I think training has a lot to do with it. The untrained and those in situations that haven't encountered before react. Those who train, or even have knowledge and expectations of a given situation or more likely to be able to evaluate the situation versus just an uncontrollable reaction. I...
Oh I don't know. There is nothing wrong with a beautiful woman with some age on her. Every wrinkle tells a story. You love them for who they are not what you can make her into.
Up to date pricing, photos, turn off to see outdated pricing and photos from two to three years past. My first thought are you still in business my second is to X out on my to look at another site.
Girl came in to my store wanted a filter 16x24. The only ones I had said 24x16. I sold it to her. She returned later she wanted a refund her mother said it was the wrong size. I didn't even bother to try to explain.
I've had customers tell me I charged them the wrong price. I increased...
They don't offer any help with a solution, just stopping American hunters from importing. We are supporting and helping by bringing millions into these countries. I'd at least have some respect if they were stepping up with money or resources to help with the problems. They are just satisfying...
Don't take much stock in what comes from someone hiding behind thousands of miles and a screen name. They probably never done anything positive to help any cause. They spew hate and discontent only to improve their miserable lives. My son has a new way of dealing with bad situation . Bless...
Good stuff. The PH's seem to get all the glory, but it is a good man that knows it is not done alone. The people working around help bring it all together. People see that and they will follow honorable men. You show your honor and your thanks by sharing them with us. Thank you.
International, how do they know what is going on. How about we internationals turn our eyes north to the horror that is inflicted upon poor villagers. They don't dress up in cool "Native" dress is the only answer I can see.
Good info, you ravage an area then get your media machine to point the fingers at the other guys so you can have his too, all while playing the good guy. I'd say education would be the answer, but not sure that would help either. Lots of sides to this, but still no compromise.
You would think you would have seen that 60 to70 years ago not in 2014. There huge gaps in our world. Thanks for sharing. Love looking and learning this kind is stuff.
I'd say it's like being an independent farmer here in the states. Lots more work than pay making just enough to get by but do it because you love it and wouldn't change it for anything.
Nope wouldn't do it. I wouldn't fly all that way to do that. If you needed to get them off the property, shoot them and be done with it. Why would you film that?
get the man off your property. he should have been finished days ago. what he is doing is wrong but airing a mans dirty laundry is not right either. tell him he is done pack his trash and drop him at the embassy. Why is he still there?
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