Search results

  1. Robmill70

    416 Rigby 400gr Federal Premium

  2. Robmill70

    416 Rigby 400gr Federal Premium

    Going through my ammo and reloading components and decided to sell some. First up is 2 boxes Federal Premium Safari 416 Rigby 400gr. $250 shipped for both boxes. I'll be listing some 400gr swift A-frame bullets soon too.
  3. Robmill70

    Kent Bismuth 12gauge #5 Shotgun Shells

    This is good stuff, I shoot these out of my really old Parker and LC Smith SxS's.
  4. Robmill70

    Wanted. Win 70 375 H&H
  5. Robmill70

    Wanted. Win 70 375 H&H

    Yes you did! lol enjoy buddy!
  6. Robmill70

    For Sale CZ 550 Safari Classic .416 Rigby

    Can't believe it hasn't sold yet!
  7. Robmill70

    375hh load data

    I used 4350 and RL15 with the Barnes 300gr TSX.....the rifle prefers the RL15 just a touch better.
  8. Robmill70

    416 Rigby Dies / 416 Bullets

    AHHHH.... didn't even think about that, Thanks!
  9. Robmill70

    416 Rigby Dies / 416 Bullets

    I have that same crimp die, IT'S MASSIVE!! It's not standard size, what press does it fit into???
  10. Robmill70

    1961 Winchester Mod 70 In 375HH

  11. Robmill70

    1961 Winchester Mod 70 In 375HH

    Yes, magna ported.....
  12. Robmill70

    1961 Winchester Mod 70 In 375HH

    I recently took this beautiful pre-64 model 70 in on trade. It is chambered in 375HH and has quite a bit of custom work. Beautiful engraving job on the action (looks 60's or early 70's), muzzle break, QD European claw scope mount, and a nice Swarovski 4x scope sitting on top. If you would...
  13. Robmill70

    375 HH Ammo For Sale

    That was quick!!!!
  14. Robmill70

    For Sale CZ 550 Safari Magnum Action. 416 Rigby Bolt Face

    Someone got a good deal!!
  15. Robmill70

    For Sale MagnetoSpeed Sporter Chronograph

    Me too and it's always within a couple of FPS of my buddy's Lab Radar.
  16. Robmill70

    Savage 6mmBR

    Damn....been look for a 6mm !
  17. Robmill70

    Wanted Factory CZ550 Barrel In 375 H&H Or 458 Lott

    no one has a barrel laying around? :D
  18. Robmill70

    Any Freemasons on this forum..?

    Harmony Lodge #18, Olympia Wa
  19. Robmill70

    Savage long action .308 to 9.3x62

    Do a 35 Whelen or are you set on the 9.3?
  20. Robmill70

    SOUTH AFRICA: Kuche Safaris

    I don't think it should be closed or deleted; she has a right to express herself..... she may not have elaborated enough (which I think she should have done from the start) but I know there are plenty of people not happy with Kuche; I have heard some firsthand horror stories. To be fair, I have...
  21. Robmill70

    Wanted Barnes 9.3 TSX 286gr (BA390473)

    I run TSX in my 375 and they expand nicely and retain their weight very well! I'm wondering if 2250FPS might be a little too slow to get full expansion??
  22. Robmill70

    375HH & 416RM Brass For Sale

    All SOLD....thank you all!
  23. Robmill70

    Pre-64 Model 70's For Sale

    Both rifles SOLD pending funds
  24. Robmill70

    Pre-64 Model 70's For Sale

    lol, right!
  25. Robmill70

    375HH & 416RM Brass For Sale

    Still have 3 bags of 416RM brass left
  26. Robmill70

    What is your go to 375h&h load and what do you use it on?

    I use 300gr Barnes TSX with RL15..... Anything with 4 legs! :LOL:
  27. Robmill70

    Tick bite fever

    I got it this year, yeah it's bad, worse than my COVID symptoms. Mine hit me at 35,000 feet on the flight home!
  28. Robmill70

    My 308 Norma story

    I have a 308 Norma Mag on a '03A3 action and it shoots great!! I think too many people discount the older war actions for some reason. They are great actions, CRF, well built, and can be had for a fraction of the price of "current" factory actions. My spiral slam hunt this year in South...
  29. Robmill70

    Pre-64 Model 70's For Sale

    Posted, was having some problems, had to reduce size before I could attach
  30. Robmill70

    Pre-64 Model 70's For Sale

    Selling a few more pre-64 model 70's 1. 1938 in 30-06 with Redfield peep sight. nice, good shooting rifle, typical handling marks for a rifle of this age. $1675 shipped (lower 48) 2. 1950 in 300H&H, also a very nice rifle, stock was refinished, they did a good job on it. $1800 shipped...
  31. Robmill70

    375HH & 416RM Brass For Sale

    Update: 3 bags of 416RM brass left 1 bag 375HH Prices include shipping to US
  32. Robmill70

    Want To Buy Or Trade 308 Norma Mag & 358 Norma Mag I just got some 308 Norma mag from RavenRock..... and they are a site sponsor!
  33. Robmill70

    375HH & 416RM Brass For Sale

    I have some brass I'm clearing out, new unfired: Hornady 375 HH 50ct $90 shipped Remington 416 Rem Mag 50 ct $75 shipped I have 5 or 6 bags of the 416.
  34. Robmill70


    Looks like you got the answers....I just flew Lufthansa (Seattle/Joburg) last month and had no issues. You have your transfer permit, good. Did you tell them at the time of booking that you would have a firearm? if not, just call customer service and tell them and have it annotated on your...
  35. Robmill70

    Want To Buy Or Trade 308 Norma Mag & 358 Norma Mag

    Received my 308 Norma Mag brass yesterday, looks good!
  36. Robmill70

    Wanted Factory CZ550 Barrel In 375 H&H Or 458 Lott

    Looking for a factory CZ 550 barrel in 375 H&H or 458 Lott if anyone has one or knows of one.....thanks
  37. Robmill70

    Brass Discount

    Thanks for the tip, I picked up some 308 Norma Mag brass
  38. Robmill70

    .300 H&H Brass

    Still available?
  39. Robmill70

    JM Marlin 444

    New owner is going to be very happy, it's a great round!
  40. Robmill70

    Winchester Model 70 • 375 H&H • Super Express

    Great looking wood on it! GLWS
  41. Robmill70

    1908 7x57 Mauser Barreled Action For Sale

    These make great affordable hunting rifles! GLWS
  42. Robmill70

    Model 70s

    I believe the Westerner was the 26" Barrel "model"
  43. Robmill70

    SOUTH AFRICA: South Africa Limpopo 10 Day Hunt

    The best part of the hunt was being able to share it with my son.
  44. Nyala Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Nyala Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  45. Giraffe Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Giraffe Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  46. Eland Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Eland Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  47. Impala Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Impala Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  48. Kudu Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Kudu Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  49. Bushbuck Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Bushbuck Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  50. Robmill70

    SOUTH AFRICA: South Africa Limpopo 10 Day Hunt

    We are heading back to South Africa! My son and I along with 2 other buddies decided to go back to Dinkwe Safaris since they took such great care of us last year. After flying coach last year, I decided to use some milage points and splurge a little bit on an upgrade. Decided to go with...