Search results

  1. Ryan

    Wanted 416 Ruger Brass & Dies

    If you aren't worried about the head stamp keep your eyes open for 375 Ruger brass and just resize that to 416. A quick search shows the Coastal Firearms site has 375 Ruger brass in stock.
  2. Ryan

    Wanted Left Hand Ruger 375

    At the time Accurate Innovations had a laminate stock in left handed Ruger M77 long action. The barrel is larger diameter than a standard barrel so I had to sand out the barrel channel a bit to get it to free float, but otherwise it worked perfect. I really like walnut and I've thought about...
  3. Ryan

    Wanted Left Hand Ruger 375

    I got mine in GunBroker too, from a guy who put maybe 100 shots through it before he sold it. Probably less, but that's another story. It just requires some patience. Things definitely cycle on the auction sites. And I too got a better stock with a better pad, worth the extra cost. The tougher...
  4. Ryan

    Fountain pen appreciation

    Got a pair of Conklins I've managed to keep track of. Lost a few others over the past 20 years. My father was enamores with my Conklin All American when he saw it last year so he gained one for his last birthday.
  5. Ryan

    USA: Alaska Winter Archery Moose Hunt

    Congrats. As a member of Blacksheep Bowmen on JBER over the years I've known quite a few folks to draw and seal the deal on this tag. Cheers.
  6. Ryan

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    Got curious and looked up Tok Alaska today. A mere -52 F. Anchorage isn't perfect, but I can still function at -5 today.
  7. Ryan

    on a lighter note...

    Saw these today. The Patron Saint of Passing, Weed,and Beer Bootlegging amongst many others.
  8. Ryan

    on a lighter note...

    Had my youngest brother thought of that when he was younger he'd have burnt the house down. He hated spiders with a passion.
  9. Ryan

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    I'm OK with my winters. I grew up in Tucson. Zero interest in those summers anymore. And we have a lot less people.
  10. Ryan

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    21 F or -6 C in Anchorage Alaska. And according to my unofficial deck table snow gauge we',ve had 26 1/2 inches of snow since last Tuesday.
  11. Ryan

    Red River Hog Hunts C.A.R

    Sir, I see nothing wrong with his post. He's pointing out he'd put this on the top of his list if he had the time and means to travel there. I can think of a few species I'd love to hunt but limited resources prevents me from pursuing them. And I agree with him, this would be high on my list too...
  12. Ryan

    First Gun Hunt-South Africa

    Next questions, what's his budget and how much time is he thinking.
  13. Ryan

    A funny on FB, about this site, kinda sorta...

    I'm on Facebook to keep in contact with some friends. I recall seeing that group and decided this one won for my interests so I never connected with it. What's the old saying? You can please all of the people some of the time. Some of the people all the time. But you can't please all of the...
  14. Ryan

    30 Nosler - 180 or 200? NP or A-Frame?

    It's your safari, what do you want and expect to do? Talk to your outfitter and find out what they consider the likely shot distances and opportunities. Combine that with the distances you want to shoot at and what shot oppotunities you're willing take or pass up. At 300 yards or so or less...
  15. Ryan

    What Is Your Personal Limit?

    In general, 300 yards. Most hunting I do is with a 30-06. For really big non dangerous game like moose the velocity past 300 is down enough I don't think it's got the energy to effectively kill one. My 300 Win Mag would give me more range. As for caribou, deer, kudu, etc. It gets to be a small...
  16. Ryan

    Alaska hunt...

    @akrifleman I agree. Use what works for you. As for my comment on what is always found on the shelves, it was to state what the locals use. The store isn't going to keep what no one uses. I see the basics of 308, 30-06, 300WM everywhere. And every manufacturer makes a rifle in them. So Remington...
  17. Ryan

    Alaska hunt...

    Killed or wounded? I've heard of a few horror stories of AR's and AKs not doing the job very well. But 30-06 is still probably one of the most common cartridge stocked in stores, be it the cities and towns on the road system to villages off of it.
  18. Ryan

    Alaska hunt...

    Which one do you prefer. All of the species mentioned have safely dropped to both cartridges. The only possible advantage of one over the other would be the heavier bullet 300 WM for grizzly. Run the question past your guide(s).
  19. Ryan

    Alaska hunt...

    Took my Dall sheep with a 150 grain Hornady Hornady Interbond, offhand at 100 yard +-. And multiple caribou with 30-06 and 7MM-08 in Barnes TTSX of various weights. Nothing went far.
  20. Ryan

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    Todays peak in Anchorage was 14F or -10 C. I head to Fairbanks tomorrow, forecast of a high of -7F/-22C to a low of -23F/-32C. And that's not really cold in central Alaska. That's just cold.
  21. Ryan

    Alaska hunt...

    I bet I've heard of more caribou and moose dropped by a 30-06 with either Remington Core-Lokts or Nosler Partitions than any other combo around.
  22. Ryan

    Alaska hunt...

    Certainly adequate, just not a common round in the US. I'm sure someone has one here, but I've never seen one around and I can't say I've noticed the ammo on the shelves much, even in Anchorage.
  23. Ryan

    Left Handed shooters club!

    I lost track of this post. Here's a close encounter my PH's son took a quick shot of. That's my Left-handed Ruger M-77 African in 375 Ruger restocked in an Accurate Innovations stock.
  24. Ryan

    Opinions please

    The 300 grain TSX is a popular bullet for the 375 rounds for dangerous game, plenty have used them here if you do a little looking. The ammo is all up to whether it shoots well out of your rifle.
  25. Ryan

    Bongo Hunting?

    Here's a cancellation hunt advertised earlier this year to get an idea of things. 20k Euro in Daily fees, 8,900 Euro for plane charter in country, and another grand for dip&pack and export paperwork. And that's before trophy fees and travel costs to the country...
  26. Ryan

    Left Handed shooters club!

    Add the Thompson/Center Encore and Contender to your list. You can get left and right handed after-market stocks, but the action and basic rifle stock is ambidextrous.
  27. Ryan

    USA: First time Sitka blacktail hunt...

    Congrats. Sounds like a great time. I have a friend down on Prince of Wales island I was going to hunt this year and got postponed. Good to hear someone did well down that way.
  28. Ryan

    show and/or tell

    For me it's my only javelina. I grew up in Tucson, Arizona and javelina are a pretty common animal to bowhunt in the area. I've known plenty of people who had no difficulty getting one a year or at least one every other year. I on the other hand could not. I stumbled on to them out of season...
  29. Ryan

    Hunting in Hawaii

    Which island? Each island is different both land wise and the reef/ocean around it. As an example a friend loves fishing off of Kauai, but when I got a quick trip to Maui he informed me offshore fishing there required a long trip out. Big island has scrub bulls (feral cattle) to hunt and moat...
  30. Ryan

    Year Round Hunting

    I'll second that. I have hunted Namibia twice in May, and then South Africa in August/September and in January. Each had their ups and downs. If you're up for it you can hunt those two countries any month of the calendar.
  31. Ryan

    Africa booked!!

    You chose wisely. From experience Marius @KMG Hunting Safaris and the crew will treat you well. I set up my first hunt two years in advance and it worked out well, allowing me time to coordinate everything properly. Good luck.
  32. Ryan

    Calibers that make your Professional Hunter shudder

    Gents, I won't say the 6.5 Creedmoor won't do the job, I will say it doesn't have a lot of margin for error. If you've practiced, know your and the weapons limits and only take that correct shot, it does its job. That last part is where outfitters have issue. People stretch yardage and/or take...
  33. Ryan

    Calibers that make your Professional Hunter shudder

    From what My PHs and outfitters from southern Africa and friends up here in Alaska I chatted with have grumbled about. The 6.5 Creedmoor, because people expect too much from it. Not a good round for anything larger than a blesbok. Yet the latest hype and then lore about moose in Sweden dropping...
  34. Ryan

    Drinks that remind you of Africa

    Gemmerbier, especially the locally made stuff in a recycled bottle like this brandy bottle.
  35. Ryan

    Bear Encounter - cool or decide

    Video- idiotic I agree with you on everything but the warning shot. Alaska Magazine had an article 10 or so years back about bear protection. One of the take aways from stats and experts was warning shots aren't really all that loud to them and rarely phase them much. And now you have less shots...
  36. Ryan

    How many here are bowhunters only?

    I was bowhunting only for years for big game aa a kid into my 20s. Then I picked up a rifle and realized for some game I enjoyed that. So I've come to the happy medium that I'm bowhunting only for certain species. I grew up in Tucson Arizona and to me javelina is bowhunting only and only on...
  37. Ryan

    Thoughts on Borrowing Guns on Safari

    I have taken my own rifles on three hunts(two in Namibia and one in South Africa) and used a rental on a fourth in South Africa. No regrets either way. I just weigh the options. I took my bow on all of the hunts too. I rented on the one hunt because I was planning on travelling for a week and a...
  38. Ryan

    280 ackley partition or tsx

    If @BRICKBURN can take all that and more with a 270 Win using 130 grain TTSX, your 280 AI with 140 grain TTSX is more than capable. Making My Way To BARNES
  39. 29 Inch Steelhead Anchor River Alaska

    29 Inch Steelhead Anchor River Alaska

  40. Ryan

    Fishing Addiction Group

    Anchor river, Alaska. 29 inch steelhead on my 9 1/2 ft ultralight rod and a home made spinner.
  41. Ryan

    Hunting clothing

    Yep, I can bum around the desert growing up in Arizona or hunt the bush in southern Africa in shorts. But when I did grad work in north Florida with bobwhite we lived in double faced Carhartts and Bean boots all year round to beat through the greenbriars.
  42. Ryan

    Hunting clothing

    Depends on where and when. Central and northern parts of the state, forget it. Both mosquitoes and biting flies can be just miserable and you're in a bug suit plus repellant at times. But the Kenai peninsula and streams off of the Susitna river aren't bad, especially if it's breezy.
  43. Ryan

    Hunting clothing

    I regularly wear a Utilikilt fishing in Alaska. Hunting, not so much. I thought about it for southern Africa but thorn trees catch on lose clothing and a kilt is pretty lose compared to shorts, so the shorts won out. Bugs can fly up it a bit more than shorts, which I'm also often in, but not...
  44. Ryan

    Show me your uncheckered rifle stocks?

    Thompson/Center Encore with a Great Plains keyhole stock. The previous stock, which cracked, was also uncheckered. I can't see a reason to blur this beautiful walnut with checkering.
  45. Ryan

    Not A Warm Welcome!!

    Because we don't just want to just kill something, we want to hunt it. For some odd reason people seperate food and trophy hunting. You can do both at the same time. I had a goal of a mature bull on my first caribou fly out hunt. I got it, but trust me it filled my freezer well and tasted as...
  46. Ryan

    Not A Warm Welcome!!

    Who would want to hunt so many animals. It's perception in both cases. The giraffe because of that neck and the zebra because it's a horse. I took both on my first hunt, and looking back that was probably number one and two on my list. To anyone who has been shocked about a giraffe hunt I have...
  47. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: Notes On A First Safari

    You state you needed to look deeper and find the less than perfect reviews. This is one of those and the outfitter needs to be named to prevent this from happening again.
  48. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: My Bow Hunt With 4 Aces Outfitters 2022

    Both the blue in the back in the first shot and the golden wildebeest in the last have good spread beyond ear tips and from basic appearance are good mature animals. Shooters in my book if they're what you're after.
  49. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: My Bow Hunt With 4 Aces Outfitters 2022

    Congrats on the steenbok with a bow, not an easy thing to do. I gotta say dealing with umpteen minor versions of a species and differing prices is not my thing. To each their own, sounds like this works for you.
  50. Ryan

    Cheap Rifles and Hypocrisy

    So out of curiousity, does that mean Mississipi would allow a Thompson/Center Encore in 35 Whelen for that primitive season? It's got an exposed hammer and 35 caliber. Not exactly primitive, but whatever.