Search results

  1. Nhoro

    Mauser 98 500 Jeffery Info needed

    What I found with 458 win mag/lott was that the magazine box is not the only issue (with a CZ magnum action) The reciever just under the rails is essentially the top of the magazine. The top bullet sits against the receiver wall and often the second round also touches the reciever on the...
  2. Nhoro

    Which is the best game meat?

    Best imho is eland. Local butchery sometimes has some in the freezer. Second prize for me is kudu and wildebeest. I have had gemsbok- very similar. I find smaller game has a stronger less palatable flavor- impala is about as strong as I enjoy. Duiker is too strong for me. For some reason...
  3. Nhoro

    Recommendations for the best air rifle?

    The real question is whether the airgun is for yourself or your son ? If it is for your son then remember 50 shots are gone in the blink of a boys eye. You will be refilling that gun every 5 minutes. I bought an HW 25 (the baby springer) when my boys were about 5 and 3. They have been shooting...
  4. Nhoro

    Big bore rifle penetration- Anyone experience underpenetration ?

    Thanks Major Khan-basicall backing up what I had read
  5. Nhoro

    Mauser 98 500 Jeffery Info needed

    Are you building one from scratch yourself or getting a gunsmith to do it for you ? There is some good info on a thread on this forum about mauser action magazine widths. It discusses the maths of cartridge diameter vs magazine width. That is going to be a big headache with the 500 Jeff. I...
  6. Nhoro

    Big Bore Shoot at the Range

    Because it is in a box, cant make the drum bigger. I am sure between the motor and the drum is a chain drive so changing sprockets should be easy. but the guys at the range want to make it more powerful to pull a bigger target. The air resistance is fairly significant.
  7. Nhoro

    416 Rigby bullet recommendations

    My brother uses Hornady DGS ammo in his 416 Rigby. He is happy with them. 12 elephant to his name so I reckon they work although some will tell you different ! I use Peregrine VRG2 in my Lott. Solid copper with flat nose.Also good bullets although you may struggle to find them (they are made in...
  8. Nhoro

    Big Bore Shoot at the Range

    The sled is a very light steel tube and plate setup. The pulling mechanism is inside a steel orange box so you cant easily see inside but I had a good look because we want to make it go faster. So it is powered by a car starter motor- 12V. I could see a chain drive which just runs a simple drum...
  9. Nhoro

    Big Bore Shoot at the Range

    It was good fun and very interesting. So I have done a shoot for my license with that same 'lion charge'. They give you 2 repetitions and I hit the black bull twice. This time, I had to reload from the first shot and then focus on the 'lion'. I shot under missing the 10 " target completely-just...
  10. Nhoro

    Big bore rifle penetration- Anyone experience underpenetration ?

    Interesting, as I remember from his book, he only did brain shots with the 7mm. I recall from the other thread 'flat vs round nose' that round nose penetrate bone relatively well but not tissue ? So maybe that is why it worked for him ? I just read an article, I think it may have been by...
  11. Nhoro

    Choosing powders for 458 Lott from Quickload/Gordons Reloading Data?

    Oh I forgot to mention, this will be my carry load- so protection on walks and hopefully some problem animal control so that I can finish of my license.
  12. Nhoro

    Choosing powders for 458 Lott from Quickload/Gordons Reloading Data?

    Thanks-Just got back from reloading a test round. Sat with Chris (very experienced reloader) and chatted it through with him. Quick summary Vihtavuori powder is reliably available- imported from SA. Then we worked through the options -VV 130,530,540 and 550 on his quickload. 550 gives best...
  13. Nhoro

    Big Bore Shoot at the Range

    I linked them from youtube. Now I see youtube have updated their system and I have to publish the video.When I look at my post above, i can see the videos-some kind of private and not public issue. Sorry. Try these:
  14. Nhoro

    Choosing powders for 458 Lott from Quickload/Gordons Reloading Data?

    Thanks Shootist. Apparently, they have changed the 500 gr to 515 gr, VRG2. But this thread was great-it helped me get my head around the loads/pressures and powder choices. I am happy now.
  15. Nhoro

    Big Bore Shoot at the Range

    Hi All, Little bit of Fun at our local range on Sunday. About 14 competitors- 6 shots to count. First video is the course. Basic idea is first shot is the target to the right of the 'charging lion'. That starts the 'lion' charging for you second shot. Then two targets to the left-reload and two...
  16. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    Hey look man, I am not getting at you. Just disagree with your formula as stated. I know that you are saying generally the longer the bullet, the heavier it is, yes-generally true. And I agree, shape does not effect sectional density as a number. I am trying to say that to compare two bullets...
  17. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    IvW Perhaps you should think a little about what you have said on this thread. You have insulted peoples caliber choice, you have called some people liars over their chrono results. You have used several posts to denigrated peoples lack of DG experience. So knock yourself out... tell us we...
  18. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    A .224 bullet with SD .300 and a .600 bullet with SD .300 will not necessarily both be same length. They can be or maybe not.They do have the same weight per cross sectional area. If one is copper of the same weight, it will be longer. If one has a boat tail and spitzer but weight is the same...
  19. Nhoro

    Choosing powders for 458 Lott from Quickload/Gordons Reloading Data?

    Thanks shootist43 -I only have a kitchen scale so my case capacity is between 108 gr and 114 gr(accuracy of the scale). To add to that, the Pergrine is 515 gr and is seated 18.5 mm seating depth. Bullet length is 38.3 mm. So there is a further change in parameters/Available case volumes. Anyway...
  20. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    It is actually the ratio of its mass to its cross-sectional area. Length is not part of the formula and length would not be strictly proportional because of bullet shape ie boat tail can add length but weigh the same as a shorter flat tail. However, generally a longer bullet is heavier, all...
  21. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    Using a 450 gr bullet in the .458 win mag- lets examine the facts. Sectional density is good (pretty much identical to a 300 gr x .375 bullet-well known for its penetration) Velocity is pretty good-2250 fps. It will do the job despite what the haters say- on the biggest bull elephants. I have...
  22. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    A 505 gibbs and a 500 A square can exceed a 500 jeff with any bullet that you choose. By your logic, you need a new gun !
  23. Nhoro

    Choosing powders for 458 Lott from Quickload/Gordons Reloading Data?

    Thanks Shootist43. That looks like I expected- The load is close to or around 100 % at 69 grains. and probably needs 3-4 more grains to get there. Did you by any chance run a ladder and maybe a powder comparison sheet ? Things are so complicated in Zim. I can probably get a reasonable supply of...
  24. Nhoro

    Choosing powders for 458 Lott from Quickload/Gordons Reloading Data?

    The guy I reload with has the program. In Zimbabwe, reloading needs a separate licence that now involves further rules on top of the gun license. It involves explosives law, extra lockups etc etc. So most guys reload through the local gunclub or through a friend-like I do. I used standard case...
  25. Nhoro

    Choosing powders for 458 Lott from Quickload/Gordons Reloading Data?

    Feedback-69 gr of IMR 3031 was a bit disappointing-2003 and 2020 fps but with nicely rounded primers and easy extraction. So after all my questions,Quickload was quite a way off ! Anyway, I will load some more cartridges this week when I can. Probably need about 72-73 gr of IMR 3031 which...
  26. Nhoro

    Choosing powders for 458 Lott from Quickload/Gordons Reloading Data?

    Thanks, I agree that IMR 4895 then VV N 530 look most promising. Ironically, due to lock down, I have loaded a couple of rounds with IMR 3031- cos that is available right now due to the lockdown. I know the Vihtavuaori powders are good and usually (before lockdown) they are pretty available...
  27. Nhoro

    Choosing powders for 458 Lott from Quickload/Gordons Reloading Data?

    Thanks for your comments. They confirm what I was thinking. Further background is that I do quite a few kids camps so the rifle is carried a lot. If it is used, it will be at 10 yards (apparently that is National Parks definition of when your life is in imminent danger !) So I am aiming for 2200...
  28. Nhoro

    Choosing powders for 458 Lott from Quickload/Gordons Reloading Data?

    515 gr Peregrine VRG -2 solids -so monlithic copper similar to North Fork
  29. Nhoro

    Choosing powders for 458 Lott from Quickload/Gordons Reloading Data?

    Hi all, Some theory questions to the experienced reloaders: When choosing powder for a certain bullet/cartridge combination, what do you look for ? So I have Quickload data and Gordons Relaoding Tool freeware. So looking for a certain velocity, you can use different powders. Some produce the...
  30. Nhoro

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock

    Yes I did wet the wood very slightly. I only went to 400 grit on the wood and when sanding in the oil but for the last couple of coats I have used 600 grit to sand it before putting on oil
  31. Nhoro

    270 grain Barnes LRX (375 H&H) for Buffalo??

    Something to consider- a bullet that stops inside the animal has transferred all of its energy into the animal in the form of damage to the animals organs. A bullet that passes through leaves the animal with a certain amount of energy has wasted energy because it has no purpose or work to do...
  32. Nhoro

    Red dot or reflex sight for double rife

    They sell them in South Africa . I assume you are taking of the radioactivity ? We have radioactive sources in academic institutions in Zimbabwe so they are not illegal - way more than tritium but to be honest I have not gone through an X-ray machine at the airport. Chat to your PH.
  33. Nhoro

    Effective range for a .375 H & H

    They are hoping that you will shoot the burglar, his 3 accomplices,3 walls and then the neighbour and his cat,budgie and goldfish in one lucky shot. Don't you read Pondoro ?
  34. Nhoro

    458 Lott with Peregrine Solids Load data?

    Hi All, anyone have load data for 458 Lott wit Peregrine 500 gr VRG-2 solids and VRG3 softs with Vihtavuori N550 powder or maybe willing to run a Quickload for me ? Also anyone used Gordons Reloading Tool ? Freeware copy of Quickload it seems. If I can get a Quickload file, I will compare it to...
  35. Nhoro

    Courteney Boot Question

    It was quite a shock to read this and realise the fine art of "wearing in ' leather shoes seems to be a dying art. Shows how much synthetic has taken over. Each dad or grandfather used to have his special formula. I had leather school shoes and walking/hunting boots growing up and here are the...
  36. Nhoro

    Red dot or reflex sight for double rife

    My choice is the Trijicon RMR with optic fibre and tritium illumination.. Currently my eyes work well enough for express sights so haven't pulled the trigger yet.(Maybe that should be aquired the sight picture ?) I have looked through...
  37. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    I had a good laugh yesterday- I have ordered brass and bullets from SA. So the runner I am using to bring the stuff up whatsapps me from Joburg. The stuff has been delivered to him and he needs invoices to send them. So I send invoices at about 10 am monday. Tuesday morning I get a call, where...
  38. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    They just need to Google the Vihtavuaori agent in SA. I am not a benchrester but I understand a lot of them use Vihta ?
  39. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    So now the 458 winmag doesn’t work because you are South African? USA sell powders that make My 450 gr load is with Vihtavuaori imported from South Africa where there is an agent. The 480 gr load at 2140 fps is a copper monolithic and so puts pressure on case capacity- that I have loads for...
  40. Nhoro

    Big bore rifle penetration- Anyone experience underpenetration ?

    Thank you for your comprehensive reply. It is excatly along the lines of what I was thinking and wanting to discuss. There were years when profit ruled the firearm world and companies were criminal in the junk that they produced. I noticed that I have not seen anyone posting about bullets...
  41. Nhoro

    Big bore rifle penetration- Anyone experience underpenetration ?

    Hi All. Anyone have actual data where the bullet was on target but didn't make it to the target- ie it under penetrated ? I am talking bullets on the perfect line for the brain or heart/lungs and they either underpenetrated or turned/tumbled and so the animal was wounded. Specifically, the...
  42. Nhoro

    Compressing Powder

    Please don't, I am beginning to like you ! And removing various gunparts from your person will be both expensive and a waste of a good gun ! Ditto mixing powders. Vibratory devices are outside of my wheelhouse so I just do it old school :LOL: No complaints in 19 years so I must be doing...
  43. Nhoro

    Compressing Powder

    I have heard the same- Hogdon are pretty temperature stable. I have also heard good things about Vihtavuori which is what I have in my reloads at present.
  44. Nhoro

    My 600 Overkill

    How much does that rifle weigh ? It looks to be pretty standard CZ- just like mine :whistle::LOL:. I sat in the back of the range house when a guy was working working his 500 A square to some crazy velocity like 2700 fps. You could feel the thump in your chest of the bang from 5 m away. This...
  45. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    Russ has just given you a handload that does 2220 fps with a 500 gr bullet. Several other posters on my thread have also published chrono data proving 500 gr bullets can match or exceed 2150 fps. You can choose to disbelieve those people but the win mag do it...... quite simple really...
  46. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    I wish I had your self control. I am obviously more confrontational.And I cant let fake facts and bullying slide- Use the calibre or don't but don't try and browbeat everyone. Most people on the forum are quite positive and there is generally a lot of knowledge and helpfulness on the forum. I...
  47. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    I started a thread some months back about this and guess what-Not one single person could provide one single chronograph result of 458 Win mag ammo that didn't make specification.Do a search-read it. Not one single person could bring any factual evidence that of all these fabled underperforming...
  48. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    Actually own a lott,landcruiser prado,and chronograph results below. 480 gr peregrine peregrine solid,approx 18 deg c,labrador chronograph, 2142 fps 450 gr peregrine,same day and conditions 2223 fps. Let me guess- egg on your face ? Oh and still no proof for all your claims. Can you supply...
  49. Nhoro

    Loads for .458 Winchester Magnum

    Thanks Russ. I did get actual chrono results on about page 5 after wading through tonnes of win mag bashing. Hornady,Federal and Norma factory Ammo make the grade from results I got. 450 gr bullets have the same sectional density as a 375 H&H and you can get them up to 2300 fps. I personally...