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  1. Megatherium

    New Member from BC Canada

    Welcome and Waidmannsheil from Germany !
  2. Megatherium


    Hi Shootist43, a lot of questions. I am using mostly a Blaser R8 in 30.06 when hunting at home in Germany. Sometines I am taking out my Tikka 3 Varmint in .223 for small predators (Fox, Enok, Racoon, Badger) in case sombody needs some of those bodies in order to train their hunting dogs. For...
  3. Megatherium


    Hi, mostly old Oryx bulls (non medal trophys, just for the meat), Impala and Baboons. I am still waiting or a proper Kudu bull. All being close to were still to young. So, I let them go. Just taking some pictures.
  4. Megatherium


    Hello hunting community, I am a hunter from northern Germany. Mostly hunting on roebuck and wildboar as well as small predators. Having been a few times in Namibia and Poland in the last years. Looking forward hunting on Mufflon in Czech Republik this autumn. On my longterm list of wishes...