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  1. Ryan

    Unicorn captured in the wild!

    It's useful in a wide variety of some of the more common calibers out there such as 270 Win, 7mm-08 Rem, 308 Win, 30-06, 375 H&H and 375 Ruger, to name a few. Plus it's fairly insensitive to temperature.
  2. Ryan

    Unicorn captured in the wild!

    I got lucky there. Before things went crazy I had picked up a box of 1000 of Winchester large rifle primers just in case along with few hundred I already had, plus I grabbed several hundred Wincester Magnums, which I use even less of. So I'm set for a long time for what I use them for.
  3. Ryan

    Euro Taxidermy in Africa

    As an addendum to me mentioning Safari Taxidermy out of Polokwane. I got my shipment including four skulls back in March. I made it very clear they were not to paint the skulls white. Rianna Ligthelm (Co owner?) replied back they oiled the horns (they always do) and only boiled, cleaned and...
  4. Ryan

    Unicorn captured in the wild!

    I actually saw a few pounds in a store just north of Anchorage Alaska 2-3 weeks ago. Things are coming back.
  5. Ryan

    South Africa Free Range Buffalo Hunt

    Actually @Mopani that sounds like a management plan. It reduces the number of small, less than 34" bulls from breeding much, if at all. But it allows bulls with horns greater than 34" to continue to grow and breed until they are 12+.
  6. Ryan

    Any Mint Or Lightly Used 375 H&H Stainless Classic For Sale?

    @charlieb remove your cell number. No personal information such as that should be posted for your security and privacy. People can contact you by private message for your contact info.
  7. Ryan

    on a lighter note...

    On a t-shirt I saw today.
  8. Ryan

    Muzzleloader for Cape Buffalo

    You're stepping to a double that creates a smokescreen on each shot and requires a lot more work to reload than the #1. Not sure that's stepping up. Be that as it may, as Red Leg mentioned look into full caliber conicals. You may want to talk to these folks. They have 450 grain 50 cal solids...
  9. Ryan

    Typhoid Vaccine

    RSA didn't require it for my two trips, one being just last year. But my doctor did recommend it in 2012 or 2013 for my 2013 trip to Namibia, just in case. I had it as a shot in the Air Force every year. But the oral regimen I had for 2013 lasted longer.
  10. Ryan

    KMG Hunting Safaris - 2022 Season Photos

    Hey, I could have done a double too by taking that silly bird that kept tripping the light. Ha ha ;)
  11. Ryan

    Why not a Single Shot?

    My first centerfire rifle was a single shot. It was my go to for years in hunts from Florida whitetail to Alaska Dall sheep and caribou. A Thompson/Center Encore in 30-06, which I used to take eight animals total on my first two hunts in Namibia. Since then I've gained a few more rifles, two of...
  12. Ryan

    Wounded animal?

    Even it it does survive as you say and it can be hunted as a meat animal, on an economic basis you reduced that animals value for the land owner. That trophy value is what they used for their livelihood and deciding whether trophy hunting on their land is worth it. You shot and wounded it as a...
  13. Ryan

    How to pack and fly with archery gear?

    I wouldn't say many times but it does happen. In my trips I had it happen once. Never with my bow, but my rifle case was reopened and inspected in LA after the initial inspection. Apparently they loaded it on the wrong belt after that first inspection, it went through to some unsecure luggage...
  14. Ryan

    Soldier dies from bear attack during Army training in Alaska

    More information. They spooked a brown bear from her den.
  15. Ryan

    How to pack and fly with archery gear?

    One thing I forgot to mention. TSA locks are not TSA locks. TSA has not require those locks in years. I asked TSA back in 2016 before my second trip about them and they told me regular padlocks are legit and I have used normal locks ever since. Putting TSA locks on your bags at this point is...
  16. Ryan

    Soldier dies from bear attack during Army training in Alaska

    All over the news here. It's an area to the west of the landfill, not right next to it. It's very wooded. Too many unknowns at this point for me to make many comments other than there are no shortage of black and brown bears on Joint Base Elmendor-Richardson (JBER). I've seen them both...
  17. Ryan

    How to pack and fly with archery gear?

    Four trips from Alaska and back with a single bow in an SKB, no issues other than I had to get broadheads when I arrived last time because I transitted through Amsterdam, and they don't allow them, period. I put my arrows in a tube in the case and broadheads in a MTM broadhead box in the SKB...
  18. Ryan

    British Airways or Lufthansa

    I wish Frankfurt hadn't complicated things but I hope things work out well. If you have a decent layover like I have had check out Frankfurt or get on a bus and head to Heidelburg for the day. Both great places to tour for the day and get used to the time zone before heading south. Good luck...
  19. Ryan

    Trophies Home

    I used Nakara tannery out of Windhoek both times I went to Namibia for several hides including half a zebra. Very reasonable prices compared to anywhere else. I contacted my old outfitters and they had the 2020 prices. Converted to US a tanned skin was $120 USD the felt another $83. Even if it's...
  20. Ryan

    British Airways or Lufthansa

    In '13 and '16 no transit permit was required going through Frankfurt as long as you didn't take posession. Sometime after that it changed. I was going to go through Frankfurt in 2020 and they did require a transit permit then. I filled out a form online. Here's the info on that from @TRAVEL...
  21. Ryan

    30-06: 168gr vs 180gr TTSX for PG?

    Between the two weights I'd say it's a " half dozen of one, six of the other" situation. From experience 168s aren't light for any of those mentioned. Gemsbok was the first, zebra the fifth of eight animals I took with them in Namibia. I shot my zebra quartering towards me breaking the front...
  22. Ryan

    30-06: 168gr vs 180gr TTSX for PG?

    While I used the 168s with great results the 180s should do just as well. According to Barnes Vor-Tx ammo data the 180s are 100 fps slower at muzzle than the 168s and even to 300 are still going 2215 fps. 2000 fps is considered the threshhold for proper expansion with those bullets so you're...
  23. Ryan

    303 for Eland and other large non dangerous game

    The current world record Alaska-Yukon moose was dropped with a 303 British and I'm sure plenty of eland have been killed over the years in southern Africa with surplus 303 rifles. That said, that moose was shot at less than 50 yards with a well placed shot and as many have pointed out a wounded...
  24. Ryan

    What really is "Big Game"?

    Big game, from my education, was what need a centerfire rifle to kill effectively. So growing up in Arizona that was javelina(45 Lbs/20 kg) on up to elk. I'd put wild turkey in big game too in the US and of course moose in the northern tier state to Alaska. In southern Africa I'd say anything...
  25. Ryan

    Making Smallgoods Salamis etc

    Yep, that's why so many foods have celery on their ingredients lists now.
  26. Ryan

    Reloader 17 & Varget Powder

    I saw 5 or 6 1-pound kegs of Varget in a store in Alaska two weeks ago. So it is showing up but you have to keep a sharp eye out. I've learned what days the local shops get their powders in and either call or stop by on those days since shipping it here is not possible. Picked up a pound of...
  27. Ryan

    Baboon on CITES

    Here's the link to the USFWS offices. Give your closest one a call Monday
  28. Ryan

    Baboon on CITES

    Animal Products Manual, from 2 April 2022 This is the guidance Ag must follow. Fully finished can keep going. Not fully finished must go to an approved facility. If you cancfind something in that manual that proves otherwise let me know. I'll do some more research on Monday. And if a shipper...
  29. Ryan

    Baboon on CITES

    Ok. Fully finished pigs DO NOT need to go to any approved facility other than being cleared in a Customs warehouse by Customs-AG and USFWS as any shipment does. I know, I read the manual I mention above just now and I had a shipment with a finished bushpig and it's finished skull clear in 2020...
  30. Ryan

    Baboon on CITES

    Call USFWS on Monday, see what they say. We have an office in Anchorage with the inspectors, they answer questions like this all the time. So track down your closest one and get real answers.
  31. Ryan

    Baboon on CITES

    Not accoring to the USDA Animal Product Manual. Page 3-20-1. Which is online for anyone to access. That said, further in that section on trophies it does have a decision table concerning a shipment with both nonprimate and primate trophies and then the shipment is also handled by USFWS and...
  32. Ryan

    Hunting in the USA

    Have him move up and in a year he's a resident and you can hunt with him. Ta da!
  33. Ryan

    Hunting in the USA

    For those species you need to be related to a resident. So do you have an available sister?
  34. Ryan

    Hunting in the USA

    Yep, I was going to mention that one since it often goes unnoticed. Though the Nunivak island hunt can be costly lining up everything from flights to housing and atv/snow machind rental. I've had a few friends do it, but it's not cheap.
  35. Ryan

    Hunting in the USA

    Black bear doesn't require a guide or close next of kin. You can show up on your own and buy the tag over the counter for most of the state. Just grizzly/brown bear, goats and sheep.
  36. Ryan

    Hunting in the USA

    You are not wrong. That is the requirements for non-resident. And unless you know a pilot really well and they're feeling gracious you're paying a lot more than that now for an air taxi as a resident. My ram cost me $1K/person for transportation eleven years ago and they required two of us to go...
  37. Ryan

    375 Ruger or H&H

    I've been to Africa four times, twice to Namibia and twice to South Africa. Three of the four I had both firearms and a bow along with ammo, the fourth just a bow and a suitcase. My 375 Ruger and its ammo went on one trip to Namibia and one to South Africa. No missing firearm, bow or suitcase...
  38. Ryan

    Ever drop big bucks on a rifle and just not bond with it?

    Almost. I ordered up a custom stock for my left-handed M77 in 375 Ruger from a maker who promised it done in three months. Perfect, exactly what I wanted and it should have arrived before the summer here in Alaska to give me plenty of time in warm weather to work up a load, sight in and get...
  39. Ryan

    Curious about Euro Mount

    As @frankdes said, that is a typical European or skull mount as it's done in Europe. In the US the teeth are often left on. Mine from Namibia were done like this and I prefer it that way, but my caribou from an Alaskan taxidermist and my latest skulls from South Africa were done with the teeth...
  40. Ryan


    Great report. The lodge is looking better than ever.
  41. Ryan

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    It's been a crazy winter, and now we are going into spring, AKA Break Up. Freeze and thaw makes for wonderful road conditions. And parking lots with snow/ice potholes.
  42. Ryan

    Arrow build for Cape buffalo & Giraffe

    I've actually thought about using 2117s for a sleeve. Is that for the Dangerous Game FMJs in 250?
  43. Ryan

    Trophies from RSA to Alaska by Fedex

    He was. And that duiker there was the one I used your 308 and shoulder for a rest on that crazy windy day.
  44. Ryan

    Buffalo Pictures

    January 2021 with @LIMPOPO BIG GAME SAFARIS
  45. Ryan

    Spypoint has gone mad

    I tried one a friend let me borrow up here to see if I could get a better idea of moose in an area. Nope, not really. And shortly after I took the camera down a beaver took the tree down, so apparently the local wildlife didn't want me repeating that experiment.
  46. Ryan

    Bow Set for first trip to South Africa

    For a 125 grain broadhead I'd include the Slicktrick. I've used the Magnum 125s on blue Wildebeest, nyala, and blesbok with great success and I wouldn't hesitate to use them on kudu or eland if it was in my sights. A lot of others around here have used them with great success. If you'd like to...
  47. Ryan

    Wanted Left Hand .375 H&H

    The 375 Ruger qualifies just fine. My buffalo never knew the difference, dropping quickly to my 375 Ruger. In the same length barrel it's a hair faster than the H&H. Keep an eye out here and Gunbroker for the next few months, I bet you find something you like in either caliber. Then track down...
  48. Ryan

    Wanted Left Hand .375 H&H

    How much time and patience do you have? There's a couple 375 H&Hs in lefty on Gunbroker right now and they show up periodically. If it doesn't have to be a 375 H&H then the 375 Ruger has good possibilities. As a lefty I went with that since Ruger got smart and made their M77 African in...
  49. Ryan

    What's your favorite plains game to hunt in Africa and why?

    My first outfitter in Namibia complained about them in the same manner, pretty much to the point of hatred. That said it seems to vary a lot. I was able to get within 30-50 yards of them in the East Cape with a bow but things just never lined up right for a shot. So I'd say a rifle shot in that...
  50. Ryan

    Favorite knife handle material

    Favorite would be some kind of stabilized wood. Redwood is tops on my list but there's so many I've seen I could change my mind in a minute. The left knife has curly redwood, gold/black dyed maple burl and green/black maple burl, all stabilized. After that I like playing around with phenolics...