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  1. ScottG

    Buffalo 42" Hard Boss

    Beautiful. Great work
  2. ScottG

    Chris Troskie Safaris 2014 Hunt Pics

    Good stuff some great animals.
  3. ScottG

    Elaphant charge

    he probably just tucks them in his boots
  4. ScottG

    The return from the Amazon

    Thanks for sharing. Looks like a great adventure.
  5. ScottG

    Lechwe Pictures

    Wow magnificent creatures.
  6. ScottG

    2 Vietnamese arrested with rhino horns in South Africa anti-poaching operation

    Arresting these two is a good start. The Africans ate being used. The people at the source are the ones who need to be deterred. Two Vietnamese sitting in a south African jail might help. Maybe a coulple of their cell mates are animal lovers and they give them some love. See guys the...
  7. ScottG

    54 Rhino Poaching Suspects Arrested in KNP in October

    I hope lawful justice awaits them.
  8. ScottG


    Hunting and conservation who would have thunk it?
  9. ScottG

    In Major Setback for Anti-Hunting Efforts; FWS Rejects Attempts to Stop Lion Hunting

    Great news let's hpoe its a step in the right direction.
  10. ScottG

    Big Bore Addiction Group

    Yea as long as I'm alive screaming like a little girl wouldn't be so bad.
  11. ScottG

    Big Bore Addiction Group

    That must be a great camera man. I'd only get the picture if it was strapped to my back.
  12. ScottG

    Anti-poaching Success in Zimbabwe

    Maybe the poachers will figure the price is too high, but sadly there are others always willing to fill the void.
  13. ScottG

    In memoriam - Protege Professional Hunter Mageka Ntuli Killed by Leopard

    Very sorry to hear this sad news. My prayers are with the family and friends.
  14. ScottG

    Thank you Jerome!!

    Great sight. Thanks Jerome. Also thanks to the knowledgeable members. Lots of great info and everyone is made to feel welcome. Not all the hate and trash talk you see everywhere. Courteousness and respect go hand in hand when one is being taught to handle weapons and hunt. They call us...
  15. ScottG

    German Drilling help? Let's see what you know

    Great gun enjoy it.
  16. ScottG

    UN proposing Lead Ban Worldwide

    I took that oath.
  17. ScottG

    CT Shotgun

    Very nice stuff.
  18. ScottG

    The last hunt and the "velodog salchichas"....

    Sausage, Boudin all good here in Louisiana.
  19. ScottG

    It's really happening, I am going in April!

    Congrats. Have a good safe trip.
  20. ScottG


    Welcome glad to have you.
  21. ScottG

    Greetings from New Hampshire

    Welcome and I hope you get your dream.
  22. ScottG

    SOUTH AFRICA: First Blood Package With Bushwack Safaris

    Good hunting and more importantly. Thank you for your service.
  23. ScottG

    Right to Hunt vs Animal Rights

    There are a lot of irresponsibly pet owners out there. They get these animals and don't want them after the puppy phase has worn off. They get too big to keep in their apartment. The country is full of abused animals, but once again we get the blame for this. There are people that spend more...
  24. ScottG

    Right to Hunt vs Animal Rights

    I don't think the does would be happy about that. I would call that cruel, and to what end? The extinction of the species? That makes total since.
  25. ScottG

    Asians use locals to poach in Africa

    They have little overhead this way. Someone gets caught the high tail it out of country. Poor hungry people will do a lot for a little. It's what keeps the war lords on that continent in business.
  26. ScottG

    Right to Hunt vs Animal Rights

  27. ScottG

    Right to Hunt vs Animal Rights

    They are just a PR machine. They don't help solve any problems or issues. Where were they when the Turkey was in jeopardy. Where are they when trying to stop the habitat loss that is happening up and down the gulf coast. They confuse us with the criminals that poach, and kill excess amount...
  28. ScottG

    New member

    Welcome look forward to your stories and input.
  29. ScottG

    Death of Bryan Smith

    Prayers go out to his family.
  30. ScottG

    Bait like a pro

    Night Crawlers.
  31. ScottG

    Coutada 14 - Zambezi Delta, Mozambique

    Congrats sounds like you and your son have some great memories to look back upon.
  32. ScottG

    Favorite Safari Hat and Rifle Sling

    Never liked the bonnie hats. Didn't hear well with them Amplified the noise coming from the ground and hindered the sounds coming from around you. Seen guys cut the brim for this reason. Not much help from the sun with a short brim.
  33. ScottG

    Sleeping Lioness Taxidermy

    Awesome love it. Great imagination just a great job.
  34. ScottG

    Your Going On Safari Somewhere, Anywhere, Things To Watch From A Taxidermist View…

    Thank you Sir. Great info very valuable.
  35. ScottG

    BENIN Hunting Information

    Very educational. Thanks.
  36. ScottG

    SOUTH AFRICA: Day Four Of My Safari

    Great job. Have a great trip and good hunting.
  37. ScottG

    Ideas for Plains Game Backskins

    Great ideas and great stuff. Like the vest.
  38. ScottG

    What is this animal?

    Officer and a Gentleman 1982 Lou Gosset Jr. The state was interchangeable another Marine I might add.
  39. ScottG

    Congratulations to Monique & Jacques Spamer

    Congrats!!! Take lots of pictures they will be grown up before you know it.
  40. ScottG

    Colonel Craig Boddington Petition

    I never met him, only read his articles and watched him on TV. Seems like the kind of man a U. S. Marine would want to follow. Thanks for your service Col Boddington. Cpl G.
  41. ScottG

    Do you document your trophies?

    Yep they don't squeal as bad.
  42. ScottG

    Do you document your trophies?

    Did that once or twice my self. Normally I was the one holding the back end down.
  43. ScottG

    What are the more important features that you look for in a hunting lodge?

    I'm a bit of a romantic I would like my first trip to have the feeling of the safari's of old. Tents lots of traveling, moving around taking in all that Africa has to give as she has done for so long. Also I would like to be able to take the family and have them comfortable and enjoy...
  44. ScottG

    Why shoot certain species?

    Sadly the loss of the animal populations will continue and will be blamed on the hunters. Human passion is blinding, it will not let them see the facts even if it means survival of a species.
  45. ScottG

    Expected Announcement From U.S. FWS Will Close Elephant Imports From Zimbabwe, Tanzania

    Continued education from these people could sway opinion. Let's hope.
  46. ScottG

    African Leaders Included In Wildlife Trafficking Discussions

    Lets hope that including the African leaders into the discussion will change the minds of our leaders so that they may understand that hunting has it's place in the protection of the animals of Africa for not only their people but the people of the world. One of them may find the courage to...
  47. ScottG

    Leopard & Baboons Scene

    Leopard is awesome. Love the intensity.
  48. ScottG

    My Amazing Gemsbok

    Keep up the advetures.