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  1. P

    New Find No. 14 Brevex - an Orig Post War John Rigby Big Game Rifle in 416 Rigby Caliber

    Does this Rigby live in Brisbane by any chance ?
  2. P

    Ideal weight for a rifle chambered in 577 NE 3"

    My 2 bobs worth having shot many 577 3 inch NE doubles 14 pounds is ideal . For 500NE doubles 12 pounds and for 505 Gibbs or 500 Jeffery about 11 pounds . A lot of weight to hump around but very good to shoot .
  3. P

    Into large caliber rifles

    I got 7 into mine . Unbelievable !
  4. P

    Into large caliber rifles

    A Ruger No1 in any version of 416 or bigger is probably going to be unpleasant to shoot . I have one in 450/400 NE which is really nice to shoot and great on buff . The 450/400 is a much milder cartridge to shoot than the 416s .
  5. P

    .256 Mannlicher by George Gibbs

    I think the 375 Flanged 2.5 inch case in the photo is the 303/ 375 cartridge used on Lee Speed sporting rifles . Based on the rimmed 303 cartridge . The 9.5x 57 ( 375) cartridge was different and used on Mannlicher Schonaeur rifles . For what it is worth this cartridge fired through the very...
  6. P

    .256 Mannlicher by George Gibbs

    And it is indeed a pleasure to view . Magnificent !
  7. P

    Weatherby Rifles?

    A 500 grain 460 ( 458 ) bullet at 2350 fps sounds like a 450 Rigby to me .
  8. P

    Weatherby Rifles?

  9. P

    500 Jeffery-Original Cordite Load??

    The Woodleigh loading manual is a fantastic reference document . Always interested at how long the barrels were to achieve the reported performance . For example 26 inches for the 505 G and 416 Rigby and 28 inches for the 425WR .
  10. P

    450 Grain in 416 Rigby

    Used 550 grain Norma RNSN 450 Rigby rounds on water buff this year flattened them . Full length penetration with a soft nose . 2150fps . Just magic . The Norma heavy calibre ammo uses Woodleigh pills .
  11. P

    Into large caliber rifles

    Yes the BRNO ZKK 602 rifles with the flip up peep sights are lovely rifles . My go to rifle is a CZ 550 Safari Classic in 375H&H . Has a Leopold 1.5 -6 magnification scope . . Have never used anything more than 1.5x. A great all round combo of cartridge , rifle and scope .
  12. P

    Into large caliber rifles

    Agree 100%. 375H&H is everywhere .
  13. P

    Bertram Brass Quality?

    I use Bertram brass for 600NE , 500NE , 505G , 416 Rigby , 425WR , 404 J , 459/400, 375H&H flanged , 318WR - been doing so for 15 years and have never had a problem.
  14. P

    425 Westley Richards

    [/USER] Sarg here is my 318 WR takedown made in 1908. All original and in great condition . Got it with the 425 WR extended magazine rifle. I was also to get some old 318 ammo . Some in a lead sealed tin as in photo . Got quite a few packs of old Kynoch and WR branded ammo - mainly 250gr but...
  15. P

    425 Westley Richards

    Get my 425 WR brass from Bertram . They have never gone away here in OZ . They still do the 505 G as well as just about everything else .
  16. P

    What Have You Killed with the 7x57

    A BRNO VZ 24 in 7x57 is my all time favourite rifle . A custom rifle which I picked up 2nd hand . Has an old Pecar 4x fixed magnification scope . Shoots 160 grain pills . I used it as both a working gun to cull countless fallow deer ( 500+) on my farm - in both day and night . Still use it for...
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    What Have You Killed with the 7x57

    What a fantastic rifle combo .
  18. P

    Gibbs .303 #837

    A Gibbs Farquharson action in 303 … Perfection .
  19. P

    458 Lott instead of 416 Rigby?

    Love the 450 Rigby too . Sold my Ruger 458 Lott for the Rigby . Half thinking about selling my Rigby 416 too . The 450 can do everything the 416 does .
  20. P

    416 Rem Mag vs 404 Jeffrey

    A 416 Remington will do anything a 404 J can do and vice versa . BUT a 416 Remington will never ever be as cool as an original 404J . This old girl is a Mauser Type A single square bridge magnum in 404J . Made in 1925 and saw extensive use in India . Zero blacking on metal . Hand print visible...
  21. P

    416 Rem Mag vs 404 Jeffrey

    And then throw in the good old 425 WR . All fantastic cartridges .
  22. P

    458 Lott instead of 416 Rigby?

    Agree 100% with all the points you make in your post .
  23. P

    Specifying a double rifle

    The rifle comes with ejectors and double triggers .
  24. P

    Specifying a double rifle

    I would go with the new Rigby Shikari boxlock double . They are making an action similar to the large frame Webley which was very popular on their rifles PreWW2 . I have already put down deposit for a 500 NE . They can be customized and will be in your indicated price range . A 3 year wait . I...
  25. P

    Assuming you don't reload, what's the best caliber to go with on a double rifle today?

    I have to hand load for all my doubles even the brand new one. For older ones factory ammo is useless - invariably too slow causing regulation problems . You just need to sit down with targets , chronograph and plenty of pills , powder , cases and primers and shoot until you find what works and...
  26. P

    Ordered my LAST African Safari rifle at DSC this year...

    A couple of photos of the prototype Rigby Shikari 500 NE double which was shown in Brisbane in July . I’m not showing more photos to respect Rigby’s plans and also other people who are inadvertently in background . The prototype is spectacular and finished rifles will be even better .
  27. P

    Ordered my LAST African Safari rifle at DSC this year...

    I recall they were available in 500, 470 , 450 and 450/400 . All great cartridges .
  28. P

    Show your Enfields

    Not bad shooting .
  29. P

    Show your Enfields

    We used to shoot these in an underground range below my classroom in Brisbane in early 1970s. We also used to travel with our rifles on public transport . No one ever got shot . How times change .
  30. P

    Show your Enfields

    What a find !
  31. P

    Show your Enfields

    Finally able to load pic . To recap on earlier post it is a Lee Speed 303 rifle made by BSA & M Co Limited in their Pattern No1 configuration . This is the highest grade finish . The barrel is 24.5 inches and features a full length machined rib . The barrel has fixed and folding express sights...
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    Show your Enfields

    Trying to send pic again
  33. P

    Show your Enfields

    Here is a photo of my BSA & M Co Limited 303 Lee Speed rifle in their Pattern No1 configuration . It is a totally original rifle. 24.5 inch barrel with full length machined rib . Fixed and folding rear express sights to 300 yards with an additional ladder sight from 400 - 1000 yards . Original...
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    To Camo or not to Camo

    I wear the same hunting clothes wherever I go - khaki or fawn shirts and pants . Goose shooting is the only time I wear a mild cammo .
  35. P

    AUSTRALIA: When You're Under-gunned But Bullet Placement Is Everything...

    I owned a cattle / sheep/ forestry operation inTasmania for many years. Fallow deer were a major problem . When I first bought the place I had permits to take 400 per year , this rose fairly quickly to 600 then 800 and eventually 1000 per annum. I also let shooter groups onto the property but...
  36. P

    Cartridge for the Big 5 that is usable outside of Africa as well

    I have that combo and it is fabulous . Many appreciate the 404 and 505 . The 303 is a fabulous round and much appreciated here in OZ . Also I just like the symmetry of multiples of 101 .
  37. P

    Cartridge for the Big 5 that is usable outside of Africa as well

    This combo gets my vote too .
  38. P

    Opinions on the real big boys? 500J, 505 Gibbs, .500 NE, 577NE, 600NE, 700NE etc.

    I bought the action from GMA in the USA about 13 years ago maybe a bit longer . I used Queensland Gun Exchange as importer . They aren’t around any longer but I am sure a friendly licensed dealer would assist .
  39. P

    Opinions on the real big boys? 500J, 505 Gibbs, .500 NE, 577NE, 600NE, 700NE etc.

    A really nice rifle for a very serious cartridge . Bob de Vries work is fantastic . He is nearly finished on my new 505 Gibbs . A GMA action , Krieger barrel . Ross Waghorn did the stock and Ray Croxon has done the engraving . Love the big calibres .
  40. P

    12 gauge Paradox Gun-Is it Possible to even get supplies to shoot?

    Westley Richards came out with the 12 gauge Explora 2.5 inch chamber and Super Magnum Explora in 2.75 inch . These came out once the Fosbery patent owned by H&H for their Paradox guns had lapsed . Westley’s also made smaller gauge guns called Fauneta. Various other English makers came out with...
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    O/U v SxS

    Stephen Grant was never a tier 2 producer . In his time he only produced best guns and had plenty of Royal Warrants .
  42. P

    O/U v SxS

    I have both o/u and sxs shotguns . If I am shooting clays the o/u is my preferred gun . If shooting driven pheasants I use the sxs purely due to a more instinctive shooting style . For buffalo and running shots the big sxs doubles work well for me - just reactive shooting at relatively close...
  43. P

    How long is "too long"

    I got fitted up by Rigby for a new 500NE . To my surprise their main focus was on cast off not LOP . Rationale being they want a tight consistent fit of my cheek on the stock .
  44. P

    What is the ultimate stopping rifle..?

    I use a 500 NE and 505 Gibbs . They are both brilliant and I do not see the downside with the 505.
  45. P

    Boddington Buffalo Ruger Number #1 450/400

    Thank you for clarifying the difference .
  46. P

    Bird Hunting Pictures

    Well done . Nothing like being the odd man out and then delivering in spades .
  47. P

    Bird Hunting Pictures

    Well done . I thing like being the odd man out and then delivering in spades .