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  1. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    Please publish any 458 win mag chronograph results of factory ammo. I started a thread asking for chrono results and dozens of people spouted exactly what you have-factory ammo never makes the published speeds. But not a single person could supply a single chronograph result to prove this...
  2. Nhoro

    Flat nose vs round nose solids - What are the actual facts?

    Some observations of bullet shapes. Here is a conventional solid vs a copper flat nose. What I noticed is that overall length is more similar than I would have thought. Monlithics are well known for being longer. But the flat nose allows more weight at the nose- good for a forward centre of mass...
  3. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    Well ironically, if you want to match the minumum OAL of the SAAMI specs for a Win Mag, then you cannot load Peregrines on the first crimping groove. You need to use the second. The same with the 450 gr peregrines. The woodleigh solid is manufactured with a canelure from the factory. You can...
  4. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    Most monometal bullets have so called' driving bands'. Just crimp into the next groove down AFTER checking that your bullets don't touch the lands. Or use Woodleight 480 gr bullets where the canelure has been set back at the factory. Or if you really get excited Hornady and others sell a...
  5. Nhoro

    Recommended Binocular Carry Methods

    I carry Nikon 8x 42 binos on the strap that came from the manufacturer. It has a rubber side and a canvas side. Canvas slides easily and the rubber keeps it in place just by flipping the strap. The binos sit just under my ribs. I can run without the binos bouncing, slide them to the back when...
  6. Nhoro

    Iron sights .375HH

    I only use iron sights on my DG rifle because I carry it for guiding/kids camps etc. In that situation, I will not be called upon for shots further than around 10 m (that is where Zim National Parks reckon lives are in imminent danger). With that in mind, I have had a 3 mm brass front bead...
  7. Nhoro

    New M70 375

    Good shooting. And I think it is great that you zeroed and then got into a practical shooting 'off the sticks'. IMHO, too many people shoot off leads sleds etc-it may just be me but .375 upwards don't seem like good bench rest calibers. And seemingly most people on the forum dont like carrying a...
  8. Nhoro

    Waxing a rifle stock

    Many woodworkers use the boiled linseed oil to create the beauty and then overspray with more durable finishes. Lots of discussions how to spray different finishes and what works and doesn't. I aslo like the way it feels-smooth and soft in the hands without the stickiness of plastic finishes.
  9. Nhoro

    What is this thing? Guess that action type

    I am interested to se the gunstock hanging out in the sun. I assume that is part of your drying ? Just interesting-I put mine in on the windowsill. I know from my chemistry background that sunlight radiation helps polymerise the drying oils-Boiled linseed, Trueoil etc. i assume that is what you...
  10. Nhoro

    Need Information on this single shot big bore......

    What a cool find. Looking at the specs, it would be similar to a 45-70 in ballistics-similar diameter but slightly lighter bullet with a higher powder charge but I would say they are in the same ballpark. 45-70 has taken the big 5 pretty easily even though it is not legal now in most countries...
  11. Nhoro

    Rifle weight

    Very true !
  12. Nhoro

    Rifle weight

    An average brick is 4.5 lbs-Exaggerate much ??? 9 lbs of brick in your pack = a pound or two on your rifle. I can happily walk 20-35 km carrying my 9.5 lb rifle. Do I notice if the rifle weighs 8,5 lbs or 9,5 lbs. Maybe if I compare the two-one in each hand. Some people have problems-why...
  13. Nhoro

    Is The .375 H&H Strong Enough

    Ha -that was me shooting next to you on the range so I can only assume that I was the guy scattering my 458 (not a 457) Lott (shooting win mag ammo) - off sticks with open sights. If only I had been one of the guys with a lead sled on the bench and a scoped 375........ :whistle:Then I could...
  14. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    And although I now have bored out to Lott it was mainly because I hoped it would help with feeding (it did slightly but I still had to work on the action) and because the rifle was already at the gunsmith and he offered to do it pretty much for free. Now I dont have any Lott brass so I am...
  15. Nhoro

    Interested in a speed test...

    I will tell you that I help out with that hunters/guides test when I am not being examined myself. I can tell you the guys that have practised pass easily. That means shooting and handling pressure while shooting. I have never shot an animal while being charged but i have stared down a number of...
  16. Nhoro

    Interested in a speed test...

    I have spent many hours working on my rifle.there are 3 things that determine feeding and almost all factory rifles are wrong from the factory because they mass produce one action for a whole bunch of cartridges.
  17. Guide Shooting test 4

    Guide Shooting test 4

  18. Guide Shooting test 3

    Guide Shooting test 3

  19. Guide Shooting test 2

    Guide Shooting test 2

  20. Guide Shooting test 1

    Guide Shooting test 1

  21. Nhoro

    Interested in a speed test...

  22. Nhoro

    Interested in a speed test...

    The order was far to near then near to far -theory being a charging animal. This shoot was 6 shots scored and the lion is one shot but afterwards people have some run-out is possible to put 2 shots in with a boltgun-3 with a a blaser and an easy 2 with a double
  23. Nhoro

    Provoking a Elephant

    I am too embarrassed to tell you where that happened cos it was a bit close to home. However I did hear that everyone who recognized the guide put the video on his facebook page ! Yes he did fire a shot but thankfully his shooting is as crap as his animal behavior and guiding skills.
  24. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    I have reloads with 450 gr and 480 gr Peregrine copper monolithics. Have used Somchem S 321 with those bullets (South african powder) according to the peregrine reloading recommendations (around 72-73 grains-dont have the details to hand). I chronographed the two loads at 2223 fps with 450 gr...
  25. Nhoro

    .458 Lott 400 gr Quickload request

    Have you tried Gordons Reloading Tool ? Freeware copy of Quickload. I dont know how it compares-just that I have downloaded it and put some loads into it that I use and it seems to work (458 win mag load that I chronographed at 2140 fps was predicted at 2146 fps)
  26. Nhoro

    Regulating an over/under in 9,3x74R

    Maybe before you re-regulate, try Woodleigh FMJ and or the same shaped soft and see what you get. They have the shape of vintage Kynoch rounds and may just work out for you. Many double users load Woodleighs because they regulate.
  27. Nhoro

    Barrel Length for 375 H&H

    I think that you have hit the nail on the head. To me a shorter barrel simply moves the balance point of the rifle further back. This makes it feel quicker to move and perhaps 'feels' lighter and quicker into action. Funny things is, shotgun pros seem to agree that you need some weight and...
  28. Nhoro

    Waxing a rifle stock

    I think each to his own- there is nothing like the sme and feel of oil finished wood. Gun sav r is Basically a polyurethane finish - so me any kind of polyurethane has a different look. It is harder and more water proof if that is what you want. A fiberglass / plastic stock is...
  29. Nhoro

    Waxing a rifle stock

    I would wait about 3 months for BLO to dry. Maybe longer. And put the stock in the sun or sunlight-the UV helps it dry quicker. Then you can wax. Wax will limit the air getting to the oil - Tung oil etc as well and it will take years to dry -if ever. I haven't waxed my stock re-finished with...
  30. Nhoro

    Overpressure Question and stuck cases

    All powders will show variation in pressure with temperature-that is just their chemistry. I will give you two examples in my 458 Lott according to reloading programs because I cannot measure chamber pressure. Current daytime temperature are below 18 deg C or 64 F. Daytime temps in Chiredzi or...
  31. Nhoro

    Wanting .458 win mag chronograph results of factory

    If anyone has managed to stagger to the end of this, I finally got some results from my own rifle at the range. Standard length barrel,25 " CZ 550. I had 2 loads and used a Labradar chronograph.The temperature was around 15-18 degrees Celsius so you could expect another 50 odd fps in summer in...
  32. Nhoro

    Shooting Stick Suggestions: 3 vs 4 leg?

    I think while out and about hunting, the 3 legged is better. It can be setup and free stands. 3 feet means stability in most terrain. The 4 legged variety has two points of support but needs your correct positioning and tension on the stand to operate correctly. I think probably good at the...
  33. Nhoro

    Flat nose vs round nose solids - What are the actual facts?

    It has to do with 3 things primarily-1/ The height and angle of the feed ramp 2/ The width of the magazine and reciever that forms the top of the magazine and the feed lips on the magazine. You can look at my post and see what I did- It is a long and...
  34. Nhoro

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock

    Looks good !
  35. Nhoro

    A fun day with the .458WM

    The 550 gr should be fairly stable most 500 gr copper or brass monos are as long or longer I just got back from the range with my win mag now bored to a lott I was shooting some win mag loads and a friend had his radar chronograph up. So we checked the 2 loads I have .450 gr peregrine was...
  36. Nhoro

    Flat nose vs round nose solids - What are the actual facts?

    So just got back from the range. finally opened after lockdown and it was bedlam ! Anyway checked my zero on my 458 (sights were soldered at an angle at the factory so had it fixed over lockdown) While I was there, I talking to the guy who taught me reloading/does Proguide and Prohunters...
  37. Nhoro

    Regulating an over/under in 9,3x74R

    Just a random thought but how are you shooting-from the bench ? Maybe try shooting off sticks/offhand. See how that goes. I also notice that your shots are moving closer with increasing velocity and your velocities are a bit on the low side for the bullet weights you have used. If you have...
  38. Nhoro

    Dangerous Game Rifle Lubrication ideas-Grease or not?

    It is interesting that amost everyone on this thread avoid grease ! many gun cleaning videos and magazine articles talk about greasing high pressure surfaces in the rifle. I really thought I would get more of mix of answers.
  39. Nhoro

    Flat nose vs round nose solids - What are the actual facts?

    michael458- Did you ever test a flat nose with a very slight angle machined on to the front-essentailly a very flat cone with a shallow angle like 5 degrees ? Just thinking that would probably allow it to feed like a round nose. It wouldnt take much of an angle to get it around the corner.
  40. Nhoro

    Montana Rifle Co. 458 Lott Stainless Rifle

    just a few thoughts: 1/ if you want to walk after elephant in africa, you dont need to carry anything. No gun is the lightest. However, If you want to hunt in africa then your purpose is to shoot. The carrying is the price you pay for the purpose-hunting. 2/If you hunt ethically then you need...
  41. Nhoro

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock

    I have ended up fixing some dings that I gave it while working on the feeding. So I have a few coats to go.I quite like the satin finish I ended up with but figure I will put a fresh coat on every few months for the next little while to give a thicker finish. I found that each coat takes longer...
  42. Nhoro

    Flat nose vs round nose solids - What are the actual facts?

    So shamelessly cribbed from a scientific paper 'Projectile Penetration into Representative Targets by George W.Stone. Essentially penetration is governed by 3 factors: 1/Fluid dynamic drag : This is proportional to velocity squared. so as velocity increases fluid drag increases even faster...
  43. Nhoro

    Flat nose vs round nose solids - What are the actual facts?

    So this thread has sprked some research on my part-Basically because I just want to know the science of it.We know from empirical evidence that flat noses penetrate more. However many things have bugged me about supercavitation theory for bullets- quick summary below: Supercavitation: 1/This...
  44. Nhoro

    Flat nose vs round nose solids - What are the actual facts?

    The Hornady bullet are in dummy rounds that a friend made up for me-never shot them. I was just interested because they are essentially a fmj flat nose solid. I measured those same dummy rounds -to tell you the truth they have been used so much that they look like your cinder block subject so...
  45. Nhoro

    Flat nose vs round nose solids - What are the actual facts?

    Ok-then it appears Peregrine have enlarged the meplat since your test. How do those Hornady DGS bullets work ? Seeing as they are a fmj with a meplat-even though it is a bit small ? I only have them as dummy rounds, never shot them. I know you use a Winchester M70 actions and flat nose seem to...
  46. Nhoro

    Flat nose vs round nose solids - What are the actual facts?

    I have seen your thread on another forum and I also think I may have confused your setup with another member that did something similar here. He had the same box but hung paper over sticks I think-like curtains.
  47. Nhoro

    Dangerous Game Rifle Lubrication ideas-Grease or not?

    Hi all, I have some thoughts on lubrication of dangerous game rifles and would like to know what everyone does with their rifle- maybe mention if you are a PH or if you are a client. I do kids camps in the bush so plenty of walking/ dust and sweat but little action. My basic thinking is to have...
  48. Nhoro

    Flat nose vs round nose solids - What are the actual facts?

    Another question-When you calculate % meplat do you use diameter of the meplat or area of the meplat ? The two are quite different-Pergrine diameter percentage is 73 % but are % is 53 %. Hornady DGS is 63 % or 41 % depending on whether you compare diameters or areas ?
  49. Nhoro

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock

    Yes my stock was light when sanded but I had experimented with an offcut from the same stock. BLO darkens up and has a slight red tint.I also found that if you leave the first coat to dry for several days,the result is lighter. If you keep putting oil on daily-first few days it soaks in and...
  50. Nhoro

    Flat nose vs round nose solids - What are the actual facts?

    Ithink it was the second box photo where the newspaper pile has fallen over.