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  1. cptkirk

    Taxidermy mounts made it

    Love that baboon! Awsome pair of Kudus. That is quite a trophy room you have there. Thanks for the pictures.
  2. cptkirk

    Trophies arrived from Highveld Taxidermy

    This is one I owe my wife for big time. Love you dear!!!!! She allowed me to hangs these trophies in our living room at home. It was the only room in our home with a vaulted ceiling high enough for the Kudu mount. I had planned on having skull mounts done on all but the Kudu and Gemsbuck. She...
  3. cptkirk

    Trophies arrived from Highveld Taxidermy

    When I saw the shields in the Highveld catalog I thought they were teak and was worried about the weight and trying to hang them on a drywall wall. They are wood but whatever the species is it is a lighter wood like pine.
  4. cptkirk

    Trophies arrived from Highveld Taxidermy

    I hunted with an outfit called Warthog Safaris in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. I you do a search for my Posts you will see the write up I did for the hunt and an additional run up to Zimbabwe and Botswana to see Victoria Falls and some other sight seeing type stuff.
  5. cptkirk

    Trophies arrived from Highveld Taxidermy

    I saw that post you were talking about too. If it is the one I think it is it was about the insurance coverage. His mounts were badly damaged by some idiot with a fork truck in the USA. I used Oxi-logistics to ship my mounts to the USA and their paperwork clearly states that the insurance...
  6. cptkirk

    Trophies arrived from Highveld Taxidermy

    Got a nice and long awaited surprise right before Christmas. Had some spare time today to share a few pictures. The work was done by Highveld in South Africa. Outstanding!!!!!! Now I can see them anytime I watch the boob tube. Took me the better part of a day to reverse engineer that crate, but...
  7. cptkirk

    Most Expensive Hunts Worldwide

    Ananja of Warthog Safaris mentioned they had a client that wanted to hunt a black rhino in SA next year(2015) and she said 1 of the two tags that were available each year cost 250k.
  8. cptkirk

    Nice Nyala Shoulder Mount Taxidermy

    That is one handsome mount. I never realized how colorful their ears were on the inside. I think Nyala just got promoted to the top of my list for trip #2 some day. Great work!!!!
  9. cptkirk

    ZIMBABWE: Our Zimbawe Adventure & Hunt For Buffalo & Elephant

    Never too many pictures. I am jealous, never got to see a lion on my trip. Keep it coming.
  10. cptkirk

    The other half of my African journey

    Yes I had a rifle with me. I left my rifle and some excess baggage in the secure storage area in OR Tambo airport. They charge like 5 dollars per day per item so the cost is minimal. Everything seemed to be fine when we picked up. I did have TSA type locks on all my bags too.
  11. cptkirk

    SOUTH AFRICA: Day One & Two &...

    Here is the link.
  12. cptkirk

    SOUTH AFRICA: Day One & Two &...

    I ended up with Warthog Safaris by pure chance. I was at a Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation fund raising banquet and part of this safari was a donation that Tienie and Ananja made to the RMEF while they were in the USA doing marketing at a few of the sports show convensions on the east coast. I...
  13. cptkirk

    The other half of my African journey

    I would be up for some white water rafting except for one small detail. This guy would be waiting for me when I fall out of the raft.
  14. cptkirk

    The other half of my African journey

    Yes it is a long drop and I did walk right up to the edge for some of the shots. 300 feet from top to bottom. At least I had my feet on solid ground......Not like some other crazies were doing. These nuts were swimming right on the edge.
  15. cptkirk

    The other half of my African journey

    Yes I drank the local brew they were handing out. It was not that bad, a little yeasty tasting but okay. I also earned my official certificate by eating a Mopani worm. When in Rome do as the Romans do! Should have had a beer in my hand for washing that down though.:p
  16. cptkirk

    SOUTH AFRICA: Day One & Two &...

    I came to the realization that I never mentioned Warthog Safaris name in this post. I want to make sure that I give some praise to Tienie and Ananja which is greatly deserved. They run a first class operation in the Limpopo Province that I would highly recommend to anyone considering a hunt with...
  17. cptkirk

    The other half of my African journey

    I was not sure which heading to file this report under, but I thought I would share some info and pictures for those of you that would like to set up a side trip to see Victoria Falls. After spending so much on airfare to get to South Africa we thought we would like to see more than just the...
  18. cptkirk

    Jo'Berg transit

    In regards to the rifle storage issue, after my hunt was done back in early September we went on a side trip up to Zimbawe and Botswana to see Victoria Falls. While we were on that leg of our journey we stored my gun and all my hunting gear and some excess baggage and souveniers in the secure...
  19. cptkirk

    SOUTH AFRICA: Back In The US

    Very nice warthog! Glad you had so much success on your hunt. What kind of taxidermy work are you going to have done? That Nyala would make a nice mount.
  20. cptkirk

    Headed to South Africa in Less than a Week... Ebola Concerns?

    We just got back a month ago and we were in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. The topic came up a few times around the camp fire. I personally never felt I was in a circumstance where I should have been worried about it. The owners of the camp and the PH's showed little to no concern at the...
  21. cptkirk


    I would personally shoot what ever species I was after in the first place and consider myself damned fortunate to have seen two exceptional trophies in one place at the same time. Nice to get pictures of both so you have visual aids for the campfire stories later.
  22. cptkirk

    My Funny Spear hunting warthog epic fail...

    All the respect in the world for your attempt. What amazed me is how far away that warthog was before you completed your "death spiral belly flop"! He was in the next zip code before you hit the ground. I bought 4 spears while in South Africa last month. I may have to give that a try some time...
  23. cptkirk

    SOUTH AFRICA: Day Four Of My Safari

    Very nice warthog...... so that's what a big one looks like....Hmmmmmm Grats on the impala too.
  24. cptkirk

    I am back in town from South Africa and all I can say is WOW! WOW! WOW!

    I logged onto Cruisers website and I agree with your comment. Warthog Safaris is in the same neighborhood as Cruiser. We drove to Lephalele and picked up a dirt road from there for an hour or so to get to Warthogs camp. Warthog has a pool too but not a hot tub.
  25. cptkirk

    I am back in town from South Africa and all I can say is WOW! WOW! WOW!

    The report is in the Hunting Reports section. It took me a few days to type it all in. Pictures of all my trophies are linked. Hope you enjoy the tale.
  26. cptkirk

    SOUTH AFRICA: Day One & Two &...

    We decided that that would be the last animal I would take and opted to go out and just take some pictures of animals during the evening hunt. I brought my rifle along just in case a respectable warthog made an appearance. As usual this did not happen but I really did not care. Werner took me by...
  27. cptkirk

    SOUTH AFRICA: Day One & Two &...

    DAY 9 Morning: I had just about reached the limits of my budget animal wise. I wanted to finish my last day of hunting trying for the baboon or warthog. Werner suggested we sit in a blind that was nit used anymore for hunting, but had an active waterhole by it. There were many young sable...
  28. cptkirk

    SOUTH AFRICA: Day One & Two &...

    Days 5: Morning: We drove around all morning trying to cut a fresh trail on some Zebras. Saw many nice animals, wildebeests, kudus, impalas, giraffes, eland ,but no zebras. Afternoon: Went back to searching for zebras. As we are driving along suddenly the brakes go on and Werner...
  29. cptkirk

    SOUTH AFRICA: Day One & Two &...

    Day 3: Morning Saw my first shooter Kudu today. He was with 2 other younger bulls and Werner spent a bit of time looking him over because his head was partially obscured by thorn brush. Just he gave me the shoot order the Kudu turned and walked back into the brush deeper which took away my...
  30. cptkirk

    SOUTH AFRICA: Day One & Two &...

    I did not do a package deal. I am a working stiff and had to really watch my budget on this hunt. The Reedbuck was a dandy but unfortunately was not in my wheelhouse price-wise. If it would have been later in the hunt and animals were not coming I might have considered shooting it.
  31. cptkirk

    I am back in town from South Africa and all I can say is WOW! WOW! WOW!

    Here's a few pictures of the camp. Wish I could say we roughed it a bit but I would be lying if I did.;)
  32. cptkirk

    I am back in town from South Africa and all I can say is WOW! WOW! WOW!

    I would recommend a shirt pocket sized camera for that. My cameras were both to big for that so pictures from me while hunting were hard to do.
  33. cptkirk

    SOUTH AFRICA: Day One & Two &...

    Day One: Morning Arrived in camp after 10:00 PM the night before. I met my PH, Werner and another named Francois. The next morning I woke up about 6:00 AM and went outside to watch the sun come up and see what I could hear, see, and smell. It was in the low 50's and bluebird clear which...
  34. cptkirk

    I am back in town from South Africa and all I can say is WOW! WOW! WOW!

    Just got home from my SA Safari. 7 animals in 10 days. I have 1200 pictures to sort through, but I kept a log on the daily stuff so I will file a report as soon as I get settled in. What a blast! Kirk
  35. cptkirk

    On the road tomorrow

    Hi everyone, Well my wife and I hit the road tomorrow to connect with my Dad in Kentucky and then its off to Atlanta for the long flight across the big pond. I just wanted to say thank you again to everyone for all the information and support you have provided. This whole process of...
  36. cptkirk

    SOUTH AFRICA: Just Returned From 2014 SA Safari With Lake Safaris

    Grats on your successful trip. I am wheels up in 72 hours for my first SA trip. Can't wait to see some pictures. These posts are keeping from banging my head on the wall.
  37. cptkirk

    My gun

    Well, I got a definitive answer on my pump rifle. It is an absolute no go. It appears SA has a problem with that type of gun for some reason. Good thing is set up the second rifle this past Sunday. Took some scrambling to get a new 4457 done and faxed to SA. On a good note though it is an...
  38. cptkirk

    My gun

    Hey Tiss, sorry I hijacked your post a bit. I to am from Milwaukee. When is your trip? Go Packers!!!!
  39. cptkirk

    My gun

    Here's what I have so far. I have e-mailed the outfitter and am waiting for a reply. Ananja and Tienie help with the gun importation process and walk you through the whole registration at the Joburg Airport as a courtesy to there clients. Saves a few bucks on hiring a service I guess. I should...
  40. cptkirk

    My gun

    Well Well Well!!!!! Now you gave me something to panic about. I am two weeks out for departure and was planning on using my pump rifle for my upcoming Plains game hunt in SA. What is the problem with a pump. It only holds 4 shots like most bolt action rifles. All my paperwork is in the hands...
  41. cptkirk

    Shooting from sticks

    I think I have this figured out. I am shooting reasonably well at 100 yards(3 inch groups) and fairly well at 200 yards (6 inch groups). A more square to the target upright stance with an arm wrapped in the sling yields the best results for me. Any thing beyond 150 yards and I am going prone or...
  42. cptkirk

    Shooting from sticks

    I have taken to scaring the neighbors a bit. The closest public rifle range with 2 and 3 hundred yard ranges is a 100 mile round trip from my house. I went in my backyard and started sighting on a piece of 2x4 trying to get a solid stance. The sticks I bought are bipod Primos Trigger ones and...
  43. cptkirk

    Shooting from sticks

    Well, 6 weeks to go. I spent 3 hours at the range yesterday tenderizing/pulverizing my shoulder. 70 rounds and the rifle is set to go. Got it dialed in for everything from 50 yards out to 300. I must admit I am very disappointed with my performance shooting off a set of bipod sticks though. I...
  44. cptkirk

    Shotgun magazine capacity in RSA

    I don't know if you have ever shot anything with a 12 GA shotgun slug but it makes one hell of a large nasty hole in a deer. It would probably be okay on a warthog but it would disassembled a Meerkat sized animal. Double 00 buckshot has pellets that are .28 cal if I remember right which would...
  45. cptkirk

    Importing handloaded ammunition

    An empty ammo belt and a full game bag, sounds like a dream come true to me.:p
  46. cptkirk

    Whats in your pockets when you hunt?

    MY fault for saying pockets, I guess I meant on your person. I am just trying to get a feel for what one should carry out into the bush on a normal day of hunting. It sounds like the chance of an over-nighter would be slim to none. Like most of us I have a ton of gear that I could bring, but I...
  47. cptkirk

    Whats in your pockets when you hunt?

    I have a fanny pack I "ALWAYS" carry out with me when I hunt. It has a few basic survival items in it on the outside chance I end up needing to spend the night out in the sticks. I won't bore you with the list because most of you can figure out what is in it. I am not accustomed to hunting with...
  48. cptkirk

    Taxidermy and Snakes

    I seem to have the same problem, but for me it is Copper Heads in my home state of Missouri. Seems like I run into a couple every time I go down there. I was fishing by a farm pond down there in my youth and looked down to see a 3 footer crawling through right between my bare feet. Bugger came...
  49. cptkirk

    Shipping Rifle instead of bringing it with you....

    I booked a little side trip to Zimbabwe to see Victoria Falls after my hunt in South Africa and was in need of a place to store my rifle during that trip as it hard to cross borders with a gun if you are not hunting. I booked my flights through Lori Spears, AH's recommended travel agent and she...
  50. cptkirk

    Taxidermy and Snakes

    Play with fire and you will get burned. Cobras and adders are very dangerous. Make sure your med evac and life insurance are up to date. I do agree with Nyati, a puff adder is a nice looking skin and would make an excellent hat band or knife sheath.