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  1. Ryan

    Trophies from RSA to Alaska by Fedex

    And....someone removed the buffalo. One more time.
  2. Ryan

    Trophies from RSA to Alaska by Fedex

    Somehow a wildebeest shot got added and this removed. Now we have all seven
  3. Ryan

    Trophies from RSA to Alaska by Fedex

    You can get a look of them on the walls now. Well, except the buffalo, I'm not quite sure if or where I want it hung. The steenbok is from this hunt, the other two are from a previous one. All others you see are from this hunt from last January.
  4. Ryan

    Raw Nature/Natural World

    Iced Elephant An elephant ice sculpture in the ice sculpture competitions in Fairbanks Alaska. It's life sized, along with a hippo abd flamingo
  5. Ryan

    Trophies from RSA to Alaska by Fedex

    Your buddies are fine if they're fully finished warthogs and zebra. I had one of each in the past. Fully finished zebra head, fine. Warthog skull cleaned and on a plaque, also good. It's only if they aren't that they'll need to get it taken care of down south somewhere first.
  6. Ryan

    Trophies from RSA to Alaska by Fedex

    Just a heads up. My trophies were fully finished over there. If you are getting yours brought in unfinished (dip and pack) and you have a pig or zebra they have to go to an approved facility. Alaska doesn't have any anymore. Knight's was, but he let that go apparently. Antelope hides and such...
  7. Ryan

    Trophies from RSA to Alaska by Fedex

    My trophies (1 buffalo and six antelope) have been in a box at the shipper since the 1st of December. My shipper, AHG, was having difficulties getting it to me since Delta Air Cargo won't touch the box with a buffalo in it after the whole Cecil debacle. My first suggestion was do what had to be...
  8. Ryan

    Shooting sticks vs Tripod

    I'd let your outfitter know you're bringing them and pack them. First day you're there let them see how they work for you while sighting in your rifle. And then they can see how they work for them to carry them and aet them up. After that, what @sureshot375 said about practicing on some...
  9. Ryan

    First safari

    So, Do you have a hunting partner? This is a 2 person hunt and if you upgrade so must your partner it seems. And the way it reads those three management animals are split between the two of you. I could be wrong, I'd find out. The lack of a trophy fee list on their website spooks me. I'd want to...
  10. Ryan

    30-06 mono bullets?

    A zebra is one stout animal. I shot mine as it quartered towards me at 120 or so yards with a 168 grain TTSX. The bullet broke the front leg and still travelled diagonally completely through the body lodging on the far side hide. The zebra went a few feet and dropped dead. Here's the bullet, it...
  11. Ryan

    30-06 mono bullets?

    I have used 168 grain Barnes TTSX in my 30-06 for a decade now. Used it on a few caribou from 175 to 270-ish yards and 8 species of plains game from springbok to kudu and zebra ranging from 30 to 210 or so yards. I also used 150 grain TTSX on caribou, though only once so far with that round...
  12. Ryan

    South Africa Outfitters and rifle rental

    I was. Those were my choices at that time from to and from those destinations. Airlines do what airlines do.
  13. Ryan

    South Africa Outfitters and rifle rental

    I agree, it just needs to be in a seperate checked bag. I put it with the bow case, everyone was OK with that. But it's still bag #2.
  14. Ryan

    South Africa Outfitters and rifle rental

    Air Namiba didn't charge for #2 in 2013 but did in 2016, and Lufthansa in 2018 got me and a plane full of Ironman competitors with their bikes for over $200 each way I recall. I don't recall this last trip so maybe not in 2021. Airlines aren't getting any kinder or gentler on fees.
  15. Ryan

    South Africa Outfitters and rifle rental

    Kind of interesting no one has brought up extra baggage charges. Most airlines charge for more than one bag and you need two for a rifle since ammo can't go in the same piece as the firearm. And those fees aren't cheap going overseas. I do enjoy using my own rifle but from my experience, after...
  16. Ryan

    South Africa Outfitters and rifle rental

    Actually you'll probably save a couple hundred bucks. One less piece of baggage both ways and no license fees. At worst you draw even if an outfitter had a fee, but most are reasonable or don't even charge. I've done both and each has its advantages and disadvantages. If it's not advertised on...
  17. Ryan

    270 Winchester better than 7mm mag?

    I've scratched my head about these two and the 280 AI for another rifle. But for my purposes there's not a whole lot of difference between them. And my 30-06 does just about the same thing. Honestly if I really wanted a 7 mag I'd go with a 7mm Weatherby Mag. As someone I read once put it it's...
  18. Contender Gun

    Contender Gun

  19. Ryan

    Zastava Mauser Left Hand 35 Whelen

    I'm a lefty in Alaska, but I'm good in this department. That said, I'll ask around.
  20. Ryan

    on a lighter note...

  21. Ryan

    Peregrine VRG3 Bushmaster - RSA Manufactured Bullet

    Add a buffalo, steenbok, blesbok, black wildebeest and impala to the list using a 375 caliber, 300 grain Bushmaster. Only problem at the moment is their availability in the US. Hopefully that will change...
  22. Ryan

    Wanted TC Contender

    I have one in the safe, it's not to for sale. I do see a few on Gunbroker. And in a normal time E Arthur Brown sells frames and barrels. Unfortunately frames appear to be in short supply.
  23. Ryan

    Wanted TC Contender

    You may want to look into the T/C Encore, it's a stronger frame. It also has a lot more choices for barrels, both factory and custom choices by E. Arthur Brown and other manufacturers. I have one and love it. But not giving it up soon.
  24. Ryan

    Mine or Theirs?

    I've used mine for three trips and theirs for one. No complaints with either situation. In 2018 I brought my bow and used a rental rifle because I was touring for nine days afterwards and a rifle in a car didn't seem wise. A stolen bow in another country is no big deal, a stolen gun is. It was a...
  25. Ryan

    Favorite Plains Game

    I had a goal in Namibia on my first trip. Get a zebra, make a ZLT. Zebra was my last animal and I had a ZLT the next day for lunch. It was great If I'm not the only one to do that, I'm of a small group. Great meat.
  26. Ryan

    Game Ranch Buffalo worth it? Or should I just do a Mozambique Hippo/Croc thing instead?

    Which hunt to take, that's totally personal and I won't even try to sway you there. Do I think a RSA ranch hunt is worth it? Yes. I was convinced of that in 2018 when I was hunting nyala and bushbuck on a place that had them in the East Cape our first day. We saw the buffalo the property had...
  27. Ryan

    Favorite Plains Game

    All of them. But thinking what I could go back and hunt over and over I 'd say kudu is the top of the list. Hemingway didn't write an entire book about them for nothing.
  28. Ryan

    KMG Hunting Safaris 2021 Season Photos

    But it's lonely
  29. Ryan

    KMG Hunting Safaris 2021 Season Photos

    Wide spirals but with the shot set up like that it's tough to gauge things. Going for 52 inches.
  30. Ryan

    Namibia questions

    I hunted a family run farm called Tandala Ridge. They're still around, but only book a small amount of hunts each year. Their place is outside Outjo near Etosha National Park. Great comfortable accomodations, home cooked meals serving meat from the animals you kill a couple days after you...
  31. Ryan

    Moose attacks sled driver in Alaska

    I have to admit I'm surprised she didn't pack something more approriate. She's from Alaska and moose are definitely a concern for mushers. She just learned a lesson the hard way. Still, I hope she's able to get the team going and into the race. I guess I'll see in a few weeks when I hang out...
  32. Ryan

    Lockable ammo container

    I flew to RSA last January with my ammo in a locked box, inside my hard bow case. A pretty large checked bag. No issues coming or going. And they don't care if bow cases are packed with clothes and such, mine was. Also, while I agree how easy the zipper is to break in (and I have a hard shell...
  33. Ryan

    Any reason not to use a 350 grain .375 bullet for buffalo

    It seems to me the bullet isn't the problem, the brush is. No matter the design, a bullet hitting brush and branches is liable to deflect, wobble, tumble or a combination of those. This just adds to the data out there proving that.
  34. Ryan

    Pre Safari Physical Training P.T.

    A lot depends on what and where you are hunting. Honestly, you typically spot from a vehicle and hike from there with a lot of plains game. But it varies a lot depending on species and the terrain hunted. I'm pretty active as is, summer all over the trails including plenty of hikes up the...
  35. Ryan

    270 gr LRX

    Although the general view is 300 or more grains is needed with a 375, here's a succesful report using the 250 grain TSX. You may wish to contact the OP for his opinion. SOUTH AFRICA: Trip Of A...
  36. Ryan

    35 Whelen. WDM Bell. Col. Whelen

    In his article in American Rifleman 'Small Bore vs Big Bore..' he mentioned liking the 30-06 if it had been readily available to him and even that he'd have used a 308 had it been around, but never the 35 Whelen. His ammunition reasoning was very practical. What could he get cheaply and in bulk...
  37. Ryan

    Dip/pack and Tanned hides

    Perhaps USFWS is taking a different outlook but USDA hasn't changed. I do know you'll still need a declaration and such for USFWS. So, for reference to all this go to the USDA Animal Products Manual. Easy to Google. There's a section for Trophies, 3-20-1. Then work the tables. For a warthog...
  38. Ryan

    Dip/pack and Tanned hides

    Yes. All the animal parts have to be accounted for. On the USFWS declaration it wants numbers. (The form is a 3177, Google it). So under warthog if you just have a skull or just a hide you'd have one piece, skull and hide 2 pieces. Actually labeled 2/no for number. I'm doing my own dec for a...
  39. Ryan

    Dip/pack and Tanned hides

    Yes, a skull applies, as do bones, etc. You need paperwork to bring anything back especially if it's in a raw uncleaned form. I have brought back a couple warthog tusk bottle openers. Those are OK.
  40. Ryan

    Kamchatka Moose Hunt - 2022

    Explaining that to more than a few people has been fun over the years. Some areas regs require meat left on the bone and quarters are not light. There's a reason I like caribou, they're packable. And this year I expect everyone and their brother up here since the last two has had so many peoples...
  41. Ryan

    partitions for dangerous game

    You might have to do the testing yourself to get the answer. And David Petzl had a way of doing that.
  42. Ryan

    Ramshot Hunter powder

    Way more than anywhere I've heard of in AK. Rumor has it some out of the way spots up here are well stocked, but I am doing well enough I don't need to drive several hours.
  43. Ryan

    Ramshot Hunter powder

    Patience and luck. I found a pound at Sportsmans Warehouse up here a couple months back. I got lucky and was there shortly after they had stocked it. I've learned their schedule and call the day they usually get their powders to see if anything new hits the shelf.
  44. Ryan

    Six more weeks of winter

    Six weeks? Try three to four months.
  45. Ryan

    A Little Broadhead Testing

    Yes, @archer36 definitely my go-to. Very effective last year.
  46. Ryan

    .284/7mm round nose

    Yes they would be since copper isn't as dense as lead. Though 150 is as high as peregrine goes for the 7mm Bushmaster.
  47. Ryan

    .284/7mm round nose

    I'm kind of surprised Hawk bullets isn't mentioned more here. @velodog cued me into them once and they've been on my radar ever since. And after that I'd suggest Peregrine Bushmasters, a monometal take on the flat nose expandable. Unfortunately most of that line of their bullets is currently...
  48. Ryan


    Elk, moose and a bison proves those Nosler Partitions out of that rig will do the job very well on an eland. And you bring up a point everyone keeps missing when you said " If I can find any". Supply of those other bullets is sparce at best right now.
  49. Ryan

    375 Ruger or H&H

    Everyone views things differently, but ammo availability in country doesn't concern me much since missing luggage means we are just as likely to have a missing firearm as the ammo. And it's rarely lost, just misplaced for a day or two. I think in terms of back ups, in this case there's camp...
  50. Ryan


    The OP plans on using a 340 Weatherby with 250 grain Nosler Partition bullets.