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  1. CZ 550 Rifle

    CZ 550 Rifle

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock And now today, I think 4th coat of boiled linseed, sanding it in every time for about 10 mins and then hand rubbing the oil in. Starting to get a nice shine to it.I am happy that there was a bit of grain hiding under the gunk that CZ sprayed on it. the...
  2. CZ 550 Rifle

    CZ 550 Rifle

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock And now today, I think 4th coat of boiled linseed, sanding it in every time for about 10 mins and then hand rubbing the oil in. Starting to get a nice shine to it.I am happy that there was a bit of grain hiding under the gunk that CZ sprayed on it. the...
  3. CZ 550 Rifle

    CZ 550 Rifle

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock And now today, I think 4th coat of boiled linseed, sanding it in every time for about 10 mins and then hand rubbing the oil in. Starting to get a nice shine to it.I am happy that there was a bit of grain hiding under the gunk that CZ sprayed on it. the...
  4. CZ 550 Rifle

    CZ 550 Rifle

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock Still got some grain filling to do as you will see in the pic. It also still has a fairly matt finish so more work to do for sure ! One thing I do have is some extra time on my hands. recoil pad is the old factory one so I have to get a decent recoil pad...
  5. Nhoro

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock

    Still got some grain filling to do as you will see in the pic. It also still has a fairly matt finish so more work to do for sure ! One thing I do have is some extra time on my hands. recoil pad is the old factory one so I have to get a decent recoil pad and fit it. I cut the stock a little...
  6. Nhoro

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock

    And now today, I think 4th coat of boiled linseed, sanding it in every time for about 10 mins and then hand rubbing the oil in. Starting to get a nice shine to it.I am happy that there was a bit of grain hiding under the gunk that CZ sprayed on it. the wood has a much nicer look and feels...
  7. Nhoro

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock

    So when I had finished sanding, it look pretty dull and pale but felt really smooth. I couldnt resist so I put some boiled linseed oil on and had a look at the grain. The next couple of photos were when I had finished the first coat. Showing some promise already !
  8. Nhoro

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock

    So lockdown fever struck, even though I am still working during the week but less hours. So I have tackled a few jobs around the house and a few just for pleasure. So I started one evening sanding off the finish on my CZ 550. Didnt have any paint remover and hardware shops are shut so I bit the...
  9. Nhoro

    458 Lott factory chamber vs a reamed from Win Mag chamber

    Thanks for this. I always thought Weatherby allowed there bullets to get up to speed before engraving the rifling and slowing down but of course that is when pressure spikes. So the long throat is really to stop pressure going through the roof. The Win Mag doesnt have that problem so what do you...
  10. Nhoro

    458 Lott factory chamber vs a reamed from Win Mag chamber

    I would appreciate if you READ the topic and make a meaningful contribution. It is a discussion of two different LOTT chambers- factory reamed and gunsmith reamed-and how that will have different characteristics because of the parent of one of those chambers.
  11. Nhoro

    9.3X62 for Cape Buffalo?

    It can be legal in Zimbabwe depending on the load. Elephant/buffalo/hippo require a calibre greater than 9,2 mm and energy of more than 5,3 kJ. Lion is 7mm and 4,3 kJ and leopard is 7 mm and 3 kJ. Many reloaders manage 5,8 kJ from 286 gr bullets. Bring extra ammo cos National Parks might...
  12. Nhoro

    458 Lott factory chamber vs a reamed from Win Mag chamber

    Hi All, While doing some research, I noticed some differences between a factory chamber and a reamed from Win Mag chamber. This would impact developed hand loads and is something for hand loaders to be aware of and take extra care when using other peoples loads. If you look at the SAAMI picture...
  13. Nhoro

    How safe are safteys?

    Do you think his nuts will regulate at 50 m with that double ?
  14. Nhoro

    Besides politicians this is your worst enemy

    Dissolving any substance is dependent on many factors and I will outline the more important ones : 1/the more solvent you have, the better 2/ Agitation or stirring improves dissolution 3/ Mechanical scrubbing helps dissolution 4/ Temperature will impact dissolution depending on the reaction...
  15. Nhoro

    What is the typical method for hunting a captive bred lion?

    I feel like quite a few people have been judgemental and gone way off topic. Don't take it personally, people are passionate and that is good. I think as long as you know what you are paying for and you get it, then it is all good.
  16. Nhoro

    Zastava? Any good?

    Maybe a DIY bedding job. I did my CZ 550 myself (They come with a crappy little piece of plastic behind the action recoil lug). I used a hardware 'plastic steel epoxy'. Plenty of tutorials on the internet. Just be sure to use a good release agent and it is not too difficult.
  17. Nhoro

    What hits harder?

    Larger diameter bullets have nothing to do with accuracy and hitting the vitals. In fact I think accuracy decreases with increasing recoil. This discussion is about an increase in the size of the hole in the vitals. The lungs only bleed around the bullet wound, so 25 % increase in diameter= 25 %...
  18. Nhoro

    What hits harder?

  19. Nhoro

    What hits harder?

    Taylor’s formula uses the diameter of the bullet while the size of the hole is given by Pi radius squared.So Taylor’s formula essentially uses a proportional value for the size of the hole and the energy of the bullet. It at least gives some idea of how a bullet may perform. Having thought about...
  20. Nhoro

    What hits harder?

    450 rigby has more powder capacity and is capable of higher velocities so it can hit harder. Handloads can be pretty epic! With Lott vs win mag, the actual difference if you have factory loads with modern powders is a lot less than people like to pretend. Mostly it is 5 % or around 100 fps -...
  21. Nhoro

    First Double Rifle, a project

    Can anyone post a pic of the forend ejector setting mechanism. I am intrigued !
  22. Nhoro

    What hits harder?

    I started another thread with my thoughts on energy per mm2 of cross sectional area. (sorry I am metric-cant work in imperial)Basically a bigger bullet will make a bigger hole and need more energy to make that hole. 416 Rigby-400 gr bullet @ 2300 fps = 6347 kJ. This is 72 kJ per mm2. The 458 win...
  23. Nhoro

    Shotgun to a Double rifle? Possible?

    It can be done. Google will find you several sites where people have done it with 12 ga shotguns. maybe a low pressure cartridge like a revolver cartridge- they are also rimmed - maybe 45 long colt ? With your idea of commissioning a complete set of barrels, there is not danger of a gunsmith...
  24. Nhoro

    Gold Plated Rifling - The ultimate Double Rifle luxury!

    My thinking is as follows : Fouling falls into two main divisions 1/Powder and powder residue. This has a varied chemical makeup that can react with your bore. It will also absorb water and encourage rust. It will contain mostly carbon as well and can get hard and form a varnish which will...
  25. Nhoro

    458/470 vs 500 Caliber Stopping Rifles

    Do you have any documentation/backup for this ?I have discussed the culling with a few old hands who were involved, right from the so called tsetse control into the mechanised and well oiled culling into the 80s. They did use all sorts of old military ammo with the 303 being used in early year...
  26. Nhoro

    Need help Mauser .404J Magazine box

    Can you not get a CZ 550 magazine box for a 404 Jeff ? Just thinking that might be close and just need a little fitting. Probably get the spring and follower too. Otherwise there is a guy here in Harare, I can get his number. You can whatsapp me on +263783172022 and I can get a number
  27. Nhoro

    Opening up the base of a Mark X action?

    In my experience, the width of the magazine AND the width of the receiver are important. Too narrow and the cartridges tend to crossover or become cross eyed/squint. Too wide and they tend to spread too far and become pidgeon toed. With flat meplat bullets, they hang up on the chamber mouth in...
  28. Nhoro

    Impact energy VS Penetration

    Sorry to chuck a little physics into this discussion, it has been rolling so humorously over Greta and belted cartridges and everything in between! Energy(kinetic) is given by 1/2 mass x velocity squared. This means that if you draw a graph of energy vs penetration, you will not get a straight...
  29. Nhoro

    Impact energy VS Penetration

  30. Nhoro

    Interested in a speed test...

    My local club has a 'charging lion' simulation. The target 'charges ' at less than 1/2 the speed of a real lion/elephant/buffalo. Over a distance of 30 m, with rifle unmounted, very few people can put more than 1 round on target. I have down it with a double 500 NE. With a 458, it is possible...
  31. Nhoro

    Buffalo hunting with a .458 Win Mag

    A friend of mine is head guide at a conservancy which I probably shouldn't name. They issued 458 win mag with 450 gr monolithic copper Peregrine solids at 2250 or 2300 fps. They dispatched several elephant during control operations with no problems. The sectional density of the 450 gr 458 round...
  32. Nhoro

    .458 Win Mag Hornady 500 grain DGS factory load

    I bought the house 3 years ago and have found a 375 cartridge when I cleaned out the well and now my son found a 375 and a 458 lying in the back yard. I would guess 20 + years of lying in the yard judging by the corrosion. Some long forgotten owner scattered live rounds around like confetti. I...
  33. Nhoro

    .458 Win Mag Hornady 500 grain DGS factory load

    I look forward to seeing your results. I started another thread seeking actual chrony results but it turned into win mag bashing.You are very brave combining win mag and hornady solids, hang tough and ignore the haters ! I have some rounds that are a 450 gr Peregrine at 2350 fps. Pretty sharp...
  34. Nhoro

    .416 Rigby from prone?

    We had a guy at The Zimbabwe Hunters test go prone on the gong. He fired one shot and then moved and shot seated :LOL: The look on his face said it all! If you have to shoot prone, try to get your body at angle to the rifle when looked at from above and try to arch your back so that you take the...
  35. Nhoro

    Mike LaGrange's rifles

    So checked with national parks guys I know. They used FN military issue rifles- full auto but set to semi auto for all of the smaller else. They used standard military issue ammo- not armor piercing. They used 458 win mag on bulls. Chris commented that art alphins rounds were the first...
  36. Nhoro

    The Difference Between An Agreeable & A Difficult Client From A Professional Hunter Perspective...

    Yes there are a number of SA operators working in conjunction with Zim operators. I would check that they do follow the law and use a Zim licence PH. They will usually have an agreement with a Zim operator to do those hunts but I have seen hunting reports on this website giving evidence that...
  37. Nhoro

    The Difference Between An Agreeable & A Difficult Client From A Professional Hunter Perspective...

    You can have a foreign passport but must be resident in Zim. So if
  38. Nhoro

    The Difference Between An Agreeable & A Difficult Client From A Professional Hunter Perspective...

    better to stay the right side of the law in Africa
  39. Nhoro

    Mike LaGrange's rifles

    Rifles in national parks were generally a mixed bag and often private rifles. Brno, Winchester,FN bolt action. There was an arms embargo until 1980 so they used what they could get.
  40. Nhoro

    Mike LaGrange's rifles

    I do not know the weights but can try find out. I just remember seeing somewhere that art Alphin began helping out in the 1980’s
  41. Nhoro

    The Difference Between An Agreeable & A Difficult Client From A Professional Hunter Perspective...

    . The law in Zimbabwe is that the person conducting the hunt must be a licensed PH in Zimbabwe. This requires that he/ she is a Zimbabwe resident and has passed PH licence and is currently licensed. South African/ Tanzanian qualifications do not count. Also be aware that PAC (problem animal...
  42. Nhoro

    458 Win Mag comparison to its peers-375,416,404

    Interesting observations. In theory,recoil from the 470 should be the same as the win mag. Same bullet at the same velocity. Most people put the Lott a bit higher.. but so much depends on the rifle. I have fired a 500 NE that is more comfortable than my 458 win mag. But it weighs several pounds...
  43. Nhoro

    Mike LaGrange's rifles

    Interesting info. I the standard equipment on a cull was FN in 7.62 NATO (essentially military version of .308) for females and calves. They had a gun bearer to hand them magazines and the team would be several rangers operating together. They would aim to dispatch a herd as efficiently as...