Search results

  1. Ardent

    .450 Rigby whats your opinion

    It's an Empire rifle, 21" barrel with Sunny Hill cut double square bridges, 4+1 capacity, peep sight. Weighs about 9 3/4.
  2. Ardent

    .450 Rigby whats your opinion

    My .450, probably my favourite .458 bore cartridge,
  3. Ardent

    New Hunting Accessory: The Big Five Up In Smoke

    Thanks! Appreciate the comment as it's my favourite too. He was also the most challenging to carve, due to the aspect. If you look closely his head and his butt are only a bit more than a 1/16" different in depth I imagine. Had to create the illusion of depth by shrinking everything back from...
  4. Ardent

    New Hunting Accessory: The Big Five Up In Smoke

    Little more detail pics and more finish went on today,
  5. Ardent

    Free Hunt for One Hunter & One Observer from Arc Africa Hunting Safaris for 2015

    My only regret is the lightning bolt above the elephants barely shows. It was a surreal moment and the warm pre-storm winds were picking up, the elephants got out of the water and started our way. Like everyone's I'm sure, the picture for me is a moment and when looking at it, cheesy as it...
  6. Ardent

    New Hunting Accessory: The Big Five Up In Smoke

    I figure if a man as smart as Einstein could enjoy a pipe without worry, a man as obtuse as me can too. It's quite pleasant, a small ritual. I don't smoke cigarettes, my brother smokes enough for both of us, but do enjoy the odd pipe and cigar.
  7. Ardent

    New Hunting Accessory: The Big Five Up In Smoke

    Thanks gentlemen, it will look better after it gets more oil, it's starting to get a satin shine and glow here now. I'll update with the final finish, I burned the V darker as well.
  8. Ardent

    New Hunting Accessory: The Big Five Up In Smoke

    Thanks Austin, no I whittled a lot as a kid but this is the first "real" carving I've attempted, aside from lots of wooden boats and men as a kid. Would lose them in the creek at the farm fairly frequently. Unfortunately my day job is as a bush pilot and outfitter. Carving is a lot more pleasant...
  9. Ardent

    New Hunting Accessory: The Big Five Up In Smoke

    A Boer War pipe is something to be proud of gizmo! I'll keep it in mind regarding carving another. Thanks ZG and Brickburn, beats TV and mine doesn't work up here anyhow.
  10. Ardent

    New Hunting Accessory: The Big Five Up In Smoke

    Thanks guys, I'm relatively pleased with it, will put it to use around the fire in the fall.
  11. Ardent

    New Hunting Accessory: The Big Five Up In Smoke

    Thanks! I don't have TV up here so this is the evening past time... And AH of course on the smartphone. Unfortunately the smartphone is also the only camera I have, and it muddies the detail, but hopefully the idea comes through.
  12. Ardent

    New Hunting Accessory: The Big Five Up In Smoke

    Decided I needed a project to get me through our Northern Canadian winter that isn't gone for awhile yet. Carved a Big Five themed pipe, it received its first coat of oil tonight. Thought you guys may enjoy, the little motifs on the back either side of the stem are the two of the five I've been...
  13. Ardent

    Free Hunt for One Hunter & One Observer from Arc Africa Hunting Safaris for 2015

    I know this is very troublesome and makes counting a pain, but could I change to select #3? Feel bad asking but it's my "repeat glance" favourite, I'd put that on my wall, my original selection I couldn't envision there.
  14. Ardent

    Free Hunt for One Hunter & One Observer from Arc Africa Hunting Safaris for 2015

    Honour to be here guys, good luck to all and I'm blown away AH, Arc Safaris, and all the wonderful partners are able to put these contests on. It's better than a magazine subscription reading watching threads. Reminds me, I need to renew my AH supporter membership, it's unreal here best forum...
  15. Free Hunt Contest from Arc Africa Hunting Safaris 2015

    Free Hunt Contest from Arc Africa Hunting Safaris 2015

  16. Ardent

    H&H Royal .375 Flanged Nitro Mag For Elephant

    Lots of good thoughts here and I'll try and address them all in one post. The sell, then go option has me leery, for two reasons. One, I'm not sure I could stomach seeing this go to auction just yet, and I'm enjoying it immensely, it would be a lot easier to stomach considering an exchange and...
  17. Ardent

    H&H Royal .375 Flanged Nitro Mag For Elephant

    Thanks guys for all the thoughts and points, some excellent ones here and while I'm reading them all, on the road and using my phone will have to get the computer on to reply appropriately, Angus
  18. Ardent

    H&H Royal .375 Flanged Nitro Mag For Elephant

    The factory single trigger engraving.
  19. Ardent

    H&H Royal .375 Flanged Nitro Mag For Elephant

    Thanks guys it's a long shot but seems a "safe" proposition for me. We'd paper it properly and set it up right. Odds of connecting an exchange are low, but I'd rather do this than sell and book, as if I don't find a hunt I'm not out my Royal, more casual. Feels a little safer than sending out...
  20. Ardent

    H&H Royal .375 Flanged Nitro Mag For Elephant

    Here's an odd proposition. I'm this guy, I was taken for everything I have and more for years ahead on a Rhino hunt scam in 2014: Long story short I sent everything and even took a loan for...
  21. Ardent

    Free Hunt for One Hunter & One Observer from Arc Africa Hunting Safaris for 2015

    That is a proper fire, work around some doosies up here in Northern Canada as well, always wondered how fires must get on in the dry season in Africa.
  22. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    The help here has been indispensable, sorry to be so quiet in this thread, been dealing in emails and messages on it. Bossie has been enormously helpful and got the ball rolling in a way I was struggling to, won't be forgotten guys. I don't want to say I've given up on my money and lost it, as...
  23. Ardent

    Free Hunt for One Hunter & One Observer from Arc Africa Hunting Safaris for 2015

    Running wild Wood Bison, Northwest Territories, in Canada's subarctic.
  24. Ardent

    Free Hunt for One Hunter & One Observer from Arc Africa Hunting Safaris for 2015

    Will see what others I can turn up. Zim Cape Buffalo bull stare. Says a lot without any words. Zim Cape Buffalo. Northern British Columbia wild Wood Bison, at work. Elk in meadow. Sheep rock hopping. Field School on the edge of a Cape Buffalo herd on shot placement, with Jon...
  25. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    Theo is in an unfortunate position, and is a good man I've dealt with before very successfully, I have confidence in him. What I am particularly concerned about at present is getting the money "Rhinocon" has back immediately.
  26. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    Thanks guys, unfortunately no chip number, I do however have the original spec sheet and a photo. I do believe he got into this well intentioned and thought he could do it, however they made a royal cluster of it, it appears, and never got the permits or became outfitters. It's sad for all...
  27. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    Thanks a bunch there, I actually believe he started off well intentioned and unfortunately got in over his head and is taking a bunch of people's money in the process. I believe it is being justified as not their fault in their minds, fact remains that if what it looks like was going on, trying...
  28. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    Sounds very good thanks Brickburn
  29. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    Won't be fun, but I'm not going to roll over and take it. As a side note, Happy New Year guys.
  30. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    Thanks Brickburn, I'd appreciate that. At the point where it sure isn't looking good, so any help appreciated. Mr. Bakker, listed as CEO and he's the fellow that is supposed to do the communication, Mr. Wyk, listed as Director and PH...
  31. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    Some of this information will be superfluous however I might as well share everything I have as others are being ripped off here as well, and you never know what is useful to them.
  32. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    The lawyer through which "Rhinocon" communicated to my agent is, J. J. BADENHORST & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS PRACTICE NO. 14837 10 BERT CLOSE, HELDERKRUIN ROODEPOORT, 1724
  33. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    It's not looking up, briefly Mr. Bakker made promises of a refund and even called to say he'd be sending a legal refund contract, now about a month later and silence (though he is reading my messages sent to him, getting read receipts) I've just about lost hope. His partner in this business is...
  34. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    No good news yet guys, the lawyers are about to get involved.
  35. Ardent

    318wr old girl has seen better times

    Can't fault you in the slightest for that, and it's the best place she could go. He's just like the rest of us lost souls, a century behind!
  36. Ardent

    318wr old girl has seen better times

    Edit: Keep me in mind if WR is too high on cost and you look to sell, just saw your comment it's off to them. Most of the way through a Greener project and eyeing for the next. I even have a .330" blank for the job. Angus
  37. Ardent

    Shooter's Point of View Firing .505 Gibbs, .470 Nitro, .450 Rigby, and .375 H&H (Video)

    Good stuff Jaco, thanks for letting me know, I was unaware there was anywhere else for self guided Elephant.
  38. Ardent

    Shooter's Point of View Firing .505 Gibbs, .470 Nitro, .450 Rigby, and .375 H&H (Video)

    Thanks Brian, and Witold. Brian I spend about 60% of my time just outside Fort Nelson, British Columbia (long form for those not familiar!), but we own properties in northern rockies Alberta and southern rockies Alberta as well. Was in High Level for some years as well, chasing helicopters and...
  39. Ardent

    Ruger’s Forgotten Gold Label: Everything Its Name Suggests

    I still feel like I should have kept both to be honest, and kept #2505 unfired, but frankly being the first to fire a gun I appreciate as much as the Gold Label after it sat in a box for a decade was a privilege I couldn't ignore.
  40. Ardent

    Ruger’s Forgotten Gold Label: Everything Its Name Suggests

    You wouldn't regret it, and even at what they sell for today, they're still a steal.
  41. Ardent

    Slugs for Bear

    Xpraetor nailed it, Brenneke are what I would opt for. What province is this Skyline? Must be eastern. I too carry a shotgun at work, though not by choice, especially as we're in solid Grizzly country. I've used conventional slugs on quite a few bears, and they are miserable as stoppers. Federal...
  42. Ardent

    Ruger’s Forgotten Gold Label: Everything Its Name Suggests

    Full article in original format here: Ruger’s Forgotten Gold Label: Everything Its Name Suggests One of the few guns I own essentially immune from sale to fund a hunt, yet also one in particular...
  43. Ardent

    The First Mauser Kurz Small Ring & Only Second Known

    Thanks Witold! Lucky to have enjoyed her company, now somebody else will.
  44. Ardent

    I blame all of you...

    Likely indeed, just never acquired the Spruce Grouse tastebud, Ruffed I'll take all I can get. Spruce are the more beautiful bird, and the less pleasing on the plate. This said, when very hungry in a very remote place, they taste wonderful. Hope you don't mind a slight digression... My...
  45. Ardent

    The First Mauser Kurz Small Ring & Only Second Known

    Wonderfully put there Velo, can understand completely the sentiments you describe there in the end of your post. Every once in awhile when deep in the territories or northern BC, I bellow a long yell with a smile on my face for no apparent reason- just like shouting into a canyon. No matter how...
  46. Ardent

    I blame all of you...

    I'm glad someone else here notes the danger ptarmigan and spruce grouse can pose. I'd like to take a moment to share an old family spruce grouse recipe as well, -Heat oven to 375 -Oil a cast iron pan with olive oil -Place a flat, smooth rock (creek rock ideal) in the pan and oil it too. The...
  47. Ardent

    I blame all of you...

    I am simple minded with regards to the .375 H&H, and use H4895 for all loads now, though I've used RL15, H4350, and a couple others. I load the 300gr TSX over 65grs of H4895, seated to the top groove, and it's worked from -35 to +40 for me from bolts and a double with no issues in any of them...