Search results

  1. Ryan

    Winchester Enfield M17

    As an owner of two 30-06 besides a M1917 I acquired from my father I've wondered the same thing. The answer is just about anything that fits a long action. My thoughts would be 6.5-06 on the light zippy side and 35 Whelen on the heavier medium bore side. For a flat shooter the early Weatherbys...
  2. Ryan

    .416 or larger in left hand - recommendations??

    As a lefty myself I've learned Gun Broker and patience. Checking out pawn shops doesn't hurt either since left handed big bores don't move fast. I actually saw a Left handed 416 Remington in a pawn shop in Alaska probably 10 years back now. So I know they exist. Also, if single shots work for...
  3. Ryan

    Defining/key Species

    For myself and most hunters from the US the first hunt is typically a multi-species Plains Game hunt, often as a package. I wouldn't say there is single species that is focused on, we'd like to take all that we have on a package and maybe more. But I would say there is preferences. Most...
  4. Ryan

    Traveling with reloads

    I had hand loads for two different rifles in slip cases with foam to keep them from rattling around and tape to keep them shut this past January and had no issues to or from South Africa. Aside from the weight restrictions look up airline requirements for where they must be. Never with the...
  5. Ryan

    Flying through Paris with rifles?

    I went through Paris coming back from South Africa in January with two days notice after my Amsterdam flight got cancelled. I was using @TRAVEL EXPRESS, who passed along all needed info to the airlines and then crossed our fingers since it was such short notice. Zero issues.
  6. Ryan

    Heym Left Handed 500 NE Double Rifle For Sale

    I'm a lefty and I recall Craig Boddington (also a left hander) using a right handed double just fine so I kind of figured the stock was straight and the major difference is the cheekpiece, which is honestly superfluous. So, does left handed double rifle stock have cast like a high end shotguns...
  7. Ryan

    Wanted Lee factory Crimp Die For 416 Rigby

    Yep, I just pulled that bushing out of my RCBS press and measured, it is 1 1/4". Things I'll remember if this comes up again.
  8. Ryan

    Wanted Lee factory Crimp Die For 416 Rigby

    I found it at FS Reloading, where I got my 375 crimp. Don't know if that is standard press threads or not but my 375 Ruger one fits my RCBS press just fine.
  9. Ryan

    Question for experienced kudu hunters...

    As I write I'm looking at two kudu head mounts done in Namibia and an eland done in RSA, and none of them have black horns. They all have darker horns than original, so some kind of oil was placed on then, but they're fine by me. Wisest move, talk to the taxidermist who is doing the dip pack...
  10. Ryan

    .375 H&H ammo recommendations for Cape Buffalo hunt

    Too much penetration? Yes they were pass throughs but obviously the bullets energy was expended in the animal. So I'd say it was ample penetration. Honestly not sure any bullet out of a 375 wouldn't pass through average sized animals. I use Barnes TTSX in my 30-06. and they often pass through...
  11. Ryan

    .375 H&H ammo recommendations for Cape Buffalo hunt

    I couldn't say, all pass throughs and with the exception of the black wildebeest, down on the spot. The black wildebeest ran for 200 yards, but the internal trauma was substantial, tough animal.
  12. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Buffalo & Plains Game Rifle/Bowhunting With Limpopo Big Game Safaris In January 2021 RSA

    @Edge Here's the first four shots out of that rifle with that load since the hunt. Not perfect, but I hadn't been behind that rifle since then. And the group in January was a lot worse. So, I'd say H414 and Barnes TTSX are a temperature sensitive combo. Live and learn.
  13. Ryan

    Woohoo! Scored some .308 220gr VRG-3's!

    I crimped mine just behind the first band at a COAL of 3.160 inches. Worked great. I used H414, which did give my 30-06 using Barnes TTSX some accuracy issues at higher temperatures than my usual Alaska temps, but I had no issues at all with it in 375 Ruger and these bullets.
  14. Ryan

    Woohoo! Scored some .308 220gr VRG-3's!

    I used their 300 grain VRG-3s in my 375 Ruger on buffalo, blesbok, black wildebeest, steenbok and impala in January. Worked great on all. My PH used them in his 416 Rigby as I recall.
  15. Ryan

    G5 Megameat broadhead on Plains Game

    Exit wound. So it can pass through and do that much damage. Impressive.
  16. Ryan

    Scrum cap buffalo

    Maybe if those bosses were worn smooth, then I know he was a very old worthy bull that had lost them over time . But as I see them they're pretty rough so they broke more because he had some weak head gear and he doesn't have quite the cred in my view. So in this case I'd pass.
  17. Ryan

    on a lighter note...

    Just one of those days.
  18. Ryan

    KMG Hunting Safaris 2021 Season Photos

    Proper old bull and great composition of the picture.
  19. Ryan

    African cuisine?

    In my travels in Namibia and South Africa I'd say the food wasn't hot, but it was spicy. Lots of different dishes used lots of spices, many different from what I use in the States. I can't say I used coriander much in the states, but it's used a lot on most of the biltong I ate in Suth Africa. I...
  20. Ryan

    G5 Megameat broadhead on Plains Game

    I'm careful with my broadhead choice, but not against mechanicals under the right circumstances. Their advantage is they'll create a massive wound channel ( 3 blades and 2 inches in this case), along with a large entrance and possibly exit would that can't seal up. But they'll take more energy...
  21. Ryan

    In memoriam - Lori Spears of Travel Express passed away

    Rest in Peace Lori, you went out of your way for me this year and many of us for many years now.
  22. Ryan

    Wanted 375 Ruger Brass

    Won't give up my brass but I have 85 bullets you're after. 1 unopened box and 35 in the other. Been collecting dust. PM me if interested. We're in the same state so good bet we can connect easily.
  23. Ryan

    KMG Hunting Safaris 2021 Season Photos

    Double curled, tips are worn and either pointing back or in so he's a good mature bull. At that point I defer to you-is he good for that area?
  24. Ryan

    Nyala or Waterbuck

    Nyala. I took the one in my profile pic in the Eastern Cape.
  25. Ryan

    Reliability of single-shot rifles

    Have you looked into the Thompson/Center Encore? Very reliable and simple. Lots of options including aftermarket barrels and stocks. You can get stainless frames and barrels to keep corrosion down. All of it is easy to either break down or at least get to to clean. Andd nothing against your...
  26. Buffalo Hunting

    Buffalo Hunting

  27. Ryan

    Bullets For Buffalo

    I can vouch for the 300 grain Peregrine Bushmaster out of a 375 Ruger. This one went maybe 100 yards and piled up dead, though I put an insurance shot in him just in case. Though I didn't see any exit wound the bullet waa never found.
  28. Ryan

    .375 H&H ammo recommendations for Cape Buffalo hunt

    Stick with one type. In January I hunted buffalo with a 375 Ruger using Peregrine VRG3 Bushmaster bullets. It worked great. Then when my 30-06 gave me issues I just kept using that 375 Ruger load for blesbok, black wildeebeest, steenbok and impala. It worked great again. Keep it simple, don't...
  29. Ryan

    .338 Imperial Magnum History /RE-loading /dimensions

    I learned about this caliber a couple years back because there was a rifle in it waa for sale in Soldotna, Alaska back then. My coworker listened to a community call-in sale radio program and a woman kept calling in trying to sell it there. Tough thing to sell in Alaska and especially the small...
  30. Ryan

    Broadhead for Eland

    Old method? Like using a rifle? That method has been around for a few hundred years now. Sounds old to me, yet proven. Just like archery equipment. He is using a weapon that will penetrate and kill cleanly and quickly. He is merely confirming his particular weapon set up will work for this...
  31. Ryan

    Meet and greet at Johannesburg

    I stayed at Afton Lodge and used their VIP service with Mr. X in January. Worked great and I've yet to hear a bad thing about their services. Interestingly I got dropped off at Afton on the way out and they dropped me off that afternoon for my flight. There was talk at that time that so many...
  32. Ryan

    Broadhead for Eland

    This sums it up. Your set up has a lot more energy than the 70 lb bow with 125 Slick Trick Magnums I use. And I have no doubt mine would perform well and drop an eland.
  33. Ryan

    Connecting through Amsterdam

    Yep, same thing happened with me. So, you make it work. I don't know how fast things ship there so I'd suggest shipping a few weeks prior. If it shows, great. If it gets lost or postponed get your outfitter to pick some up. Good luck.
  34. Ryan

    Connecting through Amsterdam

    I went through Amsterdam in January with a bow. No choice, that's where the flights were working then. I left my broadheads at home and got in touch with my outfitter and found out what he could get in RSA. I had him get me some Slick Trick Magnums in 125, one of my favorite. Done. They may not...
  35. Ryan

    My Covid vaccination experience

    First Moderna shot, no big deal, usual light sore shoulder from an immunization. Got the second in the morning and nothing the whole day. But that night I got light chills and sweats which I expected for an immune system reaction. Then came the head ache. Wow, that was mean, all night long. Add...
  36. Ryan

    Traveling to South Africa from the U.S.

    At this time I say get a travel agent and be prepared to deal with changes. After rescheduling three times from last March I flew in January. I had my flight there change a day or two after it was booked and flights back change two days prior to leaving. Originally I was booked with Delta...
  37. Ryan

    Favorite cartridge/rifle for moose

    A 30-06 in either my T/C Encore or Ruger #1. The cartridge because it has proven itself here in Alaska. No frills, it just works. The rifles are just my preference, the moose don't care.
  38. Ryan

    What do you call this cat?

    Mountain Lion Grew up in Arizona.
  39. Ryan

    Electronics on Safari...what do you take or not take?

    Four hunts since 2013. A cell phone on all of them, a DSLR camera on three. I will admit a tablet or laptop computer would have it's moments. Honestly the phone did 90 percent of the work the third (2018) and fourth (2021) trip. Hunting pics, large scale shots, social media, email/texts, google...
  40. Ryan

    Right or Left Shooter?

    Left handed,left dominant, left shooting both rifle and bow.
  41. Ryan

    Taxidermy References In South Africa

    I'm in Alaska. Heck, I'm in the same city and I don't trust but one taxidermist locally. I've had no issue using Namibian and South African taxidemists. Like the local ones, you have to do your research. The difference in price is amazing there compared to local Alaska, especially if you do...
  42. Ryan

    Laminate Stocks on Dangerous Game Rifles

    Accurate Innovations does their stocks in laminate if you want. They do an aluminum bedding block system. This was a premade one I happened to see on their site a few years back for a Ruger M77 long action left-hander. It's in 375 Ruger so I had to open the barrel channel up a bit for the larger...
  43. Ryan

    Euro mounts- Am I smoking the devils lettuce?

    As a wise professor I had in college often said: "It depends" Skulls are simple, take up less space, and to me just as much tactile as visual. Head mounts take up more space and are more dramatic and visual. Each has a different affect on me and people that see them. Happily, my home has both...
  44. Ryan

    We had to change the dates for the first Safari to October What will the weather be like? Super hot?

    Well, I did a hunt in late August into September in 2018 not far from Port Elizabeth and it was pretty nice. A little chilly in the morning and evenings and in to the 60s and maybe 70s Farenheit mid to late day. I drove all over the Cape after the hunt, including into the Karoo and never thought...
  45. Ryan

    An observation on African bowhunting

    Ah, this old argument. First off, warthogs are not physically tougher than an elk. And general anatomy is actually quite similar in both North American and African animals. The heart and lungs are in the same general place and same general shot placement is best. The elbow helps protect the...
  46. Buffalo Hunting Limpopo, South Africa

    Buffalo Hunting Limpopo, South Africa

  47. Buffalo Hunting Limpopo, South Africa

    Buffalo Hunting Limpopo, South Africa

  48. Ryan

    Show Me Your 375 Caliber Buffalo!

    Limpopo, South Africa, January 2021. Ruger M77 African in 375 Ruger using a 300 grain Peregrine VRG3 Bushmaster (expandable flat nose mono-metal) bullet over 75 grains of H414 powder. 100-120 yard shot, went maybe 100-150 yards before piling up. Put an insurance shot in him when down, but it...
  49. Ryan

    Has anyone hunted Africa in boots like Danner Bull Runs or Red Wings?

    Danner makes a lot of boots. These are the Bull Run moc toes. Is this the same sole you are referring to or were yours different. These look softer than many of the Danners I've worn for work.