I can give you a long list of capable builders.
I could help you out, but I’m in the middle of building a new saddle shop now. I’m hoping for an August completion, but more realistically it’s going to be November. Then I’m backlogged a little on other orders.
Why isn’t the wool sheepskin available? It’s easy to come by. I usually order 20 to 30 of those at a time whenever I make my orders. I would also consider a heavy compressed wool felt liner as well, it’s durable and offers good protection . I too would roll with the real deal if given the choice.
Welcome to the sight! My wife was dead set against it too. She fell in love with Africa, and now frequently searches the real estate listings in Namibia.
I hadn’t actually thought of finding a good belt as a problem until reading through this thread. A belt is usually the basis where every leather craftsman starts. The most important part is quality materials. Other than that; it’s cutting a strap, and punching some holes. Im going to leave...
I agree with you. It seems about 50 percent of the guys up in the high country seem to swap over to straw or palm leaf come spring and summer. I tried a palm leaf one summer, but I couldn’t ever warm up to it, and the crown cracked out of it after a couple of months. I have thought about...
Lol! Shoot you’re backing me into a corner. Texans outnumber me 20 to one on this sight. It’s probably not I good idea for me to start making Texas jokes. I don’t think I’ll throw my saddle on this bronc.
All the cowpunchers in my country including myself west Rands; or another custom equivalent. In all my life I had not been told we were wrong. I wish someone would have coughed up that information earlier; could have saved a ton of money. Can’t forget all the time I would have saved too...
I’ve got an old acquaintance that’s got pretty good at hitching horsehair in the Montana State Prison. He wasn’t a tweeker; but he seemed to have a knack for finding stray horses, and putting his iron on them.
30 miles in elk country by the Yellowstone line…. You are describing hawks rest! That is my home country, and it is a special place to me. I would also say Africa is just as special. I have encountered those that make fun of the African side of things. I’ve decided it’s not worth my time or...
I was being a little sarcastic and a little overly dramatic when I wrote that.
I grew up in an old cowboy family, and tend to stick with tradition, most of it goes back to horseback work. We never wear two belts. That usually leads to a conundrum of sorts because those of us that are real...
This may take a bit….
They both have their pros. I have found more cons to a cartridge belt.
A cartridge belt holds cartridges, a knife, sometimes a handgun. It does nothing to hold your britches up as you typically can’t run one through your belt loops. As a matter of fact, if you get enough...
I’m currently in the process of building a new saddle shop, and had depleted all of my leather supply before I shut down.
I should be up and in the next few months. When I am rolling again I will have boxes of scrap I will send for the cost of shipping.
That is how it is with all of my guns and my wife. Some hesitation until the first shot is fired. After that I just as well have her initials engraved into the receiver.
I think that should not be an issue. My wife shoots my .416 Rigby just as easily as I do. The hardest part for my wife was the first squeeze of the trigger. Now…. No problem.
I forget you probably have a longer than normal length of pull.
Still….. I don’t think the biggest, clearest diamond ring conveys your love quite like a Rigby.
Not quite as practical as you are likely looking, but my wife is in the same boat. I’m considering having a .318 Westley Richards built for my wife. Or a little more practical; 8x57. Either way I feel it should be special, and better than anything I have for myself.
This is kind of a moot point, because since the last time I was there I have learned how to apply for the tourist for the tourism flying permits over seas.
What I am saying…. I would feel comfortable taking one with me in my checked luggage. The only place a small drone would likely be...
We were going to take ours, “Judging by @375er comment” to the exact same place.
We ran into the same issue. Looking back now, we would have just thrown out drone into checked baggage and hoped for the best. Worst case; you loose a drone.
I hope so! I really like their product. I maybe on board with something. Unfortunately I already have a custom 3 gun case. I will have to set this one out.
I’m on the east side of Wyoming now. I lived most of my life in that valley. I couldn’t quite keep up with the money that came in from California during the pandemic.
You are correct about the TSA, and I did think of that. Both of those bottles are exactly 1 ounce and clearly marked on the bottom, so they fall within TSA regulations. The bottles shouldn’t even be looked at beyond the markings at the bottom.
But; who knows. They would likely confiscate the...
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