Herd

    I have 6 lots of books that need to go to make some room. I put them together in lots so that I don't go nuts trying to ship single books. I think I have them priced well below retail (verified on eBay), it is just the shipping that has increased as of this month again. I am not trying to...
  8. Arctic97

    Cape Town Attractions

    Read James Michener's book, The Covenant. It is like a thousand pages, but you have time. lol. Get through the first 100 or so pages as he always starts his books with how the dirt was made and the hills formed millennia ago. It is a great read of fictional characters woven with historical...
  9. Arctic97

    NAMIBIA: Namibia Safari

    Congrats and thanks for posting. Hard to beat any trip to Namibia.
  10. Arctic97

    Greetings From Texas

    Welcome to AH. This is a great community with knowledge of about everything hunting, and gun related. You will enjoy being a member, I am sure.
  11. Arctic97


    Yeah, could be, the truth, even when we hear some of it will be unrecognizable
  12. Arctic97


  13. Arctic97

    ZIMBABWE: Dream Realized

    Congrats on a great cat! Wayne shared a pic of your cat with us this week as we are scheduled to give it a go later this year. I also had a similar Delta experience last year - only it was 4 days extra. Glad you hung in there. Beautiful Leopard. Congrats again.
  14. Arctic97

    Hotel’s in Jberg

    Afton House or Sunrock.
  15. Arctic97

    After the hunt costs for our 2023 Safari with Kubusi - with questions

    I was just on the phone with Coppersmith rep in Seattle today. She did mention that they had "changed things up" recently and that it was a pain as they never stick to any routines for long. (I thought to myself when she said this - government - always reinventing the wheel as new employees...
  16. Arctic97

    My Version of a Trophy Room & Garage Build, Circa 2017, Now Filling up

    That's great. Every one of us probably thinks about having something similar. Nicely done!
  17. Arctic97

    New Guy from SC

    Welcome to AH. Great forum here, you will enjoy it.
  18. Arctic97

    Planned Adventures

    Nice...I took my daughter and son in law 10 years ago right after they got married. Now they are taking me back this year to celebrate their 10th anniversary! Hopefully it turns out as well for you in the future!
  19. Arctic97

    Ruger No1 400H&H

    Always thought the 400 would be a fun cartridge to play around with....hope you post pics of your project as it comes along.
  20. Arctic97

    I'm finally retired - Another Chapter Closes

    Congrats on your retirement. Thanks for your years of service. Now it's time to really start living. Hope you Buffalo hunt is a great one!
  21. Arctic97

    Barnes TSX review

    I always try to leave my ammo to someone that I know will appreciate it when my hunt is done. I only ask that they send pics of stuff killed with them and the bullets that are recovered. Got this pic last week from some of the 375 H&H rounds (and some dead buffalo) that I had loaded with 270...
  22. Arctic97

    Small gifts for PH and tracker

    I always ask if they or their wives would like anything from the states that is not readily available. I have taken a whole suitcase of riding jeans for a wife, havalon blades, trail cameras, hats, tee shirts, and all kinds of other odd request - even some Ford f-250 truck parts! It is always...
  23. Arctic97

    Help me choose an airline

    Delta has my vote also.
  24. Arctic97

    Namibia Leopard and Elephant Hunt Taxidermy

    Yes, I am thinking there are not many options for air freight with Big 5 trophies whether from Namibia or RSA. I will find out soon enough.
  25. Arctic97

    Namibia Leopard and Elephant Hunt Taxidermy

    Beautiful work. You have me curious about the shipping costs as I am waiting to hear any day now from the shipper in RSA with numbers for my crate. The way things are going I may have to forgo your ABNB crate option and go straight to living full time in mine!
  26. Buffalo Shooting Target

    Buffalo Shooting Target

  27. Arctic97

    Wire and Water Documentary

    That was beautifully produced and a joy to watch such a good cause in the works.
  28. Arctic97

    shooting 375 H/H

    Friends' cattle on my property so no worries....and no neighbors, so no hassles about drapes either. Most of my shooting is done off the porches from 10 yards out to a mile. I am blessed to live where I do. Not many places left with open space.
  29. Arctic97

    shooting 375 H/H

    I am of the thought that handling the rifle you will use is best - dry firing a lot, and hikes with it for fitness prep and more familiarity. I dry fire on cattle grazing when I get close to them on my daily hikes. This also allows me to think about shot placement depending upon the angles of...
  30. Arctic97

    Prayers for Mike

    Prayers for you and your family. All my best wishes for you going forward. Stay strong!
  31. Arctic97

    SOUTH AFRICA: First Africa Hunt Experience Big Water Safaris

    Congrats. Sounds like you had a good time and a great first experience. Thanks for sharing here.
  32. Arctic97

    1st Cape Buffalo Hunt South Africa recommendations

    If this is still available it is a great hunt....They are sponsors on here. They have other Buffalo hunts available also, but this will give you something to look at....
  33. Arctic97

    Autobiography of one of our most accomplished members

    If anyone ends up with a spare copy please PM me. I too, am not comfortable doing the wire transfer, but will pay extra to someone here if they are willing. Thanks in advance.
  34. Arctic97

    Greetings from Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

    Welcome to AH. Look forward to hearing about your journey here.
  35. Arctic97

    Magnum Primers

    I use Federal 215 for my Large capacity magnum loads, .375 H&H, .458 Win. Mag., 460 Whby Mag, even 300 Win.Mag. They have always worked very well. The last few years has been a dry hole for these primers and I was getting down pretty low. Fortunately a new Scheels opened near where I live and...
  36. Arctic97

    Woodleigh Bullets - Feedback for Production Requested

    480 gr soft and solids for the .458 Win Mag (old 24A & 25A bullet numbers)
  37. Arctic97

    Michael Sipple mauled by Cape buffalo prayer request

    Just now saw this! Prayers for Michael going forward with recovery, and for his family. My son and I hunted with his partner Dempsey Bayly last year and they are a first rate crew. Didn't meet Michael, but heard great things about him. Alfred was on my son's team and was highly regarded by...
  38. Buffalo Hunt South Africa

    Buffalo Hunt South Africa

  39. Arctic97

    New member from Minnesota

    Welcome to AH! Lots of great info and resources here. My son and I had a great time with @BAYLY SIPPEL SAFARIS last year...I posted a hunt report here if you feel like having a look...
  40. Arctic97

    New member from Ohio

    Welcome to AH. Planning your first trip is the best!
  41. Arctic97

    1st hunt Namibia

    Give a shout to Peter up at Erongo Lodge....awesome area up there in the crater - even some Black rhino running around to keep things interesting....and it won't break your bank account.
  42. Arctic97

    Range days sometimes go in Ka Boom!

    Glad you are ok. As you say many of us have been reloading for multiply decades, but experience breeds familiarity. Always nice to see someone admit a mistake - and let us in on it so we can all learn from it! Thank you.
  43. Arctic97

    Official AH Get Together In Nashville During Safari Club International (SCI) Convention 2024

    Sarah and I really enjoyed meeting you both and swapping stories. We need to stay in touch!
  44. Arctic97


    Great trophies! It was also a real pleasure getting to meet you and get acquainted there in camp for those couple of days.
  45. Arctic97

    375h&h guidance - bullets, dies, and brass

    Not sure if you were talking to me, but if so.... 59.0 grs of IMR-4064. Getting about 2135 fps out of my 25" barrel, as measured about 10' from the muzzle. Not a max load at all, just a nice sweet spot load.
  46. Arctic97

    375h&h guidance - bullets, dies, and brass

    Don't forget the Barnes 350 gr TSX as an option. If you are thinking of Hippo, the 350 has advantages. I used them this year and they do work well. Did not recover one from my buffalo, but left my remaining rounds with my PH and he just sent me a pic of one he recovered from a Giraffe that was...
  47. Arctic97

    Looking For 243 For Kid's Hunting Rifle

    Daughter with first deer all on her own - age 14. With Ruger 77 Compact, in your 243 Win caliber. Doesn't quite make your relic criteria, but 2 out of 3. I like Savage model 99's also, but have to admit that they do not fit small shooters very well without cutting both ends down some. I do...
  48. Arctic97


    Congrats on a great trophy and hunt. I enjoyed this very much, as it reminded me of my time with Dempsey recently. And yes I agree about his photo sessions - I called it Bayly Productions. Great pics there for sure. Memories for a lifetime with @BAYLY SIPPEL SAFARIS
  49. Iguana Hunting Florida

    Iguana Hunting Florida

  50. Iguana Hunting Florida

    Iguana Hunting Florida
