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  1. SeanS

    20 yard Shot dead on 30 yard shot way off??

    So after using all of your guys info (much appreciated) finally got it right 20 yards hit where I want them and 30 yards hit where I want them still need a minor pin adjustment for 30 yards but all is well shot a few arrows into each other but I am very glad with the results moved the rest (drop...
  2. SeanS

    20 yard Shot dead on 30 yard shot way off??

    Thanks for all the info guys much appreciated ill centre the shot and do walk back tune and see how it goes from there will give you an update soon
  3. SeanS

    20 yard Shot dead on 30 yard shot way off??

    Thanks so much Sheephunterab for the reply ill centre my bow at 30 yards first and see what happens , sorry what I meant with space is I did not have adequate length to shoot from to sight in my bow so shot at 20yards only ill check the centre during the week ill give an update soon thanks
  4. SeanS

    20 yard Shot dead on 30 yard shot way off??

    Hi again guys hope I can get some info from you please, I bought myself a new bow sight and started to tune the sight in and got the 20 yards to hit dead on centre moved back at 30 yards and started the proses but it seems my arrows are still hitting left could my centre shot be out my bow is...
  5. SeanS

    Bow Hunting Permits Western Cape

    Thanks Roan Much appreciated will def give it a look
  6. SeanS

    Bow Hunting Permits Western Cape

    thanks CAustin new to bow hunting hope to learn a lot more
  7. SeanS

    Bow Hunting Permits Western Cape

    Thanks Roan ill stop by some gun stores around here and check out the post office as well what I can tell you is that the prices here differ a lot but the few game farms I have been to are really good and great hides as well the bow hunting seems really strict in regards to hunting and permits etc.
  8. SeanS

    Bow Hunting Permits Western Cape

    Hi Guys Hope all is well wanted to ask , I recently moved to western cape area and would like to know where can I apply for bow hunting permits hope to hear from you soon not sure if this thread has been covered before thanks again