Search results

  1. Ryan

    USA: Florida Safari-Blackbuck, Pig & Iguana

    Ok, I finally hit home base after 15+ hours. I know, you're envious... So, next up was pig hunting, with a bow this time. I have hunted a few throughout the years (how did I get old enough to say that?), and not one on the wall. So I found Big Boar Hunts out of Naples and chatted with the...
  2. Ryan

    USA: Florida Safari-Blackbuck, Pig & Iguana

    After Lake Okeechobee I headed to the Brady Ranch near Indiantown for blackbuck. They have a great reputation for great axis deer and blackbuck along with some smaller herds of other exotics on an active cattle ranch. And to be honest, they have better prices than much of Texas. They run a very...
  3. Ryan

    USA: Florida Safari-Blackbuck, Pig & Iguana

    Alaska's summer lasy year wasn't all that great for me, I was up to my eyeballs in OT and weather was just kinda crummy. So a couple months ago I decided I needed a little time in the sun in January. It turns out Alaska Air has cheap fares to Fort Lauderdale in January, so I started planning...
  4. Ryan

    Iron Will WIDE Single Bevel Test

    Interesting. A score right up there with Slick Trick magnums, my go-to.
  5. Ryan

    KE / Momentum for Medium Plains Game?

    If you haven't checked them out yet look up Vantage Point Archery broadheads. Here's their 150 grain 2 blade with double bevel edge. A bit more expensive at $67.50, but very strong and easy to sharpen on your Lansky. If I were to go with only two blade head for plains game that would be my choice.
  6. Ryan

    Gravedigger Broadhead Test

    Tried them in 2016 for light skinned animals in Namibia. They tested decently in my back yard. But when I actually used them in Namibia for a springbok they failed by having one of the blade open in flight causing the arrow to flip and miss the springbok. I will not use forward opening heads...
  7. Ryan

    Gravedigger Broadhead Test

    So, why are you using a compound bow when a recurve would work just as well? The same holds true between those for failures with the recurve taking seconds to replace a string and a compound needing a bow press, probably in a shop. In the end you made choice that the positives outweighed the...
  8. Ryan

    KE / Momentum for Medium Plains Game?

    I agree with you on sharpening, personally I can make a double bevel scalpel sharp far easier. But after the Stingers and their aluminum ferrule failed me about 20 years ago on a feral goat in Texas I went for steel ferrule broadheads and have never regretted it. Magnus Stingers actually made me...
  9. Ryan

    Show me your uncheckered rifle stocks?

    My brothers Browning BAR Safari in 300 Win Mag, Boyds stock in Claro walnut that I finished for him as a gift. The original stock is a synthetic he's keeping for foul weather. SB McWilliams alkenet red oil and Waterlox has done it well.
  10. Ryan

    Fishing Addiction Group

    A good day on Lake Huron. Forgot to get a pic of #3, which was just as big. All 8+ pounds
  11. Ryan

    KE / Momentum for Medium Plains Game?

    The Montec is a 3 blade. Asby even mentions 4 has less drag then three. And Ranch Fairy had a video about him using a 3-bladed head as I recall. So I suppose we could all go round and round about this. Suffice it to say a cut on contact will help him under these ccircumstances.
  12. Ryan

    KE / Momentum for Medium Plains Game?

    The rule of thumb for speed gain per pound is 2 fps/pound. So going up to 70 pounds of draw I bet you'll get at least 220 fps with the same arrow. Right there you've gained 5 foot pounds of KE and puts it right where my 2005 CP Oneida Eagle was on my first hunt in Namibia in 2011. Yours has an...
  13. Ryan

    KE / Momentum for Medium Plains Game?

    65 pounds, 600 grains and 211 fps is not a speed demon, but it does sound like a late 80s early 90s rig. I used a PSE back in the late 90s with similar stats and it killed some decent stout hogs. And a lot of plains game went into the salt back in the 80s and 90s. Keep it efficient. While you...
  14. Ryan

    CCI Large Rigle Primers in Souther Michigsn

    Well, here's a pic of a keg of Ramshot Hunter I used to give a friend a smile. They had that, Big Game and IMR 4350 in kegs, amongst others. Sorry, no time stamp.
  15. Ryan

    CCI Large Rigle Primers in Souther Michigsn

    So do fat thumbs. Sorry about the typos everyone.
  16. Ryan

    CCI Large Rigle Primers in Souther Michigsn

    Dropped into the Dundee Michigan Cabela's while visiting. CCI Large Rifle primers are going for $99/1000 brick. Also had small rifle and pistol. No magnum that I saw, nothing much in brass except some 308 and a couple smaller magnums and such.
  17. Ryan

    Where to start

    You started as an equal partner with a mutual agreement, now you're secondary and doing the legwork for a compromise. Been there and found the best outcome for both sides has always been they go there way, you go yours. I am one of the solo hunters here, so I have no problems traveling and...
  18. Ryan

    30-06 180 Gr Peregrine VRG2 Bushmaster

    In the US? Poor. The website is pretty bare and has been a while. So I recently sent a text to the retailer here about a timeframe to restock 300 grain 375 Bushmasters and 130 grain 7mm Plainsmasters. He didn't even give me a time frame of when they might arrive, just mentioned some 186 grain...
  19. Ryan

    Most efficient 3 cartridge spread for dangerous game?

    Your title is DG only but your question is just the age old three gun battery for anything from birds to bull elepants. This takes care of that far better than so many others here. If you don't want to include birds just omit the shotgun. Me, I'd go something similar to what Teddy Roosevelt...
  20. Ryan

    Safari frequency?

    I have no kids. Which is why I have been on four instead of one. My new baby is four acres of land and plans for a house on it.
  21. Ryan

    Safari frequency?

    'How often can you manage to take the trip? ' I managed to take the trip more frequently than I expected. In 10 years, from 2011 to 2021 I planned and took four trips, I expected one. Now priorities have changed and finances need to go elsewhere. Maybe I'll take another trip in 2-3 years...
  22. Ryan

    What Have You Killed with Your .308 Winchester?

    When I first started looking and talking to outfitters about hunting Namibia and South Africa the most common answer to what caliber to bring for plains game was something like " Do you have a 30-06 or 308? Bring it" No one showed a preference between the two. They like them because they have...
  23. Ryan

    Nyala Pictures

    A magnificent animal. Drop you story into Hunting Reports. We'd all love to read it.
  24. Ryan

    Nyala Pictures

    Eastern Cape 2018, Limpopo 2021. Now half mount and skull mount.
  25. Ryan

    Favorite game to eat on your safari

    Anything I took. I can't complain about any game meat I've had. But meat from an animal I took is always better than any game meat that was taken by someone else. That is one downside to a lodge with multiple hunters IMO. My favorite memory of game meat at camp is a ZLT (Zebra Lettuce and...
  26. Ryan

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    Beautiful, but at just shy of 8 pounds, that's going to smart when you fire it.
  27. Ryan

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    That's an older Leupold VX2 1-4X. It's a pretty short scope and where it is it's about 4.5 inches of eye relief for me, which is it's far limit. So, from my little experience it will depend on what scope you're putting on your RSM. A longer scope, or one with more eye relief and/or offset bases...
  28. Ryan

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    375 Ruger. It is one of the earlier Ruger Africans. I stumbled on that stock by Accurate Innovations had on their finished stock page for a good deal when I went looking for something a bit heavier than the Rugers walnut stock.
  29. Ryan

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    It actually needs a better recoil pad since the one Ruger has on it isn't all that great and I've had to glue it back on the base after it pealed off once. I'm with @Rafiki, the whole red pad thing isn't as big a deal to me as some view it. I'll make that decision when I chat with my gunsmith...
  30. Ryan

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    I picked up the same caliber in 2017 with very similar wood. That matte finish Ruger uses doesn't do it any favors. So I stripped mine, stained it with Pilkington Gun Co. Gold and Brown stain and then refinished it. Just that will make a huge difference if you are so inclined. Here's mine with...
  31. Ryan

    Why did Winchester skip over the 375 Win Mag and 416 Win Mag?

    One word- Marketing. At the time Winchester had the tooling to make magnum length actions for the M70s in 375 H&H and manufactured the ammo to go in them so why waste the money on a whole new cartridge when they were doing quite well as is. As others have mentioned the 416 Rigby was not...
  32. Ryan

    Post your top five biggest African animals!

    I won't do five. Of over 20-animals in southern Africa I've hunted, only two would make Rowland Ward. So you get two.
  33. Ryan

    Vegemite the story

    The first rule of Vegemite is you do not talk about Vegemite. The second rule of Vegemite is you DO NOT talk about Vegemite.... And if you really want to impress me go all out and go South African style with this stuff I found on a shelf in a store in South Africa. Mmm mmm tasty.
  34. Ryan

    Disturbing trend on TV

    I'm left-handed and I grew up using a right handed semi auto shotgun, I don't even notice the shells going past my face with it or others I've used. And in 2018 I used a right handed rental on a hunt in the East Cape. The bushbuck, eland and duiker I took with it didn't seem to notice I was a...
  35. Ryan

    on a lighter note...

    Funny fact: The town of Chicken, Alaska got its name because no one could agree on how to spell ptarmigan.
  36. Ryan

    Shooting off sticks

    From what I see those are good, simple bipod sticks. I have kept it simple and used similar for years. That's all I used on my first two trips to Namibia A couple good stout tomato stakes or even just a couple decent alder branches and some rope or some heavy rubber bands will make a suitable...
  37. Ryan

    on a lighter note...

    Me spending five minutes looking for my glasses I am looking through while trying to find them. Then *Ding ding ding...* it hit me.
  38. Ryan

    New to me, special Sako's

    As a Lefty I have to say that's a beautiful rifle in so many ways. Enjoy and good hunting.
  39. Ryan

    Limpopo plains game pricing

    Fair enough. Well, no one ever complained about kudu, ever. So assuming it's in the $2500 +-range I've seen lately for good Limpopo bulls, that's numero uno. If your outfitter has some good grassy areas I suggest steenbok. And bushbuck along the thick stuff often get looked over for a first...
  40. Ryan

    Did I do well?

    So, this is the fourth or fifth hunt I've seen concerning this outfitter this year that has been up for auction that people have personally asked me or this forum about. I've only heard their name once but I've seen the offers and price list enough to be pretty confident it's the same. Here's my...
  41. Ryan

    Limpopo plains game pricing

    You're asking prices after the deal? That sends up red flags in my book. Tis the season, auction season. You should have a list provided from your outfitter. For comparison I 'd suggest going to the deals section and checking the price list of 4-5 outfitters advertising on there that are from...
  42. Ryan

    Xl trapper or stockman folding knife?

    XL is just short for extra large, no matter the manufacturer.
  43. Ryan

    Xl trapper or stockman folding knife?

    As an aside. Check out the Buck 110 LT. It's the latest version of the Bucklite I owned in fhe late 80s and lost in the 90s. The big difference from a basic Buck 110 is it's a plain plastic handle, which is just as strong but SO much lighter. To me the fault of the original 110 is it's just...
  44. Ryan

    Xl trapper or stockman folding knife?

    The Case Folding Hunter is 5 1/4 inches closed. That's the biggest traditional style folder I can think of. See if Smoky Mountain Knife Works will ship to Canada, they have a few handle choices.
  45. Ryan

    Cross wildebeest off the list?

    I used a 30-06 with 168 gr Barnes TTSX to drop my zebra and first black wildebeest almost on the spot. A 308 or 270 with a good bullet and shot placement will do the same.
  46. Ryan

    Why would an outfitters trophy fee list be higher?...

    Auction hunts aren't bad but they do raise a red flag to many including myself. People often go into them with a lot of high hopes and emotion and not always a lot of research. It's no different than walking on a car lot claiming to have a sale. Is it really? I don't think you're getting...
  47. Ryan

    Camp alcohol where to buy? or contact the PH?

    Never thought about rum in RSA, but I do know with all the wine production brandy is a standard local hard liquor. Klipdrift brandy is pretty well known and tasty. Klippies and Coke is a common cocktail in RSA. Both places I hunted in RSA had a well stocked bar. I toured through a good part of...
  48. Ryan

    Mediums that perform

    That falls under bear baiting. Whole different set of regs there. Ha ha
  49. Ryan

    Mediums that perform

    From the regs the family member must be within a second degree of kindred. So the in-law counts, cousin doesn't. I copied the list below Second degree of kindred" means a father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, spouse, grandparent, grandchild, brother- or sister-in-law, son- or...
  50. Ryan

    Whisky appreciation

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!