Michael458 please just explain to me how you do your jetpack is it newspaper hung over something it looks a bit like there is air spaces between the paper ?
I do some mountain biking and it is whole lot cheaper to lose 10 lbs off my lardy ass than pay for carbon fibre/titanium latest greatest bike. Shooting a heavier rifle is more pleasant and carrying a lighter one. My 458 win mag weighed 9.5 lbs-iron sights. Now a Lott and I added 0.5 lbs to the...
Yes I was just concentrating on being methodical and trying to get setup for all the remaining shots. So I was just concentrating on getting a pass rather than fast as possible. There are several other tests as well.
The last round jammed against the chamber mouth. I had been testing the 450...
They score it 5 points in A ring, 4 and 3 in the next. 375 scores 5-3-2. Then they divide score by time using an excel formula. Safety on and we weren’t alowwwd to start with the rifle on the shoulder.
The start is flexible, you can hold the rifle as you wish. You are in a 1m or so box played out on the floor.they use a practical pistol type timer the targets are about 5 yards left of each other.
Video attached. The targets are at a slight angle so you can see them all as you stand in the...
In my guide shooting test, I did 23 sec for 6 shots there is a mandatory 3 rounds reload. 3 targets from 20,15 and 10 yards then reverse order that included a jam that I fixed. 9.5 lb cz 550 firing 480 gr peregrines at about 2150 fps in my (then) win mag. Bull is about 10 inches round circle...
Each to his own. I like the history. If I wanted performance would stick with the gorilla snot CZ put on it otherwise there are many polyurethane and amide finishes that perform better than any oil you can name. In fact a stainless action and plastic stock would be way more efficient.
It is...
It was one of the bullets that were tested in the Charlie haley article I referred to on shakari connection website in African hunting magazine section delivered identical performance to a woodleigh fmj. And michael458 data shows the meplat is too small. So it is neither a flat nose nor does it...
So what I am reading from all of this is that flat nose solid of good design will penetrate roughly double the straight line distance in meat that a round nose of similar weight.
Bone and skin will have a different effect because round nose penetrates those fairly stably. So on an elephant...
Make sure you are in the recommended range from the manufacturer. Their engineers and bullet testers will know how close to bullet failure you are getting with high velocity. Low velocity gives less expansion as a general rule but very unlikely your bullet will fail. Personally I think you...
Also interested when re-reading the peregrine rests thatbthe same bullet at 2150 fps and 2300 basically had same straight line penetration. After that the faster bullet started to lose direction but kept penetrating.
Also interested when re-reading the peregrine rests thatbthe same bullet at 2150 fps and 2300 basically had same straight line penetration. After that the faster bullet started to lose direction but kept penetrating.
Michael458 I am circling back to something you said earlier about the stability of FN solids coming from moving the centre of gravity forward. Did you ever experiment with steel fmj and trying to move the centre forward- I am thinking with a brass insert in the base or something like that ? Or...
Michael458 I am not sure if you have read Charles Hayley article in African Hunter some time back. He tested round nose solids- conventional and monolithics finding that they all penetrated the same distance if given the same energy. Fairly understandable- same shape same energy. 32 inches...
You mention the Peregrine bullets- how does their penetration compare ? I see they are less rounded than dzombo solids but more rounded than North fork for example and. I think they are 67 % or so Meplat.
I am really struggling to find facts and this really bothers me. I have searched the internet and I find conflicting reports and very little scientific data.
So far I have found Charlie Haley's tests of round nose fmj vs round nose monolithics. He give almost identical results in a very...
What action is your win mag on ? My personal experience with CZ 550 is that the angles in the action are a bit tight for the win mag's shorter case. Lott feeds more reliably because the round feeds at a shallower angle. Some shorter actions might be opposite.
Also, how do you feel about recoil...
So while I was working on the stock, I decided to add a little weight to the back end of the stock. Other threads suggested a copper pipe with lead in it but I didnt have pipe so I melted lead into 3 empty cases and drilled holes for them. I havent epoxied them in as they were a tight fit in the...
Well this stock had the CZ finish which I assume is a polyurethane/epoxy plastic finish and I doubt I got all the finish off. I stopped sanding as soon as I was through the obvious plastic and started getting some wood dust.
Of the 3, I have fired a 500 NE. It was a Rigby double and was easier recoil than my 458 win mag. However it weighed a tonne and was NOT easier to carry. The 577 in its original loading was not known for penetration-some considered it insufficient for frontal brain shots on big ele bulls...
Have a look at this thread. https://www.africahunting.com/threads/zimbabwe-professional-hunters-and-guides-shooting-test-may-2019.50705/
Might give you some ideas.
Have a look at this thread. It has the PH exam format which would be useful performed as drills. I do them at home with dummy rounds for practice. It stresses moving and reloading. If you join the Zim learner pro hunters Facebook, they publish the results of the exams including times and scores...
So Von Gruff really got my mind spinning on the whole grain filling thing so I decided that something worth doing is worth doing right. So I have sanded in some BLO to get a good mud and the grain is pretty much filled. I am leaving it to dry now but will post some pictures once I am done.
I masked off the checkering with tape. So they are actually the original finish. Then I just try to keep the BLO off the checkering when I do that step.
I am reading 'Maneaters of Kumaon' by Jim Corbett. He was sited as being a good example of small calibres on tiger and leopard. Interesting thing is that he states the his 275 is too small for thick jungle in two cases in that book and goes home for his 450/400. One case was a leopard and the...
Go for it. It wasn't really that hard, just patience and taking it slow. The linseed oil is interesting. Practice on a scrap piece of wood first. When people say little bit at a time, it is less than you think. Also the first coats (2-3)soak in and dry quicker with a matt finish. The coat that...
Thanks Von Gruff. I have seen some of your work on the forum and appreciate your input. I did raise the grain and sand. But as you say, I probably rubbed too vigorously and removed the BLO out of the grain. I am sure it will fill with a few more thin coats of oil.
I thought I better clarify. In the pic you can see the orange edge. This affects how easily the cartridge slips under the claw and is the source of the slight hesitation or tightness in the bolt as the cartridge rides up. The purple portion is how tight the cartridge is held under the claw. This...
There is a tutorial on line that I followed. If you take a case and slide it into place up the face of the bolt, you will see the contact points,basically the three points that I highlighted with an arrow on my pic. The main part on the extractor that needed smoothing was actually the bottom...
So I worked on my CZ quite a bit to get it feeding properly. Not an expert but a fair amount of analyses of the action. I actually changed mine to Lott recently because the Win Mag works through tighter angles to get into the chamber so I think the Lott is more reliable feeding wise. The camming...
There were reports of this in the 60's. I wasn't born yet, so I will hold my peace. There were also reports of spilled powder all over the Winchester factory floor at the same time period. Dodgy ammo is pretty well documented and all over the internet and I am trying to steer this thread away...
I think this variation between factory Lott chamber and reamed from Win Mag Lott chambers is also behind the huge variation in velocity that reloaders report. One guy is getting 200 fps more with no pressure signs while the next guy is already getting pretty severe pressure signs. The two...
DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock
I started one evening sanding off the finish on my CZ 550. Didnt have any paint remover and hardware shops are shut so I bit the bullet and started. So after about 4 hrs of sanding with 220 grit and a block to get the varnish off, I switched to 400 grit...
DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock
I started one evening sanding off the finish on my CZ 550. Didnt have any paint remover and hardware shops are shut so I bit the bullet and started. So after about 4 hrs of sanding with 220 grit and a block to get the varnish off, I switched to 400 grit...
DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock
I started one evening sanding off the finish on my CZ 550. Didnt have any paint remover and hardware shops are shut so I bit the bullet and started. So after about 4 hrs of sanding with 220 grit and a block to get the varnish off, I switched to 400 grit...
DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock
I started one evening sanding off the finish on my CZ 550. Didnt have any paint remover and hardware shops are shut so I bit the bullet and started. So after about 4 hrs of sanding with 220 grit and a block to get the varnish off, I switched to 400 grit...
DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock
I started one evening sanding off the finish on my CZ 550. Didnt have any paint remover and hardware shops are shut so I bit the bullet and started. So after about 4 hrs of sanding with 220 grit and a block to get the varnish off, I switched to 400 grit...
DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock
So when I had finished sanding, it look pretty dull and pale but felt really smooth. I couldnt resist so I put some boiled linseed
oil on and had a look at the grain. The next couple of photos were when I had finished the first coat. Showing some...
DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock
So when I had finished sanding, it look pretty dull and pale but felt really smooth. I couldnt resist so I put some boiled linseed
oil on and had a look at the grain. The next couple of photos were when I had finished the first coat. Showing some...
DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock
So when I had finished sanding, it look pretty dull and pale but felt really smooth. I couldnt resist so I put some boiled linseed
oil on and had a look at the grain. The next couple of photos were when I had finished the first coat. Showing some...
DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock
So when I had finished sanding, it look pretty dull and pale but felt really smooth. I couldnt resist so I put some boiled linseed
oil on and had a look at the grain. The next couple of photos were when I had finished the first coat. Showing some...
DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock
And now today, I think 4th coat of boiled linseed, sanding it in every time for about 10 mins and then hand rubbing the oil in. Starting to get a nice shine to it.I am happy that there was a bit of grain hiding under the gunk that CZ sprayed on it. the...
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